Minutes of Meeting held at Ipplepen Millennium Centre
On Tuesday 2nd January 2024 at 7.15pm
The following minutes will be considered for approval at the next Parish Council Meeting and may be subject to change until that time.
In attendance:
Coun.Carnell (Vice Chair) Coun.Rattlidge
Coun.Latter Coun.Jerwood
Coun.Smith Coun.Farrow
Miss Cat Freston – Parish Clerk
Coun.Dewhirst – County Councillor
One Member of the public present
108) APOLOGIES – Coun.Palethorpe (Chairman), Coun.Mrs.Calland, Coun.Burnham, Coun.Ranjit (Apologies approved unanimously).
109) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – No declaration of interest.
Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 5th December 2023, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
111) PUBLIC QUESTION TIME – No comments
- a) A Parishioner has contacted the Parish Clerk about possibly getting some stone/rubble along the footpath Luscombe Close to Biltor Road. Action – Smith to liaise with Coun.Jerwood to arrange for road plainings to be put there.
- b) An email has been received from Newton Abbot Town Council regarding the next Newton Abbot Advocates meeting which will take place on Monday 5th February 2023 via Teams Link. – Coun.Rattlidge will be attending.
- c) An email has been received from a Parishioner regarding road safety issues outside their property on Moor Road. They have been in communication with DCC regarding the standing water. They have made continuous efforts in clearing the grit and maintaining the drain but the situation has not improved. Action – The Clerk will pass on the details to Coun.Dewhirst, the County Councillor.
- d) Kerswella Care have emailed to let the Parish Council know that they have received funding from the Lottery bid they submitted last year for the ‘Kerswella in Ipplepen’ project. This means they can support the Ipplepen Community for the next 3 years. Councillors sent their congratulations to Kerswella Care.
- e) An email has been received from DALC regarding Teignbridge District Council undertaking a Peer Review. As part of the review they wish to hold a focus group specifically with Town and Parish Councils, and are seeking expressions of interest for participants to form the group.
- f) St Andrews Church Warden has emailed the Parish Council, thanking them for their help with the marshalling for the carols around the village Christmas Tree.
- g) A Thank You has been received from Ipplepen Local History Group for erecting and lighting the Christmas tree in the Village and to all the Councillors for their work in being road traffic marshals on the evening and for helping to keep everyone safe. Also they ‘Thanked’ Coun.Palethorpe for allowing them to use his Chapter 8 qualification for the DCC tolling Road Closure application to be able to run the event.
The Skate park Working party met in November 2023. They have contacted Maverick Skate parks and have met with one of the Consultants of Maverick.
The Skate Park Working Party will meet again in the next few weeks to discuss further.
District Report – Coun.Palethorpe – No Report.
County Report – Coun.Dewhirst
Stacey Sheppard, the founder of The Tribe in Totnes, Devon’s first female coworking space and part of Devon’s Work Hub network, is spearheading a campaign to shop local.
She has created an 18-page downloadable gift guide (https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/uhyzizgdtzsfu8nmzodz6/h?preview=Tribe+Christmas+Gift+Guide+2023.pdf&rlkey=ikdhce33gwk381qnar2ejoldq&dl=0) that features women-owned businesses, many of whom are connected to The Tribe, and their products that would make fantastic Christmas gifts. She has also created an advent calendar on Instagram which she shared every day up to Christmas. Behind each window is a different woman-owned businesses that people can shop with this holiday season.
The current business landscape is challenging for all small businesses. The 2023 Small Business Report found that 60% of small businesses fear closure in the coming year due to inflation, increased costs, and an economy teetering on the edge of recession.
Research by NatWest has shown that there is huge unrealised economic potential linked to female entrepreneurship in the UK and supporting female entrepreneurs who could play an integral role in kickstarting the economic recovery by unlocking £250 billion in economic value.
Stacey said: “The convenience of shopping with huge multi-national companies like Amazon cannot be denied, but in doing this we risk seeing the many independent businesses that populate our highstreets disappear from the map. So, it’s important that we act if we want to see these businesses survive.”
Inspired by the likes of entrepreneur Holly Tucker who founded the online marketplace notonthehighstreet.com and who now champions the nation’s entrepreneurs. Stacey decided to do what she could to highlight all the incredible women-owned businesses in Devon that need our support.
Stacey says: “According to research by Holly Tucker, if we all bought one gift from an independent retailer, we could re-allocate £2.7 billion and that would go a really long way to helping these businesses survive.”
Bespoke + Local is one of the businesses included in the gift guide. Founder Alison Logan curates luxury gift boxes which feature products from local Devon artisans. Alison says: “Collaboration within communities is so important to ensure local business grows and thrives. At Bespoke + Local, we proudly champion over 30 talented Devon artisans. By choosing a Bespoke + Local gift box, you directly support these individuals and help to keep artisan craft alive across many local communities in Devon.”
The council are again reminding people not to dispose of potentially dangerous waste at the recycling centres after a World War Two mine was recently found at Torr Quarry Recycling Centre in Kingsbridge. The recycling centre had to been evacuated after the discovery, and the Royal Navy’s Explosive Ordinance Disposal team were called to dispose of the mine safely.
The incident isn’t a one-off – repeatedly over the years items such as mortar shells and similar potentially explosive items have been left at recycling centres.
Often it is not possible to tell if the explosive device is still live and as such sites have had to be evacuated, and emergency services and bomb disposal experts called.
Visit the website at www.devon.gov.uk/wasteandrecycling/centre/for advice on the materials you can and cannot take to the recycling centre.
Alistair Dewhirst – alistair.dewhirst@devon.gov.uk
114) PLANNING – Coun.Farrow
To consider the following planning applications:
23/02055/HOU – Refurbish and replacement windows, external work to rear store, works and lime render of façade, remove paving to yard and replacement with gravel at The Old House, Fore Street.
Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed no objection to this application, seconded by Coun.Carnell (All Unanimous).
23/02056/LBC – Refurbish and replacement windows, external work to rear store, works and lime render of façade, remove paving to yard and replacement with gravel at The Old House, Fore Street.
Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed no objection to this application, seconded by Coun.Carnell (All Unanimous).
23/02190/HOU – Removal of existing side extension and garage, construction of two storey side extension with balcony, rear conservatory and installation of solar panels at 2, Ambrook Cottages, Ipplepen.
Comment: No comment could be made as the Planning Application was unable to be discussed as no details were available on Teignbridge District Council’s Planning Portal.
To Note: E2/15/32 – Land to East if Townsend Hill and North West of Tremlett Grove. The District of Teignbridge (Land to East if Townsend Hill and North West of Tremlett Grove, Ipplepen) Tree Preservation Order 2023.
115) AMENITIES – Coun.Carnell
The Minutes of the Amenities meeting held on 12th December 2023, were approved and taken as read.
- Electric supply in the Park – Felt to be unviable, Kervern Mortimore to be informed.
- Village Hall fence – report on progress. – Coun.Palethorpe awaiting quotes.
- Next step Clampitt Rd toilet refurb – Coun.Carnell to confirm details of work required.
- Skate park removal – report on progress – Coun.Ranjit to arrange for lifting equipment and Coun.Jerwood to provide transport to take scrap to scrap yard.
- Swing safety surface – report on progress – Coun.Jerwood advises that work will be completed before Christmas.
- Allotment inspection – plot numbers – new gates – This work is in-hand.
- 20th December Carol Service arrangements – Coun.Palethorpe will be at the junction by The Wellington, Coun.Jerwood will be in North Street, and Coun.Latter will be at Meadow Park.
- Update on Air Ambulance landing lights – Coun.Carnell to confirm satisfactory completion of work.
- Grass Cutting Contract – Amenities are content to continue with the present contractor.
Emergency Group – Report
Emergency Plan Update?
Salt bins ( Coun.Ranjit) All items are in hand) .
116) FINANCE & PERSONNEL – Coun.Smith
Balance No. £ 56,727.59
MCMC – Reimbursement for electricity £ 35.99
Mill Centre – Rent £ 55.00
Allotment Tenants – Rent £ 460.00
DCC – Urban Grass Cutting 23/24 £ 1,460.00
Balance £ 58,738.58
Invoices Received and Approved: £ 6,829.61
Balance £ 51,908.97
Reserve Account Balance £ 165,700.47
£ 217,609.44
Items to discuss: Nothing to discuss.
117) HIGHWAYS & RIGHTS OF WAY – Coun.Smith
DCC Neighbourhood Highway Officer is available on Wednesdays and Thursday’s. Coun.Rattlidge suggested a couple of dates which Coun.Smith will liaise with the Neighbourhood Highway Officer.
The next Highways meeting will be held on Wednesday 17th January 2024.
118) PUBLIC QUESTION TIME – No comments.
119) To note the date of the next PC meeting: Tuesday 6th February 2024 at 7.15pm
Meeting Closed at 20.28pm.