
Mins. November 2023

Minutes Uploaded on November 20, 2023



Minutes of Meeting held at Ipplepen Millennium Centre


On Tuesday 7th November 2023 at 7.15pm


The following minutes will be considered for approval at the next Parish Council Meeting and may be subject to change until that time.


In attendance:

Coun.Palethorpe (Chairman)             Coun.Carnell (Vice Chair)

Coun.Rattlidge                                    Coun.Mrs.Calland

Coun.Burnham                                   Coun.Smith

Coun.Jerwood                                     Coun.Latter


Coun.Palethorpe District Councillor


Coun.Dewhirst – County Councillor


Eight Members of the public present


82) APOLOGIES – Coun.Farrow, Coun.Ranjit, Parish Clerk (Apologies approved unanimously).


83) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST –  No declaration of interest.




Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 3rd October 2023, were approved and signed by the Chairman.



The Chairman read out a statement explaining the position and process followed by the Parish Council when considering Planning Applications in its capacity as a Statutory Consultee. Ipplepen Parish Council – Planning Statement.

The Parish Council is a Statutory Consultee for any Planning Applications, Amended Planning Applications or Retrospective Planning Applications that have been submitted to Teignbridge District Council. The Parish Council process is that the applications are considered by the PC Planning Sub-Committee and then brought forward as an Agenda Item to the full Parish Council for discussion and agreement in a public forum on the PC response. Interested parties may attend and address the PC on Agenda Planning Application and this is taken into consideration during the PC Debate. For the avoidance of any doubt the Parish Council consider every Planning Application and their response on the Application before them. The role of the Parish Council is to represent and support the interests of all the residents of Ipplepen on whose behalf they are the custodians of the assets that belong to all Parishioners. There is a standing item on the IPC Agenda for members of the Public to attend meetings and speak on any subject that may be of interest or impact on residents. In the cases where the public address the PC raising planning issues that are not on the agenda, in other words, planning Applications of any kind that have not been submitted to TDC or Planning applications that have been submitted and remain extant as being under consideration by TDC Planning Officers then the PC are not in a position to respond.


This is to ensure that there can be no question of predetermination as Planning Applications are brought forward to the PC for consultee response.


David Palethorpe

Chair – Ipplepen Parish Council

The meeting was attended by a representative of the Rosemoor (Tremlett Grove) Development and eight residents. The issues raised were around the Retrospective Planning Application. The Chairman explained that the Planning Application was awaiting a decision by the Teignbridge Planning Officers and the Parish Council would not comment on any discussion that took place under this Agenda item. A 30 minute discussion between the residents and developer took place. The Chairman suggested that further discussions should take place between the residents and developer outside of the Parish Council Meeting and thanked everyone for their attendance.



  1. a) A report about standing water at Bilver Cross has been received. Devon County Council had informed the Parish Council that they were unable, due to resource limitations to assist in clearing standing water from roads other than A roads. It was agreed that the Parish Council will investigate how it can resolve the issues arising from flooding and standing water.
  2. b) Ipplepen Athletic Football Club sent an update of the new kitchen. They hope to have the patio finished by the end of the year, weather dependant. The new containers (Planning dependant) will not be in place until next year.




District Report – Coun.Palethorpe

Planning enforcement has continued to be an issue raised with me and which I have raised with Planning Officers at Teignbridge. I am pleased that the Enforcement Officer attended the site in Tremlett and along with the Council Tree Officer informed the developer that the Ash tree had inadequate protection.

I have been informed that there is currently no planning legislative reason to halt work at Tremlett Grove whilst a retrospective planning application is under consideration by the Teignbridge Planning Officers and that the developer has been informed that the continuation of the work being carried out is ‘at the developers own risk’.

In the event that Officers are minded to recommend approval of the Retrospective Planning Application it will be submitted to the Planning Committee for decision.

On the 17th October a proposal to include the Rosemoor, (Tremlett Road site) into the Teignbridge Local Plan as a new site along with two sites (Dawlish and Kenton) was presented to the Teignbridge District Council.

I argued that the proposal should be withdrawn and the site not included in the Local Plan which will go for examination early next year prior yo adoption. I am pleased that the argument that the Ipplepen Neighbourhood Plan which had overwhelming community support in May should be the basis on which sites are considered was supported by my fellow Councillors and the site was excluded from the Local Plan submission.

The Vote was 23 For, 2 Against and the remainder abstained which was disappointing considering the importance of the issue.

Teignbridge District Council have followed the County Council policy and voted to provided additional support in housing and employment for young people leaving the care system

The Liberal Democrat Executive took the decision at the meeting on the 31st October to cancel the plans to build a four screen cinema in the Market Square.

Martin Wrigley, the Leader of the Council announced the changes in explaining times have changed in the Cinema World since Covid and that he was committed to saving the historic Grade 2 listed Alexandra Theatre upgrading it become a 260 seater all purpose entertainment venue for films and live performances. Along with the theatre the Market Hall will be upgraded to provide a high quality indoor market and eateries.

The Liberal Democrat group have voted me on to the Teignbridge District Council Executive as from the 1 November 23. My new role is as the Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Estates, Assets and Car Parking in Teignbridge District Council Car Parks. On street parking remains the responsibility of Devon county Council.

Finally my sincere and grateful thanks to the Ipplepen WI for once again making a brilliant display around the War Memorial in time for the RemembranceService on 12 November.


David Palethorpe

Teignbridge District Councillor for Ipplepen

County Report – Coun.Dewhirst


Devon are going to dispose of, or re-purpose, some of the properties and land considered surplus to requirements, in order to reduce costs and become a stronger and more sustainable council.

Members of the Cabinet were asked to back plans that will see the disposal of some of the properties we own, including the prestigious former Judges Lodgings, Larkebeare House, Exeter.

Other properties considered surplus to our requirements include: Compass House, Exeter, currently used by Devon Partnership NHS Trust; Ivybank, Exeter, office space used by one of our services; Land adjacent to County Hall in Matford Lane; St Georges Road Youth Centre, Barnstaple and Pottington Industrial Unit, Barnstaple.

The Council are currently responsible for properties with estimated annual running costs of around £8 million, and a maintenance liability in excess of £20 million, excluding schools.   They own, lease or occupy in excess of 1,000 assets (buildings or parcels of land), including 364 schools; 500 land assets; 65 farms and around 300 operational buildings, including offices, children’s centres, youth centres, recycling centres, day centres, respite centres, and contact centres.

It has been identified that since the pandemic, many of our staff, like employees everywhere, have adopted a hybrid model of working, dividing their time between working from an office and from home.   And on average that our offices are only 20 to 30 percent occupied each day.

We have already made moves to reduce our expenditure, looking to lease out office space in the recently refurbished Lucombe House at County Hall.

It’s thought that the sale of property and land could generate capital receipts of around £6 to £10 million, depending on planning approval, and reduce revenue costs by around £300,000 per year.   It will also avoid backlog maintenance costs of around £3 to 5 million.

Thousands of Devon residents who are struggling with the cost of living can get extra support this winter.   Earlier this year DCC secured £10m from the fourth round of the Government’s Household Support Fund to cover the period from April 2023 until March 2024

The money comes with conditions on how it can be allocated and is to support households in most need – those that are struggling to pay for food, energy, water bills and other related essentials.   It is also intended for those that may not be eligible for other government support.

So far under this fourth round of the scheme, we’ve deployed over £5 million supporting more than 38,000 households across Devon.

And now with winter approaching, Devon are working with our Team Devon partners (district and city councils) and other community organisations to provide the most vulnerable residents with rapid short-term financial support.

The homeless, low income families, those who are suffering from ill health and ethnic minorities are just some of the many groups who will benefit from schemes including free school meal holiday vouchers, hardship payments, pre-payment and credit energy meter support, community grants and funding for minor energy efficiency measures.

We’re also working with the Devon Community Foundation to provide grants to voluntary sector organisations supporting communities that don’t always get the help they need.   Their ‘Food, Fuel and More’ grant scheme was well received this year and will re-open this winter.

The scheme will offer large grants of up to £25,000 to organisations that support homeless people or people in temporary or insecure housing.   Groups supporting households with disabled residents or those suffering ill-health which has a direct impact on household income and an ability to meet food and energy bills, are also encouraged to apply, along with organisations that support Asian, black, traveller, Gypsy, Roma and ethnic minority communities who are not accessing support through other channels.   They will also be operating a small grants scheme of up to £2,000 for smaller community initiatives.

Around 400 more free training places are being offered through the Train4Tomorrow Skills Bootcamps after Devon secured an extra £900,000 for our training programme.   The scheme is responding to employers across Devon to help them bring the right skills into their business and to upskill existing staff.

Aimed at adults aged 19 and over, the flexible, short courses run for up to 16 weeks, delivering skills training across a variety of priority sectors including digital, technical, construction, green skills, health & social care, and professional services.

More than 30 courses are currently recruiting for learners, including in Data Analysis, Construction Skills, Digital Marketing, Welding, Electric Vehicle Technician, Regenerative Farming, Working in Health & Social Care, Cyber Security, Project Management, Hospitality, Web Design and many more.

The courses have been designed with the help of employers to meet skills gaps and fill open vacancies within the region. Throughout the last three years, Train4Tomorrow has enabled over 2,000 adults across Devon and Cornwall to kickstart a new career, upskill or change roles.

Skills Bootcamps, which we deliver in partnership with Cornwall Council, are open to adults who live in the region.   Those seeking new employment are guaranteed an interview with a local employer on completion of the course.

To check out your eligibility and find out more about Skills Bootcamps across Devon and Cornwall, visit

A record funding award for Bikeability cycle training in Devon means that more than 11,000 children will be able to improve their skills on two wheels next year.   The grant of just over £484,000 for 2024/25 is the highest amount Devon have ever received for Bikeability in the 17 years we’ve been delivering it.

Earlier this year Devon achieved the milestone of 100,000 Bikeability trainees.   It was also named among the top ten local authorities for providing Bikeability for Year Six school pupils, with figures from the Bikeability Trust showing that more than 8,500 or 71% of Year Six pupils across the county were trained between April 2022 and March 2023.


Alistair Dewhirst –


88) PLANNING – Coun.Mrs.Calland


The Minutes of the Plans Meeting held on 18th October 2023 were approved and taken as read.

District Councillor, Coun.Palethorpe is on the Planning Committee for TDC, so will not comment or vote on any Planning Applications discussed below.

To consider the following planning applications:

23/01831/ADV – Advertisement sign at Waye Barton, Littlehempston.

Comment: Coun.Mrs.Calland proposed no objection in principle to this application, however we would like to see clear directions to the venue included on the sign, seconded by Coun.Smith. (All unanimous).

23/01892/TPO – Rowan (T1) – Overall crown reduction by up to max 1.5m, back to previous pruning points at 31, Dornafield Drive East.

Comment: Coun.Mrs.Calland proposed no objection in principle to this application and are happy to abide by the TDC Tree Officer’s recommendation, seconded by Coun.Jerwood. (All unanimous).


89) AMENITIES –  Coun.Carnell

The Minutes of the Amenities meeting held on 10th October 2023, were approved and taken as read.

  1. a) Swing safety surface, quote has been received to carry out repairs and will be actioned.
  2. b) Allotment plot numbers have been received and will be fitted on next allotment inspection. c) Allotment gates. The proposal to fit two 6ft gates would prevent the Scouts from removing their trailer from the garage. It was greed to investigate fitting a 12 ft gate.
  3. d) Park Village Hall Fence. In hand. The Parish Council will liaise with the Village Hall.
  4. e) Recreation Ground electrical sockets. In hand, discussion around the need to meter the supply to record consumption and to confirm the supply rating.
  5. f) Clampitt Road Toilet roof repairs as stage 1 of the refurbishment are in hand and progressing.
  6. g) Bowden Road Bench will be installed when weather permits.
  7. h) Remembrance Day signage, will be in place by Nov 11th.
  8. i) The removal of the condemned section of the Skatepark Park is now a matter of priority for safety reasons.


90) FINANCE & PERSONNEL – Coun.Smith


Balance No.                                                                                       £  58,824.41


MCMC – Reimbursement for electricity                                             £         25.25

Mill Centre – Rent                                                                               £         55.00

TDC – CIL Payment                                                                           £  10,922.60

Football Club – Rent                                                                           £       112.50


Balance                                                                                              £   69,939.76   


Invoices Received and Approved:                                                  £  7,540.10    


Balance                                                                                              £  62,399.66


Reserve Account Balance                                               £ 165,700.47


                                                                                                            £ 228,100.13

Items to discuss:


  1. a) A date was arranged to hold a precept budget & Clerk’s Appraisal meeting on Tuesday 28th November 2023 at 7pm.



  1. a) Highways as discussed in correspondence, the standing water and flood issues to be investigated by Parish Council to seek a resolution to the issues


Coun.Palethorpe reminded Councillors of  the Service on 12th November 2023. Coun.Carnell has contacted the Scouts who will be manning the road closures during the War Memorial Service.


93) PUBLIC QUESTION TIME – No comments.


94) To note the date of the next PC meeting: Tuesday 5th December at 7.15pm


Meeting Closed at 21.30pm