
Amenities Mins. June 2023

AmenitiesMinutes Uploaded on June 16, 2023




Cllr Roger Carnell (RC)-Chair

Cllr David Palethorpe (DP)

Cllr Dave Burnham (DB)

Cllr Stephen Latter (SL)

Cllr Bill Jerwood (BJ)


Kevin Farrelly-representative from Ipplepen Football Club


The meeting opened at 19:00 hours


  1. The Chairman will open the Meeting and receive apologies.

Apologies received from:

Cllr Jon Ranjit


  1. To declare any interests arising at this meeting and to consider any dispensation requests relating to this meeting.

No interests were declared.


  1. The Council will adjourn for the following items:

Public Question Time: A period of 10 minutes will be allowed for members of the public to ask questions or make comment regarding the work of the Council or other items that affect Ipplepen


  1. The Council will convene to conduct the following business:



  1. Ippleplanet Report
  • Report has been circulated for review to all councillors under separate cover


  1. Park signage
  • RC liaising with sign designer/supplier. Qty 8 in number signs required.


  1. Park closure during grass cutting
  • Padlocks already supplied, Signage and gate security chains being organised by RC.


  1. Skate Park removal
  • No progress to date. DP to liaise with JR who has the contact for removal of equipment




  1. Toddlers roundabout
  • Approx cost £8000 plus installation. Various suggestions provided in respect of the potential replacement of the main bearing. RC to organise


  1. Park access road yellow lines?
  • RC offered to carryout Thurs or Friday with potential assistance from DP


  1. Defib cabinets
  • Arrived and in storage. Electrician scheduled to carryout works this week. RC to liaise with the Hub to isolate the electric supply to enable installation.


  1. Clampitt road toilet survey (quotes for new roof)
  • One quote received by RC so far, Awaiting additional quotes for comparison and agreement by main Parish Council


  1. Tremlett play area bench
  • Concrete slab to be replaced. RC liaising with contractor


  1. Mill centre re-surfacing
  • Quotations currently being sought by DB from-
  • White Rose Tarmacadam
  • Devon Tarmasters
  • Kennford Tarmacadam


11.Property valuations

  • Currently appear to be under insured for both the Football club and Millennium Centre. RC to liaise with Cat Freston re insurance renewal quotes to cover increased values of the properties.


12.New football goal posts

  • DB to liaise with Kevin from Ipplepen football club re potential sources of supply


  1. IAFC Storage Building.
  • Football club ready to submit quote. Proposed install of 2 x 20` containers side by side. TDC won`t amend planning application. FA won`t provide grant until formal letter is provided to confirm if planning permission is required for installation
  • DP has agreed to draft a letter for approval by Parish Councillors to confirm that we are happy for storage containers to be sited at the football ground




  • DP has advised that the Carnival Club have requested a power supply for use from rear of the toilet block. Wall mounted 15 amp hook-up
  • Cottage Garden club have agreed to the proposed terms and conditions of use of steel container to be sited in the recreation ground






  1. To note the date of the next meeting: Tuesday 11th July 2023.



There being no further business the meeting closed at: 19:35  hrs