Cllr Roger Carnell (RC)-Chair
Cllr David Palethorpe (DP)
Cllr Dave Burnham (DB)
Cllr Stephen Latter (SL)
Cllr Bill Jerwood (BJ)
Cllr Jon Ranjit (JR)
The meeting opened at 19:00 hours
- The Chairman will open the Meeting and receive apologies.
No Apologies
- To declare any interests arising at this meeting and to consider any dispensation requests relating to this meeting.
No interests were declared.
- The Council will adjourn for the following items:
Public Question Time: A period of 10 minutes will be allowed for members of the public to ask questions or make comment regarding the work of the Council or other items that affect Ipplepen
- The Council will convene to conduct the following business:
- Skate Park removal, update
- JR advised that partial removal of dangerous parts currently present has been arranged to take place w/c 17 July.
- Ippleplanet expressed an interest in assisting with working group on new skate park
- Ipplepen Cottage Garden Society container, update on work so far done.
- RC advised contract signed and container to be sited shortly
- Roundabout, update
- RC advised that the parts have been ordered to facilitate repairs, all costs as agreed at last PC meeting. Awaiting delivery of parts. Installation will be arranged.
- Mill Centre re-surfacing, update
- DB advised that discussions have taken place with the successful contractor, White Rose Tarmacadam, and works will commence 23 Aug 23 .DP queried if existing damaged manhole cover was going to be replaced-DB to investigate. It was suggested that one could be sourced from supplier such as Jewson Civils Frazer, Newton Abbot branch and installed by the surfacing contractor. DB also advised that he would inform the Pre-school that works will be taking place during the school holiday period. It was agreed that car park area needed to be coned off night before to prevent any vehicles being parked on it –DB advised that White Rose had agreed to do this on our behalf
- Football goal posts
- DB advised that this was still being reviewed/actioned. It was confirmed that only 1 x goal is required, and not a set which most suppliers look to offer.
- IAFC Container storage, update
- RC/DP confirmed that due to the planning issue. The football club need to liaise with Cllr Roger Farrow in respect of the planning application
- Junior surface on Swings at Recreation Ground
- RC advised damage to resin & rubber chip. RC advised that materials are available for repairs so this can be carried out same time as roundabout bearing replacement works
- IpplePlanet – represented by Mabel Harris & Diana Parrott
- MH spoke re draft letter for better working arrangement with PC.
- DP agreed all 3 items as acceptable to the PC
- Any adoptions by Parish Council need to be agreed at main PC meeting.
- Request confirmation in writing of working relationship with PC to increase credibility with outside bodies. Credibility letter to be compiled by PC for Ippleplanet working relationship
- RC re-iterated that although we are keen to work in a collaborative manner with IpplePlanet costs implications of any projects need to be considered as we are spending public monies
- Ippleplanet requested improved communications. DP advised best POC as Cat Freston
- Request from Ippleplanet for IPPC to manage finances for contracts and projects –Parklife??
- Inspect Bowling Club Hedge
- RC advised that path adjacent to BC needs inspecting. DP to look on Friday 14.07.2023
- Inspect showground and Play Equipment (for Ippletipple)
- RC advised that play equipment requires securing before Ippletipple. DP to carryout on Friday 14.07.23
- RC advised that he has received a request for memorial seat in Bowden Road. RC advised that its DCC land and not owned by PC. RC confirmed that he would donate a plaque. PC to supply bench. For discussion at next full PC meeting
- RC advised that Dropwort hemlock had been reported by a local resident to be present in the stream adjacent to Tremlett Grove play park. RC advised that the PC contractor had been asked to control it by carrying out a hard cut back before it flowers. RC highlighted the importance of not handling the bare root rhizomes. PC contractor will be asked to maintain
- RC/DP raised toilet opening times in Recreation Ground for IppleTipple-agreed that it will be left open for use until midnight. Cleaner to be informed. DP to look at adjusting timer clock on Friday
- RC advised that some plot number tags on allotment plots have deteriorated so need replacing
- DP advised that the band for the procession have requested to be allowed to park in Millenium Centre car park on garden show day. Approved by all
- To note the date of the next meeting: Tuesday 8th August 2023.
There being no further business the meeting closed at: 19:52 hrs