
Amenities Mins. March 2024

AmenitiesMinutes Uploaded on March 22, 2024




Cllr Roger Carnell (RC)-Chair

Cllr Dave Burnham (DB)

Cllr Stephen Latter (SL)

Cllr David Palethorpe (DP)

Cllr Bill Jerwood (BJ)


The meeting opened at 19:00 hours

  1. The Chairman opened the Meeting and received apologies.

Apologies received from:

Cllr Jon Ranjit (JR)

  1. To declare any interests arising at this meeting and to consider any dispensation requests relating to this meeting.

No interests were declared

  1. The Council will adjourn for the following items:

Public Question Time: A period of 10 minutes will be allowed for members of the public to ask questions or make comment regarding the work of the Council or other items that affect Ipplepen



  1. The Council will convene to conduct the following business on the Agenda:


  1. Skate park removal

RC has contacted Gilpin Demolition. Awaiting confirmation of rate to carryout works hopefully pre-Easter

  1. Clampit road toilet refurb

RC has left message with contractor. Awaiting start date

  1. Allotment number posts

SL advised that he has installed 10 to date

  1. Emergency Plan

DP advised in hand. DP has liaised with Cat. Cat to type up

  1. Grass contract

DP has compiled proposed Schedule of Works for tendering. RC raised requirement for    footpath to be included by Dainton Golf club/Lapthorne Business park

  1. Litter Pick

RC/DP advised organised for 6 April. All organised and nothing required from Amenities Committee.

  1. AOB
  • Allotment waste-agreed that bonfire will be organised when weather has dried up. RC suggested that Cat sends a letter/email out to all allotment holders reminding that all rubbish needs to be taken away and disposed of off site
  • IpplePlanet-Memorandum of Understanding has been issued for review and comment by Parish Councillors.
  • DP recommended that we promote visit of Skate Park designer to coincide with removal of existing equipment thereby alleviating any potential concerns being voiced
  • DP advised Village Hall fence completed
  • DB advised that he would review installation of new goalposts at the Recreation Ground




To note the date of the next meeting: Tuesday 09th April 2024


Meeting closed – 19:40 hours