
Mins. August 2023

Minutes Uploaded on August 2, 2023



Minutes of Meeting held at Ipplepen Millennium Centre


On Tuesday 1st August 2023 at 7.15pm


The following minutes will be considered for approval at the next Parish Council Meeting and may be subject to change until that time.


In attendance:

Coun.Palethorpe (Chairman)             Coun.Rattlidge

Coun.Burnham                                      Coun.Jerwood

Coun.Farrow                                          Coun.Smith


Miss Cat Freston – Parish Clerk

Coun.Palethorpe District Councillor

Coun.Dewhirst – County Councillor


Four Members of the public present


46) APOLOGIES – Coun.Carnell (Vice Chair), Coun.Mrs.Calland, Coun.Latter, Coun.Ranjit (Apologies approved unanimously).


47) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST –  No declaration of interest.




Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 4th July 2023, were approved and signed by the Chairman.




Ipplepen Carnival asked if any Councillors would be able to Marshall for the Carnival on Saturday 12th August 2023. Five Councillors offered to help.


A member of the public spoke about the parked cars on Foredown Road. Pedestrians are having to negotiate around parked cars and put themselves in the line of the traffic.  Coun.Dewhirst will speak to the local Highways Engineer and also raise the issue with the Head of Highways to see what can be done. The Parish Council will put a letter on the windscreens of the cars on Foredown Road asking them to park safely along the Road.




  1. a) IpplePlanet are planning to hold a stall for the Carnival Week Stall Crawl, Sunday 6th August 11am to 4pm, including set-up time, opening time 12noon to 3pm.  They are hoping to put up a pop-up marquee (approx. 3x3m square) opposite the Recreation Ground entrance.  (This is where ice cream vans often park temporarily by the Recreation ground.)  Alternately, they were wondering if the Parish Council would give permission for them to put their marquee on the Recreation ground itself.  Partly to avoid people and children crossing the access road to get from the playpark to our stall.  They will not put up their marquee on the Recreation Ground without permission or if there is another weather warning and they have a Risk Assessment. Action – Councillors present at the meeting are happy for Ippleplanet to use the Recreation Ground.
  2. b) Ipplepen Football Club have been successful in their grant application, receiving 75% funding for the new kitchen and storage containers.

They hope to complete the kitchen by the end of September/early October.

Then, if the planning is approved they will install the new containers.

They thanked the Parish council for their help with this. Coun.Farrow confirmed a planning application has been submitted.

  1. c) Ipplepen Carnival Club have emailed asking for permission to use the Playing Field on Friday 11th and Saturday 12th August 2023. Action – It was agreed that the Carnival Club could use the Playing Field and the clerk will notify Devon Air Ambulance.
  2. d) Newton Abbot Town Council have emailed with reference to Teignbridge Association of Local Councils (TALC).

They have been considering whether TALC has a place to play in moving forward. So to that end I have decided to write to each and everyone of you within Teignbridge District Council area, to find out whether you would support resurrecting TALC, and whether you are prepared to attend either a face-to-face meeting or virtual meeting.

To  gauge whether it is worth pursuing this line, they have asked the Parish Council to answer the questions below.

Question 1. Should TALC be reinstated                                     Yes/No

Question 2: if TALC was to be reinstated, would you appoint a representative             Yes/No

Question 3:  should TALC meetings be, if you have preference                                    Face to Face/ Virtual

Action – It was agreed that the TALC should be reinstated and there would be a representative and face to face meeting would be preferred.

  1. e) A resident has emailed about several incidences of rats in their garden. Teignbridge District Council provides a free service to help with rodent issues. Action – Clerk to reply.


Outside Bodies: – Nothing to report.




District Report – Coun.Palethorpe

The District Council at the Council meeting on 25 July agreed to invest £4m to update and decarbonise the Broadmeadow Sports Centre to bring it up to the standards expected by users in the 21st Century.

In common with Councils across the country Teignbridge submitted a request to the Government for an extension to the requirement to commit the spending of the £9.2m Future its Street Fund to develop and upgrade the Newton Abbot Market and Square, including the building of a new 4 screen cinema beyond March 2024. I’m pleased that the Government has now provided an extension to September 2025 and also agreed that limited amendments, if necessary to the original proposals may be possible without having to refer back to Westminster.

The Council also agreed to contact the Train Operators and express the public dismay at the plans to close ticket offices in stations across the District and the impact on the vulnerable of what is clearly a cost cutting proposal.

Over the last month I have continued to act on issues raised by our residents and would like to say thank you for your patience and understanding that the wheels of seeking a resolution do sometimes grind very slowly.


David Palethorpe

Cllr for Ipplepen – Teignbridge District Council



County Report – Coun.Dewhirst


The Vision Zero South West road safety partnership has issued a plea to motorists to slow down on roads in South Devon.

More than 1,800 drivers were caught exceeding the speed limit on a 40mph stretch of the A380 Torbay Link Road in just over six hours of speed monitoring.

1,821 drivers were detected travelling over the speed limit.

126 drivers were detected travelling at speeds over 60mph.

The top speed recorded was 75mph.

Between 2018 and 2022, there have been nine serious collisions and 30 slight collisions on the A380 between Edginswell and Tweenaway Cross, which has prompted a safety warning from Devon & Cornwall Police’s Head of Road Safety, Adrian Leisk.

He said: “Sadly, there is clearly a significant problem on this section and these numbers are far too high for such a busy road.   This is particularly concerning given that emergency services have attended nine serious collisions here in the past few years.

“The Marldon Way section is a 40mph limit and clearly signed as such.   The speed limits were introduced by Devon County Council following junction reconfiguration at Preston Down Roundabout and the construction of the new Kings Ash section by Torbay Council, designed to reduce the risks around approaching queuing or slow-moving traffic heading into Paignton.

“We know that speed is a major cause in fatal and serious collisions.   Travelling too fast not only gives you less time to react, but also significantly increases the likelihood of sustaining fatal or serious injuries in the event of a crash.

“Please heed this advice that our Speed Detection Team will be making regular visits to this section over the coming weeks to focus awareness around the posted speed limit. This isn’t about making money, it’s about keeping people safe.”

Two of our Council services that support children and young people have been applauded by people who have used the services at an anniversary celebration this week.

Y-Smart supports children and young people who have drug or alcohol-related issues, and those who experience parents or carers and siblings misusing drugs or alcohol.

The service has supported thousands of young people in the 21 years it’s been operating – around 8,250 young people since 2002, and has about 650 people referred to it each year.   It has also delivered around 4,560 education sessions into schools, talking to young people about risks associated with drugs and alcohol.

And the council’s Reach Team, which supports young people at risk of going missing from care or home and potentially becoming victims of exploitation, has been running for 10 years.

This month marks the first birthday of the Growing Communities Fund (GCF) and since its launch it has been supporting local communities through the cost-of-living crisis.

The Council have awarded more than £530,000 to 300 different local projects, many of which are helping communities cope with continued high costs of food and bills.   The GCF supports proactive, effective, measurable and sustainable actions to enable individuals and communities to build self-reliance and improve mental health and wellbeing.

According to the Office of National Statistics, the price of consumer goods and services rose at the fastest rate in four decades in the year to October 2022.   The cost of food increased by 14.6% in the year to last September reaching its highest level since 1980 and continues to rise.

The grants aim to help local groups and organisations to become more resilient and help those in their communities’ cope with these financial pressures.   More details can be found at

The Holiday Activities and Food programme, has had a good take-up so far by young people, but there are still places available.

Parents of children aged five to 16, who receive benefit-related free school meals, are invited to take part in a range of exciting activities these summer holidays.


A full list of the activities and how to apply are on the Holiday Activities and Food programme website.

Sports including swimming and football, paddleboarding, kayaking, canoeing, mountain biking, arts and craft, treasure hunts, forest school, magicians and storytellers…the list goes on. And this year there are more places available for secondary school age ranges, with activities including go-karting, climbing, trampolining, high ropes and surfing.

You can access the full range of activities here

Alistair Dewhirst –


52) PLANNING – Coun.Farrow


District Councillor, Coun.Palethorpe is on the Planning Committee for TDC, so will not comment or vote on any Planning Applications discussed below.

To consider the following planning applications:

23/01303/NPA – Application for Prior Approval under Part 3 Class Q (a) and (b) paragraph W of the GPDO for change of use of part of an agricultural building to a dwelling house at Barn at Kittymore Bridge, Totnes Road, Ipplepen.

Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed that Ipplepen Parish Council have no objection in principle, providing the application complies with the timescale of the GDPO under Part 3 Class Q (a) and (b) paragraph W. Seconded by Coun.Rattlidge. (All unanimous).

23/01350/CLDE – Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of dwelling in non-compliance with agricultural tying condition at Dainton Park, Dainton.

Comment: A decision was made on Monday 31st July 2023 by Teignbridge District Council.


53) AMENITIES –  Coun.Palethorpe


The Minutes of the Amenities meeting held on 11th July 2023, were approved and taken as read.


  1. a) The Roundabout in the Toddler Play Area at the Recreation Ground has now been repaired and re-installed. Thank you to Chris and Charlie from Outdoor Play for their assistance and Coun.Rattlidge, Coun.Jerwood and Coun.Carnell for their help.
  2. b) The resurfacing of the Millennium Centre Car Park and access path to the centre is programmed to take place starting on the 23rd August 2023.
  3. c) The contract for the re-roofing of the Clampitt Road Toilet block has now been let. The contractors will notify the Parish Council of a start date.
  4. d) The Cottage Garden committee and IppleTipple Committee once aging produced a fantastic event for Ipplepen in spite for the weather. We were asked and agreed to allow the Maypole to remain in situ for Carnival Week in August.

It is unfortunate that a small amount of damage was caused to the toilets and soap dispensers, etc in the Recreation Ground Toilet Block over the Cottage Garden/IppleTipple weekend.

  1. e) The Skatepark/Wheeled Sports Committee has now been formed and met on 11 July. Reports will be submitted on future agendas.
  2. f) IpplePlanet have requested that the Parish Council agree a Memorandum of Understanding to formalise a working co-operation between the two organisations.
  3. g) All of the allotments have now been allocated.


54) FINANCE & PERSONNEL – Coun.Smith


Balance No.                                                                                       £  42,011.30


MCMC – Reimbursement for electricity                                             £          22.47

Football Club – Rent                                                                           £       150.00

Mill Centre – Rent                                                                               £         55.00

Allotment Tenants – Rent                                                                   £         90.00


Balance                                                                                              £   42,328.77   


Invoices Received and Approved:                                                  £   5,222.98  


Balance                                                                                              £  37,105.79


Reserve Account Balance                                               £ 165,700.47


                                                                                                            £ 202,806.26

Items to discuss: Nothing to discuss





  1. Smith received a report about two open BT covers along the footpath along Biltor Road. These have been reported and the covers have been put back.
  2. A resident has approached Coun.Smith about the large vehicle that has been parked on Blackstone Cross for quite a long time and hasn’t moved. As the vehicle is taxed and has MOT there isn’t anything the Parish Council can do.
  3. Beech Drive will be closed between 31st July and 4th August and Mayfair Road will be closed from 2nd August to 8th August 2023 due to contractors carrying out works on behalf of Wildanet.


56) PUBLIC QUESTION TIME – A resident has mentioned about cars parking in an antisocial manner along Fore Street. Coun.Palethorpe will write to Coun.Dewhirst to ask if the yellow lines can be extended.


57) To note the date of the next PC meeting: Tuesday 5th September at 7.15pm


Meeting Closed at 20.27pm