
Mins. September 2023

Minutes Uploaded on September 11, 2023



Minutes of Meeting held at Ipplepen Millennium Centre


On Tuesday 5th September 2023 at 7.15pm


The following minutes will be considered for approval at the next Parish Council Meeting and may be subject to change until that time.


In attendance:

Coun.Palethorpe (Chairman)             Coun.Carnell (Vice Chair)

Coun.Rattlidge                                    Coun.Mrs.Calland

Coun.Latter                                         Coun.Jerwood

Coun.Farrow                                       Coun.Smith


Miss Cat Freston – Parish Clerk


Coun.Palethorpe District Councillor


Coun.Dewhirst – County Councillor


One Members of the public present


58) APOLOGIES – Coun.Burnham, Coun.Ranjit (Apologies approved unanimously).


59) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST –  No declaration of interest.




Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 1st August 2023, were approved and signed by the Chairman.




A member of the Football Club informed that the kitchen works will be starting next week.

The old wooden fence has been removed near the gate and placed nearer the football pitches. The Football Club have been allocated a £2000 grant from the FA Community Fund for the new patio area and Ross Park Caravan Site have donated some money towards the work.


Coun.Dewhirst has been approached by two members of the public about when the urban speed limiters will be put in place. It was agreed that the Parish Council will be going ahead with the installation of vehicle activated speed signs (VAS) where pinch points are within the village.




  1. a) An email has been received from an allotment holder asking about grass cutting and fence repairs at the allotments. The gate post is in hand and will be repaired in due course. The grass bank and hedges will be cut and maintained by the grass cutting contractor. Action – Clerk to reply to email.
  2. b) An email has been received from Knights Plc about overage payments for the land at Tremlett Grove. The Parish Council have received monies from the sale of the ransom strip and will be entitled to more if the land if further developed. The recent Planning Application for more dwellings was refused by TDC.
  3. c) An email has been received from Kerswella Care asking for the Parish Council’s support for them to increase their capacity of community support for the areas they engage in. Action – Clerk to write letter of support.
  4. d) An email has been received from a parishioner about the continuing obstruction of cars on Foredown Road. Councillors have put polite notices on the cars and have been ignored. Coun.Dewhirst has met with DCC Highways on site and discussed the issues. Action – Clerk to reply.
  5. e) Coun.Dewhirst has sent an email regarding traffic issues in the Village. Coun.Dewhirst met with the Highways Neighbourhood Engineer. They agreed the proposal to extend the DYL’s on both sides of the road by 3m towards the Welly. They moved onto Foredown Road and it was agreed to put the location through the SCARF to actually get data on traffic speeds and numbers.
  6. f) An email has been received from a parishioner asking if the Parish Council is able to offer volunteering for Duke of Edinburgh. It was suggested that they contact IpplePlanet and also the Parish Council can offer litter picking. Action – Clerk to reply.


Outside Bodies: – Nothing to report.




District Report – Coun.Palethorpe

Planning issues have been at the forefront of activity during the month with the Teignbridge District Council Local Plan being amended to take account of changes in Government Legislation prior to it being submitted early next year for inspection and acceptance. All proposed amendments will be put out for public consultation in September/October.

The Overview and Scrutiny Committees are to consider proposals put forward to scrutinise planning and especially planning enforcement across the District along with proposals to scrutinise off street Car Parking in Council owned Car Parks across the District.

On street car parking, as is the case in Ipplepen, is a major area of complaint and concern across many villages in Teignbridge where access is restricted as a result of unintentional, and in some cases intentional inconsiderate parking.

Unfortunately as long as the vehicles are taxed and insured the owners have a legal right where enforcement restrictions are not in place to park on the highway.

Highways is a Devon County Council responsibility especially regarding the implementation of parking restrictions such as designating no parking, no unloading areas. We will continue to discuss the issues with the County Council to seek a resolution to the problems.


David Palethorpe

Teignbridge District Councillor for Ipplepen

County Report – Coun.Dewhirst


Trading Standards are reminding businesses, such as takeaways, sandwich bars, care homes and retailers who supply certain single-use plastic items, that a ban comes into force on Sunday 1stOctober, and that they should start thinking now about alternatives and where to source them from.

The ban includes all single-use plastic cutlery, trays, plates, bowls, and balloon sticks, as well as banning the use of certain types of polystyrene cups and food containers used to supply food that is ready to consume.

There are some exemptions to the ban.   You can read more about the change at

The ban includes the supply of items by businesses from new and existing stock and includes single-use plastic that is biodegradable, compostable, recycled and items wholly or partly made from plastic, including the coating or lining.

Businesses who continue to supply banned single-use plastic items after the legislation comes into effect could be given a fine.   It is estimated that England uses 2.7 billion items of single use cutlery each year, and 721 million single-use plates.   Only 10% of these items are recycled.

Certain plastic items, such as straws, stirrers and cotton buds, have already been banned.

Plastic pollution takes hundreds of years to break down and inflicts serious damage to our oceans, rivers, and land.   It is also a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, from the production and manufacture of the plastic itself to the way it is disposed.

Businesses could: Swap plastic for bamboo or wooden cutlery for takeaway food; Swap plastic for metal cutlery for in-house guests; Swap single use plastic plates or bowls to re-usable alternatives that can be washed; Offer paper plates instead of plastic; Offer to refill customers’ water bottles or travel cups and Encourage customers to bring their own clean containers for takeaway food

The next series of the highly successful webinars, aimed at parents of teenagers and pre-teens, is about to begin.

And again, the Let’s Talk Teenagers and Let’s Talk Pre-Teens series will cover a range of topics relevant to young people.

The series provides online support sessions and an opportunity for parents and carers of teenagers and pre-teens to hear about the challenges young people are facing today, and discover ways to help them navigate their way through them.

Delivered by parenting experts, they discuss the tools and techniques that can be used to support young people and their community.

The Let’s Talk Teenagers sessions will run on Tuesday 19th September, Tuesday 26th September and Tuesday 3rd October.   See

And the Let’s Talk Pre-Teen sessions will run on Thursday 21st September, Thursday 28th September and Thursday 5th October.   See

Steve Brown, Director of Public Health Devon, said: “Starting or returning to school is an exciting time for all children.   But as they will be mixing with lots of other children, making sure they are up to date with their routine immunisations gives them the best protection from what can potentially be very harmful infections.”

Relevant immunisations are

  • Pre-school Boosters, offered to children from age three years and four months, are: The four in one pre-school booster (diptheria, tetanus, whooping cough and polio)
  • The MMR (measle, mumps, rubella) vaccine is given at one year (first dose) and at three years and four months (second dose)

A list of all the vaccinations your child should have had, by age, and by when, is available via the NHS website.   If you are not sure if your child has had all of their vaccinations, please check their personal health record (the red book) and if you have any questions, contact your child’s surgery.

Annual flu vaccinations are also available to all school children from reception age to year 11, and these are usually given at school.   The vaccine for children is a nasal spray.   Vaccinating your child protects them, but also others who are vulnerable to flu, such as babies and older people.

“Look out for a message from the school immunisation team and please allow them your consent to give the vaccination,” says Steve Brown.

Children who are aged two or three by Thursday 31 August 2023 will be invited for vaccination at their registered GP practice, as well as any children who are at greater risk from flu to enable them to access the vaccine as early as possible in the flu season.

The NHS has information online to help parents and carers know how long their child should be kept off school when they are ill.   Further guidance here


Alistair Dewhirst –


64) PLANNING – Coun.Farrow


The Minutes of the Plans Meeting held on 23rd August 2023 were approved and taken as read.


Appeal 22/02159/FUL – Conversion of building to dwelling (for agricultural worker) & associated works at Hettor Barn Road From Denbury Cross To Dornafield Cross Ipplepen has been Withdrawn.


Public Inquiry for Appeal 23/00021/CERT – Appeal against the refusal of: Certificate of lawfulness for proposed alteration to part of caravan site to alter the existing use of caravan site with 110 touring and 40 static caravans, amenity areas and ancillary facilities to a caravan site with 110 touring and 55 static caravans, amenity areas and ancillary facilities at Park Hill Caravan Park , Moor Road. The Public enquiry will be held on 13th September 2023 at 10am as a virtual hearing. Coun.Farrow, Coun.Jerwood and Coun.Smith will attend. This is a legal process and not a Planning process.


65) AMENITIES –  Coun.Carnell

The Minutes of the Amenities meeting held on 8th August 2023, were approved and taken as read.


  1. a) Skate Park. The removal of the condemned section of the Skate Park is in hand and will take place in due course.
  2. b) Recreation Ground Play Equipment.

Swing Safety Surface

The safety surface beneath the swings is damaged due to normal wear and tear and requires repair. Work is in hand to source resin/rubber materials to carry out the repairs.

  1. c) Millennium Centre Car Park and Footpath

The work to resurface the car park and footpath has now been competed, our thanks to Cllr Burnham and White Rose Tarmacadam.

  1. d) Clampitt Road Toilets

We are awaiting contractor confirmation of the start date for the replacement of the toilet block roof.

  1. e) Grounds Maintenance

For safety reasons the Recreation Ground will have very restricted access during grass cutting. Signs restricting entry will be sited at the three entrance points to the Recreation Ground during this period.

  1. f) Allotments Public Spaces

These areas have now been included in the Grounds Maintenance Contract.

  1. g) Bowden Road Roundabout – Bench

Cllr Carnell has kindly offered to donate a bench to be fitted on the Bowden Road Roundabout in memory Mr and Mrs Reginald Parker.

  1. h) Ippleplanet continue to promote environment protection and improvements across the village and will be holding a Tree Care Day on 9th September 10am – 12 noon where they will be carrying out work on the trees on the land at the back of the Recreation Ground. If you are interested in volunteering to assist you are most welcome to come along.


  • To consider the quotes received for a new football goal at the Recreation Ground.

The two quotations were deferred until the October meeting to clarify that the goals meet all the Health and Safety compliance’s.


Coun.Smith has been approached by a member of the public who looks after the flower troughs inside the War memorial. He is unable to continue to maintain them. Coun.Carnell will speak to IpplePlanet. Also the railings need to be repainted which will be discussed at the Amenities meeting on Tuesday 12th September 2023.


66) FINANCE & PERSONNEL – Coun.Smith


Balance No.                                                                                       £  37,105.79


MCMC – Reimbursement for electricity                                             £          16.38

ICC – Rent                                                                                          £       112.50

Mill Centre – Rent                                                                               £         55.00

Allotment Tenants – Rent                                                                   £         15.00


Balance                                                                                              £   37,304.67   


Invoices Received and Approved:                                                  £   11,490.63  


Balance                                                                                              £  25,814.04


Reserve Account Balance                                               £ 165,700.47


                                                                                                            £ 191,514.51

Items to discuss: Nothing to discuss





The Minutes from the Highways meeting held on Wednesday 23rd August 2023, were approved and taken as read.


  1. a) Signposting – It was agreed that, as the signs were to be placed within or adjacent to the conservation area that we should seek quotes for heritage style signs.
  2. b) Totnes road footpath project – There was some discussion around the idea of putting the footpath through the woods within Fermoys. It was agreed that we should approach Devon Highways to see if we might be permitted to install pipes and backfill the gully in order to continue the path towards Newton Abbot.
  3. c) Urban Speed Limiters – It was agreed that the PC should press ahead with the installation of vehicle activated speed signs (VAS) where pinch points are within the village. It was agreed that reliance upon irregular parking alone was unsustainable, and that VAS could be used to strengthen the message to reduce speed. Chairman to contact the clerks of parishes of Bishopsteignton and Kingskerswell to see whether their experience showed them to be effective.


68) PUBLIC QUESTION TIME – No comments.


69) To note the date of the next PC meeting: Tuesday 3rd October at 7.15pm


Meeting Closed at 20.42pm