Present: Councillor S Rattlidge
Councillor R A A Farrow
Councillor Mrs B Calland
Councillor D Burnham
Councillor D Smith
Councillor B Jerwood
Visitors: One member of the public present
- Apologies: Councillor R Carnell
- Declarations of Interest:
- There were no declarations of interest in any of the applications.
- Review of Planning Applications:
3.1 23/01253/LBC – Replace lead canopy above first floor bay window south west elevation at 40, North Street.
Comment: Ipplepen Parish Council have no objections to this application. Proposed RF seconded SR Unanimous
3.2 23/01268/FUL – Calf rearing building at Bulleigh Barton Farm.
Comment: Ipplepen Parish Council have no objections to this application. Proposed RF seconded DS Unanimous
3.3 23/01331/FUL – Siting of two steel (shipping) containers to house football equipment and maintenance machinery at Ipplepen Athletic Football Club, Moor Road.
Comment: Ipplepen Parish Council have noted their own application.
3.4 23/01411/HOU – Extension and alteration and conversion of outbuilding to habitable use at 38, North Street.
Comment: Ipplepen Parish Council have no objections to this application.
Proposed RF seconded DS Unanimous
3.5 23/01442/CAN – T001 – Indian Bean – Prune to achieve 1.5 metres clearance. Remove stub. T002 – Indian Bean – Prune to achieve 1.5 metres clearance at Land At Caunters Close.
Comment: Ipplepen Parish Council have no objections to this application.
Proposed RF seconded BC Unanimous
3.6 23/01443/LBC – Retrospective replacement of eight windows to the rear and side elevation at Penrae, East Street.
Comment: Ipplepen Parish Council have no objections to this application. Proposed RF seconded BC Unanimous
3.7 23/01468/FUL – Conversion of existing outbuildings to single holiday let at Park Hill Farm, Moor Road.
Comment: Ipplepen Parish Council have no objection in principle as long as the building remains ancillary to the main building in perpetuity and cannot be sold as a separate dwelling.
Proposed RF seconded by DS and unanimous
The member of the public did not stay to the end of the meeting.
The Council will adjourn for the following items:
- Public Session – no members of the public present.
- 5. In addition to the agenda the terms of reference were approved, the Chairman was elected as RF and the minutes secretary BC
The committee would like to add a further bullet point to the Terms Of Reference to read “To adhere to the principles of the Ipplepen Neighbourhood Plan as adopted by TDC (May 2023) Adopted 23.08.23
- Date of the next meeting: Wednesday 20th September 2023.
Meeting closed 8.15pm