Cllr R Carnell (RC)-Chair
Cllr D Palethorpe (DP)
Cllr D Burnham (DB)
Cllr B Jerwood (BJ)
The meeting opened at 19:00 hours
- The Chairman will open the Meeting and receive apologies.
Apologies received from Cllr Ranjit (JR)
- To declare any interests arising at this meeting and to consider any dispensation requests relating to this meeting.
No interests were declared.
- The Council will adjourn for the following items:
Public Question Time: A period of 10 minutes will be allowed for members of the public to ask questions or make comment regarding the work of the Council or other items that affect Ipplepen
Only member of the public present to represent IpplePlanet and follow-up list of questions submitted last night
- The Council will convene to conduct the following business:
- Football Club inspection.
Scheduled for 14.01.2023 10:30. All Parish Councillors invited under separate cover
- Marshals for Carol Service 7.00pm Wednesday 21st
DP advised that he would liaise with Roger Farrow with request to change planning meeting date if possible to enable representation from PC members with marshalling of the Carol Service- outcome TBC
- One Camera in Park not working
DP reported camera repaired and working
- Park access road verge needs clearing.
Mud & grass on park side adjacent to chainlink fence. RC to speak with Simon
- Consideration given to renewing railings and steps at Clampitt Rd toilets to avoid anyone exiting into the path of a car.
Agreed at full PC meeting. RC has requested quote from contractor.
- h) Allotment water supply.
In hand. To be achieved by early Spring-DB & JR
- Allotment fence and kissing gate.
RC to liaise with Simon
j)Earthing mat for the park electric supply.
RC advised that with dry weather, this could have created the earthing problem. It was however agreed by all parties that this issue still potentially exists and requires rectifying. RC suggested that a survey is carried out re installation of new additional power supply and lighting and secure cabinets. RC to liaise
- Jubilee bench has been ordered. New concrete base required prior to installation .
- Toilet redecorating arranged for April. Contractor same as previously appointed.
- DB liaising with Bloom Renewables, Dartington re proposal and associated costs for installation of solar panels on roof of MC
- DP requested timers to be installed on the power supply to the heaters in the toilet block. Potential to add timer in the Plant Room to operate heaters in toilet block and to alleviate them being adjusted by others if in secured environment. RC to request quotation from contractor
IpplePlanet –the following request/correspondence was received from IpplePlanet for review and consideration. Response provided as highlighted
- Tree Hub is on Jan 8th Sunday 10am. Hope that’s OK.-
DP advised happy to proceed on that date
- My day job has alerted me that a local landowner would like assistance to plant 3000 trees so another tree planting group is leading, and IpplePlanet members may assist – dates to be confirmed. Parish Council I’m sure would be very welcome to get involved too, let me know if you want contact details.
Advisory comment only from IpplePlanet. No action required
- Ogwild is the community greeing group for Ogwell, tlhey have created a wildflower meadow on their village green amingst other things. They won a Wild About Devon Award last week. They may plan an open day/visit and IpplePlanet and the Parish council would be welcome to see what they have achieved.
Advisory comment only from IpplePlanet. No action required
- Did our map of tree planting opportunities from 2020 around the rec ever get planted? Any trees left over to replant out this winter? Did the school receive their 50 trees last winter?
DP advised on outcomes of the above
- Would you like more trees to plant around the rec following the map from 2020? Would you like to create a new hedge across the long field? My contact at DCC would like to get in touch with you if more trees are needed.
Full PC required to consider. Correspondence circulated to all PC members for review and comment
- Once we get insurance, are you happy to proceed with fruit tree planting for orchards in long field by tennis courts. Four of us are signing up to become new Wildlife Wardens.
DP advised- ok to proceed
- Terms of reference for IP-PC working group ready?
DP work in progress for full PC to consider
- Thoughts on our Constitution?
DP advised not seen/received as yet. MH will request info from Jeff King
- We are aware we are still to draft a management plan, apologies, this is a work in progress.
- We are liaising with the village hall as there has been interest in a community energy scheme to put solar panels in the roof.
DB to liaise with Mabel Harris
- One of our members was wondering if the Parish Council would be interested in a community energy scheme solar panels for the Millenium centre?
DB to liaise with Mabel Harris
- We are interested in the Parish Councils thoughts on a local electric car share (maybe match funding it)?
RC advised infrastructure i.e 3 phase not available for quick charging in village.
- Thoughts on investing in improved cycling routes etc?
DP advised and suggested that Mabel liaised with Alistair Dewhurst re availability of funding from Devon County
- To note the date of the next meeting: Tuesday 10th JANUARY 2023
There being no further business the meeting closed at: 19:51 hrs