
Amenities Mins. September 2023

AmenitiesMinutes Uploaded on September 22, 2023





Cllr David Palethorpe (DP)

Cllr Roger Carnell (DB)

Cllr Stephen Latter (SL)


Apologies received from Cllr Jerwood, Cllr Ranjit, Cllr Burnham


  1. To declare any interests arising at this meeting and to consider any dispensation requests relating to this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest


  1. The Council will adjourn for the following items:

Public Question Time: A period of 10 minutes will be allowed for members of the public to ask questions or make comment regarding the work of the Council or other items that affect Ipplepen


  1. The Council will convene to conduct the following business:


  1. Skate Park

The removal of a section of the skatepark deemed beyond repair will be actioned in due course.

A separate meeting of the Skatepark/Wheeled Sports Committee will be programmed.


  1. Swing safety surface

Cllr Jerwood will source repair materials.


  1. Allotment plot number

Cllr Jerwood to pass details to the Parish Clerk who will place the order


  1. Allotment gates Top Gate

The top gate at the entrance adjacent to the Scout Hut is now beyond repair. It is suggested that the 12 foot gate be replaced with 2 x 6 foot gates. It was suggested that galvanised gates may be a better long term solution to wood gates. Cllr Palethorpe to investigate the sourcing of wood and galvanised gates.


  1. Recreation/Village hall fence and gates

The fence bordering the Village Hall Car Park and Recreation Ground is damaged and no longer fit for purpose and needs to be replaced. Options were discussed, a.) to replace with wood fence, b.) to replace with chain link fence, c.) to fit 2 x 5 ft gates in the new fence to provide safer access to and from the Recreation Ground during events such as the Cottage Garden Show and Carnival Week. The replacement of the fence options will have an impact on the Village Hall. Cllr Calland to raise the issue with the Village Hall Committee.


  1. Recreation ground toilet block repairs

Toilet repairs are ongoing Cllr Palethorpe


  1. Recreation Ground external waterproof electrical sockets

A request has been received to fit external waterproof electrical sockets to the Recreation Ground Toilet Block for use during Events held on the Recreation Ground. Cllr Palethorpe to discuss with Carnival Club


  1. Bowden Road bench

Cllr Carnell has kindly donated a teak bench and a plaque to be fitted in Remembrance of Mr and Mrs Parker. It was agreed that it might be sensible to secure the bench to a concrete pad in line with what the PC has done across the Parish. The cost of a pad would be in the region of £200. To be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting.


  1. Goal Posts installation

Following the Parish Council meeting aluminium goal posts that meet the Football Association requirements have now been sourced and will be brought to the October Parish Council for discussion.


  1. Clampitt Road Toilets roof

The start date is awaited with probable start date in October.


  1. Allotment Lower Gate

The repairs to the lower gate post is in hand.


  1. Christmas Tree

The Christmas Tree has been ordered and will be installed before the Lantern Parade.


  1. Remembrance Day. War Memorial Road Closure, Wreath, Service

The wreath has been ordered out thanks to Judy Dewhirst. Road signs to close the road to allow for the service around the War Memorial are in hand.

Parish Clerk to confirm the availability of the bugler Dave Bourne.


  1. IpplePlanet Report

IpplepPlanet carried out work on the Millennium Wood removing the tree protective gators and cutting back the undergrowth. A further work programme will be organised for November. We will now look at carrying out a tree planting programme over the winter.



i). The request for a dog bin on the footpath to Fermoys will be discussed at the Oct Parish Council.

  1. ii) 



  1. To note the date of the next meeting: Tuesday 10th October 2023.