Minutes of Annual Parish Council Meeting held at Ipplepen Millennium Centre
On Tuesday 7th May 2024 at 7.15pm
In attendance:
Coun.Palethorpe (Chairman) Coun.Rattlidge
Coun.Carnell (Vice Chair) Coun.Burnham
Coun.Farrow Coun.Latter
Miss Cat Freston – Parish Clerk
Coun.Palethorpe District Councillor
Coun.Dewhirst – County Councillor
Three Member of the public present
Nominations were requested by the outgoing Chairman for the position of Chairman of the Council. Coun.Palethorpe was nominated by Coun.Farrow and seconded by Coun.Carnell and duly elected unanimously.
Coun.Palethorpe nominated Coun.Carnell as Vice-Chairman, which was seconded by Coun.Latter and therefore was duly elected unanimously as Vice Chairman.
2) APOLOGIES – Coun.Mrs.Calland, Coun.Smith, Coun.Jerwood (Apologies approved unanimously).
The acceptance of office forms were signed by the Chairman and Vice-Chair and the Register of Interest forms are up-to-date.
4) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – No declarations of Interest.
Finance Highways Amenities
Coun.Smith Coun.Smith Coun.Palethorpe
Coun.Palethorpe Coun.Palethorpe Coun.Carnell
Coun.Mrs.Calland Coun.Rattlidge Coun.Ranjit
Coun.Farrow Coun.Mrs.Calland Coun.Burnham
Coun.Carnell Coun.Latter Coun.Jerwood
Plans Committee
All Councillors are members of this Committee with the following as named Advisors:
Millennium Centre Management Committee Community Fund
Coun.Farrow Coun.Farrow
Parish Clerk Coun.Carnell
Emergency Team Skate Park
Cat Freston – Co-Ordinator Coun.Calland
Coun.Carnell Coun.Rattlidge
Coun.Palethorpe Coun.Carnell
Village Hall Coun.Mrs.Calland
Stoneycombe Liaison Group Coun.Smith
Parish Magazine Articles Parish Clerk
Councillor Advocate Scheme Coun.Rattlidge
The Code of Conduct and Standing Orders were reviewed and agreed (unanimously). The Finance Regulations were reviewed and one amendment was proposed by Coun.Palethorpe under section 10.3, I was replaced with g. There is an update due as well so these will be reviewed once the update has been received.
All Councillors gave consent to receive agenda’s via email. (All unanimous)
Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 2nd April 2024, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
- A parishioner spoke about the flooding coming down the footpath at the rear of Luscombe Close, into Clampitt Road which is flooding their property. There are sand bags which have been there for some time, however there appears to be a break I the footpath. Coun.Dewhirst will raise with the DCC engineer to look into it and assess the pipe and gullies.
- a) An email has been received from TDC for Councillors to be informed about a review which commenced on Friday 19th April 2024 about Polling Stations places.
- b) Following on from previous correspondence with the developers at Tremlett Grove. They have emailed to inform that their plans wouldn’t involve any new/repaired fencing and asking which part of the dyke the Parish Council were referring to into their previous emails. Action – The Parish Clerk to reply to developers regarding fencing and the dyke.
- c) Coun.Palethorpe emailed asking for volunteers to marshall the road closure on Saturday 20th July 2024 for the Maypole dancers. Action – Palethorpe will inform Councillors nearer the time.
- d) Coun.Farrow has noted via the Weekly List of Planning Applications from TDC, that Parish/Town Councils are no longer requested to comment on any of the following Planning Applications: ADV, AGR, NPA and TEL.
Outside Bodies: –
Coun.Farrow attended the MCMC meeting on Tuesday 20th April 2024. It was discussed about putting Solar panels on the roof with the cost of electricity charges. Coun.Burnham will obtain some quotes.
The monthly water bill is £88.50, which the MCMC currently pay for. It is believed the water from the toilet block is being paid for by the MCMC and not the Parish Council. Coun.Palethorpe proposed that the Parish Council pays the water bill whilst it is being investigated. Coun.Latters seconded, all unanimous. Action – The Parish Clerk to arrange for the bills to be paid by the Parish Council.
Coun.Rattlidge attended a Councillor Advocate Scheme.
District Report – Coun.Palethorpe
Thank you to everyone who voted in the Police and Crime Commissioner Election. Across the District 12,716 voters turned out at the 93 stations with another 10243 voters posting postal votes which was 21.4% of eligible voters. Alison Hernandez was re-elected as PCC for Devon and Cornwall.
The Teignmouth Neighbourhood Plan referendum was supported by 79.9% of voters. There was also a by-election for the Ashburton and Buckfastleigh Ward to elect a District Councillor following the sad death of Huw Cox. Jack Major (Liberal Democrat) was elected.
Queen Street, Newtown Abbot enhancement works will get underway towards the end of the month.
A dedicated local Liaison Officer will visit businesses in the street from next week to discuss the work and any concerns; and put plans in place to support them throughout the duration of the scheme.
The scheme includes a major resurfacing programme for the roads and pavements to replace tired and damaged surfaces, and widen the pavements to create more space for shoppers and visitors. The completed work will make the area safer for pedestrians and have more public seating, new trees and greenery.
The plan is part of a wider garden communities programme, to revitalise and enhance Newton Abbot, boost the local economy, encourage more visitors and local people into the town centre, and increase the time they spend there.
Construction is expected to start later this month and be completed by the end of November, and will progress in seven phases, starting at Queen Street’s western end (Courtenay Street) and finishing at its eastern end (The Avenue).
Here are some of the things you can expect when the work starts:
- During the day, pedestrians will always be able to access Queen Street. Visitors will be able to walk along Queen Street as usual to visit shops and businesses. Occasionally pavements will be closed in the evening for safety reasons, but clear signs will help everyone navigate the area.
- Devon County Council is working with bus operators to minimise disruption to local bus services.
- Queen Street will stay open for visiting vehicles, just as it is now, during most of the construction phases.
- We’re working with DCC to keep as much parking as possible available throughout the work.
- We’re offering discounted parking on the top two levels of the Sherborne Road Multi-Story Car Park
- Blue badge holders can still park on Queen Street and use the blue badge holder bays on Victoria Place and nearby car parks.
- Signage at The Avenue junction and other gateway areas will promote Queen Street as open for business, and scheme information boards will provide visitors and residents with further details about the ongoing works.
Good news for Cyclists – The first phase of works to create a safe and convenient walking, cycling and wheeling route between Newton Abbot and Ogwell is well underway and due to be completed on time (weather dependent), within the next two weeks.
These works include a new section of road and fencing beside the tennis courts in Bakers Park, which is now complete, and road improvements at Steppes Meadow.
Steppes Meadow road works are well underway, including the sub-base layer replacement for a much improved condition.
Subject to further funding and approvals, phase two will include:
- extending the walking, wheeling and cycling route to Beverley Way;
- creating a formal road crossing to link over Totnes Road into Bradley Road; and,
- creating a link into Ogwell via an off-road path into Buntings Close.
Once both phases are complete, the new route will increase opportunities for families to be active, enjoy nature and reduce their car journeys by walking or riding a bicycle to school or work, and provide better access to the town centre’s facilities.
David Palethorpe
Cllr for Ipplepen – Teignbridge District Council
County Report – Coun.Dewhirst
The leader of Devon County Council, Cllr John Hart, has announced he is leaving the post after 15 years.
John became Leader of Devon’s opposition Conservative Party in 2007 and won power of the County Council in the 2009 election. He has remained Leader since then.
The Devon Conservative Group will hold a ballot to decide the County’s next Leader and John will remain in post until then. He was first elected to his home ward of Wembury and Erme in 1989 and now represents Wembury and Bickleigh after boundary changes.
Mr Hart said among the highlights of his career in Devon were the major reorganisation of education in Exeter and winning a £100 million contract which saw all five secondary schools re-built with a big increase in exam standards along with the development of a number of new primary schools.
He led the council through the national period of austerity and headed Devon’s response to the Covid pandemic when the county council was the regional lead authority for the South West. He set up Team Devon with the leaders and chief executives of all Devon’s district councils and representatives of the county’s town and parish councils and national parks. Team Devon came into its own during Covid when it mobilised to get help and support to the most vulnerable people as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Under John’s leadership, the county council has invested some £2 billion on infrastructure including the construction of the South Devon Link Road, major improvements to the North Devon Link Road, the opening of Okehampton railway station and the introduction of daily train services to Exeter and the creation of a new railway station at Marsh Barton in Exeter. He also oversaw the county council’s commitment to be net carbon zero by 2030.
Latterly he has piloted Devon’s devolution deal with the Government in partnership with Torbay Council. He was also proud of his record of producing balanced budgets in every year of his leadership except one exceptional year during Covid.
Devon are planning to inject an extra £10 million into repairing the county’s roads this year. The proposal is due to go before our Cabinet on Wednesday 8 May – in response to recent budget discussions for additional investment in highways, including drainage.
A better than expected settlement was received from the Government last month to help tackle our overspend on education for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Devon is now in a position to make extra money available for road repairs and drainage and will be looking to invest another £10 million into the highway maintenance budget. The proposed additional £10 million funding will be spent across the county with £7.25 million on extensive patching repairs targeting issues identified by highways officers, County Councillors, town and parish councils and communities. It will also pay for £2 million of drainage improvements and £750,000 will be added to the ongoing road marking replacement programme.
If your community group has a project that could improve people’s well-being, or reduce hardship, or provide a warm safe space to work, or learn, or socialise within you area, you can apply for a grant through the Growing Communities Fund.
Since July 2022 funding has been awarded to hundreds of local projects to help them respond to a specific local need.
This year’s funding allocation will mean that since the fund was launched, we have made more than £1.1m available to help communities build self-reliance and resilience.
Groups with schemes that bring communities together, alleviate food poverty or tackle loneliness, isolation and build self-esteem, for example, are invited to apply.
This could include offering advice, peer support or guidance on budgeting, cooking low-cost nutritional meals or supporting the recruitment, training and retention of Volunteers.
Organisers of projects that have a clear and direct community benefit, such as improving the environment, or that use innovation to improve efficiency or proposals that seek to expand the reach of an existing scheme are also encouraged to apply.
There is more information at https://www.devon.gov.uk/communities/growing-communities-fund
Devon County Council and Torbay Council have formally submitted a joint proposal for a Combined County Authority (CCA) to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, the Rt Hon Michael Gove MP.
It’s seen by both councils as a major achievement to now submit the application to the government, and to be closer to having the CCA in place in the Autumn. The CCA will deliver the devolution deal which will enable some important decisions to be made on local priorities such as jobs and skills, housing, and the environment.
Councillors at Devon and Torbay councils were given an analysis of the feedback following recent consultation that drew responses from a broad cross-section of organisations including Devon’s District councils, Town and Parish councils, and representatives from the business, education and skills, housing, transportation, health service providers and voluntary sectors.
At Torbay Council’s specially convened meeting, the vote to progress the CCA proposals was carried unanimously. But not all Councillors at Devon County Council were in agreement – Labour voted against and the Lib Dems and Independents abstained.
The recommendations, however, were carried. In addition to the Devon and Torbay CCA, the County Council will begin the process of establishing the statutory Team Devon Joint Committee, to formalise the existing long-standing partnership between the eight District, City and Borough Councils, Devon Association of Local Councils (representing town and parish councils) and the two national park authorities.
Alistair Dewhirst – alistair.dewhirst@devon.gov.uk
12) PLANNING – Coun.Farrow
District Councillor, Coun.Palethorpe is on the Planning Committee for TDC, so will not comment or vote on any Planning Applications discussed below.
To consider the following planning applications:
To consider the following planning applications:
24/00623/HOU – Proposed detached garage and workshop at Woods Barn, Ipplepen.
Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed no objections but it is classed as being ancillary to the building and is not to be used as a dwelling at any time. Coun.Latter Seconded, all unanimous.
24/00624/LBC – Proposed detached garage and workshop at Woods Barn, Ipplepen.
Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed no objections but it is classed as being ancillary to the building and is not to be used as a dwelling at any time. Coun.Latter Seconded, all unanimous.
24/00665/FUL – Retrospective application to convert workshop into small office with integral parking at Hellyers Stables, Croft Meadow.
Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed no objections to this application. Amendment proposed by Coun.Carnell that it is overdevelopment. This amendment was not voted upon. Coun.Farrow proposed that Councillors may like to have a site visit to assess the situation before making a final comment. Seconded by Coun.Carnell, all unanimous. Action – Clerk to arrange site visit.
13) AMENITIES – Coun.Carnell
- There was no meeting held in April 2024 due to being inquorate.
- The men’s urinals at Clampitt Road toilets are not flushing, Coun.Carnell has contacted a plumber to investigate.
- The new goal mouth has been installed in the park and is now awaiting the net to be installed, safety fencing which had been erected was removed by persons unknown and some of the supporting steel stakes have been stolen.
- Allotment waste – in hand.
- Electrical charge points – in hand.
- To discuss and approve the Grounds Maintenance Contract 2024-2027 – Three companies have tendered for the Ipplepen Grounds Maintenance Contract 2024-2027 (including the DCC Highway Verges)
- Tender A – £4,330.00 per annum – DCC Highway verge cuts fixed price £1,500.00
- Tender B – £9,720.00 + VAT per annum – DCC Highway verge cuts fixed price £800.00
- Tender C – £6,570 + VAT per annum – DCC Highway verge cuts fixed price £2,000.00
- RESOLUTION: Carnell proposed to accept Tender A, seconded by Coun.Rattlidge (all unanimous). The clerk advised that the successful tender was Birbeck Landscapes. Action – The clerk to contact Birbeck Landscapes to let them know they were successful.
14) FINANCE & PERSONNEL – Parish Clerk
Balance No. £ 11,851.06
MCMC – Reimbursement for electricity £ 38.70
Mill Centre – Rent £ 55.00
TDC – Precept Payment for first half of 2024/2025 £ 35,973.00
TDC – CIL Payment £ 10,922.60
Football Club – Rent £ 150.00
Allotment Rent £ 80.00
Balance £ 59,182.86
Invoices Received and Approved: £ 8,418.72
Balance £ 50,764.14
Reserve Account Balance £ 195,767.54
£ 246,531.68
Items to discuss: Nothing to discuss
- The entrance to the Hub is breaking up quite badly and the Parish Council may be asked to consider contributing to the costs.
- a) To agree that the Parish Council meets the criteria of eligibility (two thirds elected members and a Cilca-qualified clerk).
It was agreed that the Parish Council meets the criteria of eligibility.
- b) To agree to adopt the General Power of Competence.
RESOLUTION: It was resolved to adopt the General Power of Competence.
Maverick Skate Park came to the Parish Assembly. The public consultation is still available online until the end of May 2024. Coun.Palethorpe will book a pitch for the Village Show, Coun.Rattlidge will contact Maverick Skate Parks and will find out how many responses Maverick have received with regards to the consultation.
A representative from Kerswella Care will be at the Hub on Tuesday mornings, Wednesday 12pm-3pm and Thursday afternoon’s every week.
19) PUBLIC QUESTION TIME – Coun.Farrow would like to say a Thank You the lady who cleaned the Ipplepen signs on Sunday afternoon. Action – Parish clerk to write to parishioner.
20) To note the date of the next PC meeting: Tuesday 4th June 2024 at 7.15pm
Meeting Closed at 20.39pm