Cllr Roger Carnell (RC)-Chair
Cllr Dave Burnham (DB)
Cllr Stephen Latter (SL)
Cllr Bill Jerwood (BJ)
The meeting opened at 19:05 hours
- The Chairman will open the Meeting and receive apologies.
Apologies received from:
Cllr Jon Ranjit (JR)
Cllr David Palethorpe (DP)
- To declare any interests arising at this meeting and to consider any dispensation requests relating to this meeting.
No interests were declared
- The Council will convene to conduct the following business:
- Swing safety surface
RC recommended BJ contacts Chris at Outdoor Play for quote as concerns raised with carrying out repairs in terms of longevity and safety
- Allotment plot numbers
BJ has found suitable numbers for purchase from eBay. BJ to liaise with Cat to purchase
- Allotment gates and gate posts
In hand with DP
- Park/Village hall fences
In hand with RC & DP.PC to liaise with Village Hall rep to discuss further
- Rec electric sockets
In hand with DP. Meter required for recording of consumption.Supply rating to be confirmed
- Bowden Rd bench
RC advised concrete pad cost agreed. Liaising with contractor. Bench in situ
- Goal post installation
Awaiting confirmation from Cllr Dennis Smith re discussions with the FA and potential availability of free posts
- Clampitt toilet roof
RC advised works to commence 20 Oct .
- Remembrance day road closure
RC advised wreath ordered. Signage to be placed out Sat 11th Nov by SL
RC to liaise with Ippleplanet re flower beds
- Recreation Ground toilet block
RC advised that timer clocks need adjusting.-recommend 17:00 hours closing? To be confirmed/agreed and discussed further.
- Allotment inspections
BJ & SL to liaise and carryout inspections. Install new numbers at same time
- DCC Highways invoice
On hold as nobody aware of this. Needs further investigation-Cat to confirm
- Arrange a date for the Emergency Plan meeting
RJ has suggested after next Amenities meeting-14 November 2023
- Inspection of grit bins
RC suggested that anyone walking around inspects
- Corner of park access road has pot hole that urgently requires filling. BJ to fill with postcrete
- RC advised Bowling Club hedge has been cut
- JR to confirm status of skate park removal-needs addressing as soon as possible
- To note the date of the next meeting: Tuesday 14th November 2023.
Meeting closed – 19:48 hours