
Amenities Mins October 2023

AmenitiesMinutes Uploaded on October 16, 2023




Cllr Roger Carnell (RC)-Chair

Cllr Dave Burnham (DB)

Cllr Stephen Latter (SL)

Cllr Bill Jerwood (BJ)


The meeting opened at 19:05 hours

  1. The Chairman will open the Meeting and receive apologies.

Apologies received from:

Cllr Jon Ranjit (JR)

Cllr David Palethorpe (DP)


  1. To declare any interests arising at this meeting and to consider any dispensation requests relating to this meeting.

No interests were declared



  1. The Council will convene to conduct the following business:


  1. Swing safety surface

RC recommended BJ contacts Chris at Outdoor Play for quote as concerns raised with carrying out repairs in terms of longevity and safety


  1. Allotment plot numbers

BJ has found suitable numbers for purchase from eBay. BJ to liaise with Cat to purchase


  1. Allotment gates and gate posts

In hand with DP


  1. Park/Village hall fences

In hand with RC & DP.PC to liaise with Village Hall rep to discuss further


  1. Rec electric sockets

In hand with DP. Meter required for recording of consumption.Supply rating to be confirmed



  1. Bowden Rd bench

RC advised concrete pad cost agreed. Liaising with contractor. Bench in situ


  1. Goal post installation

Awaiting confirmation from Cllr Dennis Smith re discussions with the FA and potential availability of free posts


  1. Clampitt toilet roof

RC advised works to commence 20 Oct .


  1. Remembrance day road closure

RC advised wreath ordered. Signage to be placed out Sat 11th Nov by SL

RC to liaise with Ippleplanet re flower beds


  1. Recreation Ground toilet block

RC advised that timer clocks need adjusting.-recommend 17:00 hours closing? To be confirmed/agreed and discussed further.


  1. Allotment inspections

BJ & SL to liaise and carryout inspections. Install new numbers at same time


  1. DCC Highways invoice

On hold as nobody aware of this. Needs further investigation-Cat to confirm


  1. Arrange a date for the Emergency Plan meeting

RJ has suggested after next Amenities meeting-14 November 2023


  1. Inspection of grit bins

RC suggested that anyone walking around inspects



  1. Corner of park access road has pot hole that urgently requires filling. BJ to fill with postcrete
  2. RC advised Bowling Club hedge has been cut
  3. JR to confirm status of skate park removal-needs addressing as soon as possible



  1. To note the date of the next meeting: Tuesday 14th November 2023.


Meeting closed – 19:48 hours