
Advice for families sending their children to school, including advice on social distancing and behaviour on vehicles.

The attached flyer has been produced with advice for families sending their children to school, including advice on social distancing and behaviour on vehicles.

Flyer to Parents – School Transport 140820

Making use of special Government funding, we have arranged for additional dedicated school buses to duplicate some public bus services where social distancing would otherwise make it impossible to accommodate everyone. Whilst social distancing continues to be in force on public buses, Government guidance does not require distancing on vehicles dedicated purely to school and college passengers. Additional coaches have also been arranged on rail routes. Details of all additional services appear on the Travel Devon website:

For short journeys, the Government are encouraging everyone to consider walking and cycling.

A press release has already been issued:

The relevant section of the DCC Covid-19 webpages has also been updated with information about school travel:
