Minutes of Meeting held at Ipplepen Millennium Centre
On Tuesday 6th June 2023 at 7.15pm
The following minutes will be considered for approval at the next Parish Council Meeting and may be subject to change until that time.
In attendance:
Coun.Palethorpe (Chairman) Coun.Rattlidge
Coun.Carnell (Vice Chair) Coun.Burnham
Coun.Farrow Coun.Smith
Coun.Mrs.Calland Coun.Latter
Miss Cat Freston – Parish Clerk
Coun.Palethorpe District Councillor
eCoun.Dewhirst – County Councillor (Apologies sent)
Five Members of the public present
21) APOLOGIES – Coun.Ranjit, Coun.Jerwood (Apologies approved unanimously).
There were two candidates who applied. Coun.Palethorpe put forward the motion to vote by show of hands or by ballot. Coun.Palethorpe proposed to vote by ballot, Coun.Farrow seconded, all unanimous.
There were six votes to Steve Latter.
Coun.Latter was welcomed and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and will complete the Register of Interest Form and return to the Parish Clerk.
23) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Coun.Palethorpe informed the Parish Council that as District Councillor he is on the Planning Committee for TDC, so will not be commenting or voting on any future Planning Applications discussed at the Full Parish Council or the Planning Committee meetings.
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 18th May 2023, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
****Coun.Smith arrived at 19.34pm****
- A resident has emailed about the works taking place behind Tremlett Grove which are not covered by the current retrospective application. Coun.Farrow said he would refer to the District Councillor.
- An email has been received from Knights Solicitors regarding the land at Tremlett Grove. Coun.Palethorpe proposed this is delegated to Coun.Farrow to look into it. (All unanimous).
- c) An email has been received from TDC informing that The Ipplepen Neighbourhood Plan was ‘made’ (adopted) by TDC Council Executive, The Ipplepen Neighbourhood Plan has become part of the Teignbridge Statutory Development Plan. Mrs.Calland “Thanked’ Coun.Rattlidge for all his hard work on the Neighbourhood Plan.
- Ipplepen Football Club have been refused funding for the storage shed, they have asked to put containers on site. The Football Club will send an email which will be discussed at the Amenities meeting on 13th June 2023.
Outside Bodies: –
IpplePlanet Monthly report for Parish Council, Thursday May 18th to Tuesday 6th June 2023:
18th May/1st June tree care days with ParkLife at Coombefishacre. The new trees were uprighted where necessary, mulched and bracken ‘bashed’. As the work was later than initially planned it was hard work due to high nettles and bracken and getting wheelbarrows up the steep slopes. The participants were hardworking and happy to be in the beautiful countryside.
Friday 26th May Moth night organised by IpplePlanet and Teignbridge District Council and local moth group. We had a successful event with 18 people keen to learn more about moths plus at least half a dozen national and local moth experts in attendance. Orley Common became a scientific survey site for one night only with a variety of moth traps running across the nature reserve. Huge thanks to Sian Avon from Teignbridge District Council ‘s Rangers, Richard Fox from Butterfly Conservation and all the other moth experts who entertained us with their knowledge about these amazing creatures. We found white ermine, fox moth female with eggs, small elephant hawkmoth (pink), a huge privet moth and pale tussock. We were also serenaded by song thrush before dusk, tawny owl and bats, noctule and pipistrelle.
Sunday 4th June Birdsong walk around the recreation ground and allotments. Four walkers participated. Jackdaw, House Martin, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Dunnock, Jay, Wren, Blackbird, Herring gull, Song thrush, Great tit found.
IpplePlanet are continuing to draft a short simple management plan taking into account the current physical and financial constraints.
Forthcoming events:
Saturday 24th June: Birdsong walk (4) walk along the lanes past Animals in Distress and Ambrook direction 9.30-11am.
Saturday 15th July: IpplePlanet stall at Village Show. Providing information and advice on wildlife and environmental issues; and seeking local people’s thoughts on how to improve the environment in and around Ipplepen.
District Report – Coun.Palethorpe
The Teignbridge District Council Annual Council was held on the 23rd May 2023 at which Councillor Martin Wrigley was elected as Leader of the Council who in his acceptance speech acknowledge the need for the District Council to work more closely and take greater notice of Parish and Town Councils.
At the same meeting I have been appointed to sit on the Planning Committee and both of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees.
With over 40% of the District Councillors being newly elected the period since the election in May has been taken up by an intensive Induction and Training programme for all Councillors.
The new Executive meets on the 6 June where the Ipplepen Neighbourhood Plan is an agenda item for ratification which is the final stage of it being accepted by Teignbridge.
In common with Councils up and down the Country Teignbridge are in the next four years facing serious financial pressures that will require hard decisions to be taken in order to balance the books and address in particular an estimated financial shortfall of over three million pounds over the next three years.
David Palethorpe
Cllr for Ipplepen – Teignbridge District Council
County Report – Coun.Dewhirst
No Report
28) PLANNING – Coun.Farrow
To note: E2/15/31 The District of Teignbridge (Ross Park Caravan Park No. 5) Tree Preservation Order 2022 at Ross Park Caravan Park, The Old Barn, Moor Road
29) AMENITIES – Coun.Carnell
The Minutes of the Amenities meeting held on 23rd May 2023, were approved and taken as read.
- a) Park signage some in need of refreshing
Some of the park signage is looking tired. Various signage requires replacing. Photo`s to be taken to determine requirements-DP to provide photos.
- b) Proposal that the Park be closed to the public while grass cutting in in process.
Proposal for warning signs to be provided to advise of park closure while grass cutting is in place. Access gates to be padlocked while works in progress. Three signs to be obtained so they can be positioned at all points of entry RC to obtain quotation for signage
Skate Park removal
- c) Removal of part of the skate park required for health and safety risk.
Coun.Ranjit has previously liaised with scrap merchant, Date tbc
- d) Park toilet decoration and electrics update.
Decorating and electrical installation works all completed. Thanks to be conveyed to the associated contractors who carried out the works:
Lee Fewings Painting & Decorating
Mr Matt Bone-MJE Electrical Services Ltd
- e) Park access road yellow lines need repainting
Needs to be carried out prior to village show.
- f) Defib cabinet installation quotes
Quote received, Contractor appointed. Thanks and appreciation to be conveyed to Mr Matt Bone-MJE Electrical Services Ltd for carrying out the works at cost price.
- g) Clampitt road toilet survey.
Coun.Carnell has distributed building dilapidation survey/report to the PC members for review, Committee need to determine extent of works to be carried out and associated costs. Initial works would involve replacement roof to ensure building is kept dry internally. DP suggested re-allocation of monies to enable initial works to be carried out, Suggesting to be discussed at next full council meeting. RC to speak with potential contractors to obtain competitive quotations
- h) Tremlett Grove play area – bench
Coun.Carnell advised works in hand
- i) Disabled toilet door at Rec Ground toilets
Coun.Carnell advised temporarily fixed. Door potentially requires replacing along with Plant Room doors to rear.
- j) Mill Centre and carpark survey.
Coun.Carnell advised that Mill Centre car park surfacing requires treatment as potentially reached its life span. Coun.Burnham to obtain quotations for resurfacing works
- k) Football Goal at Recreation Ground
Coun.Carnell advised that we are happy to review and obtain quotations. Installation preferably later in year due to flower show and carnival. Coun.Burnham to obtain quotations for the supply and installation of new goal post
- To consider the quotes received for the Roundabout in Play area at Recreation Ground.
Coun.Carnell is obtaining quotes for repairs and is waiting for information on the current roundabout from the company that installed it.
30) FINANCE & PERSONNEL – Coun.Smith
Balance No. £ 59,511.42
MCMC – Reimbursement for electricity £ 18.90
Mill Centre – Rent £ 55.00
ICC – Rent £ 112.50
Bank – Cash taken from Party in the Park £ 455.00
Allotment Tenants – Rent £ 735.00
Balance £ 60,887.82
Invoices Received and Approved: £ 15,959.56
Balance £ 44,928.26
Reserve Account Balance £ 165,700.47
£ 210,628.73
Items to discuss:
- Approval of Annual Governance Statement 2022/2023
RESOLUTION: It was proposed by Coun.Farrow, seconded by Coun.Rattlidge and unanimously agreed to approve the Annual Governance Statement 2022/2023.
- Approval of Accounting Statements 2022/2023
RESOLUTION: It was proposed by Coun.Farrow, seconded by Coun.Smith unanimously agreed to approve the Accounting Statements 2022/2023.
- Smith reported that Conniford Lane has been marked for work but is unsure of when the work will be carried out.
- Smith has received a couple of complaints about overhanging hedges. Hedges should not be cut until the end of the bird season, which is the end of September.
- Wildnet has dug up the road outside the Con Club where the yellow lines were. They have tarmac the road but not replaced the yellow lines Action – Clerk to contact Wildanet to ask for yellow lines to be reinstated.
32) PUBLIC QUESTION TIME – No comments
33) To note the date of the next PC meeting: Tuesday 4th July at 7.15pm
Meeting Closed at 20.18pm