
Amenities Mins October 2022

AmenitiesMinutes Uploaded on October 17, 2022




Cllr R Carnell (RC)-Chair

Cllr D Palethorpe (DP)

Cllr D Burnham (DB)

Cllr Ranjit (JR)

Cllr B Jerwood (BJ)


The meeting opened at 19:00 hours


  1. The Chairman will open the Meeting and receive apologies.

No apologies received, all present



  1. To declare any interests arising at this meeting and to consider any dispensation requests relating to this meeting.

No interests were declared.


  1. The Council will adjourn for the following items:

Public Question Time: A period of 10 minutes will be allowed for members of the public to ask questions or make comment regarding the work of the Council or other items that affect Ipplepen

No members of the public were in attendance.


  1. The Council will convene to conduct the following business:


  1. Salt bins update

In hand.


  1. Gritter service report

In hand


  1. Update on wildflower group meeting

DP advised Mable, from Ippleplanet, that she wasn`t required to attend this meeting.

DP agreed with Ippleplanet for them to clear various areas and to carry out conservation work in Millenium wood. Mable/Ippleplanet to provide own tools and all works will be carried out at their own risk.


  1. Update on allotment water supply

In hand

  1. Update on Picnic bench repair

Repairs completed


  1. Platinum Jubilee bench

DP requested that we thanked Alistair for contribution of £600 to purchase bench

DP to provide details of bench of choice that requires purchasing



  1. Arrange a date for the Emergency Plan Review Meeting

Agreed to be Tues 8 November and to form part of next Amenities meeting


  1. Allotment inspections

Scheduled for 09:00 hours 14 Oct


  1. AOB – matters arising from the PC Meeting on 4thOctober 2022 (eg. Skate Park planning).

Do we require planning or, can we re-instate previous plan.

Maverick to re-visit and provide plan.


Signing, lighting & Guarding certificate (SLG)- do we need anyone to requalify? DP to liaise with Cat



To note the date of the next meeting: Tuesday 8th November 2022

There being no further business the meeting closed at 19:30 hrs