This information is designed to raise awareness of the value of ‘Watch’ schemes and the simple ideas behind its purpose.
Neighbourhood Watch is a group of concerned/likeminded neighbours joining together to help reduce crime and the fear of crime within their community.
This is achieved by keeping their eyes and ears open, using their local knowledge and reporting anything suspicious to the police.
It is also about members being sensible about their own security and keeping a look out for each other especially vulnerable members of their community.
Scheme Co-ordinators and their members are highly valued for their efforts and commitment in helping improve the safety and quality of life for their community and regular contact with local police staff plays an essential role in this.
We can’t get away from the fact that we live in a world where crime and anti-social behaviour happens. It is just not possible to have a police officer or a PCSO standing on the corner of every street, so by setting up schemes such as NHW we not only help cut crime, but also help to reduce the fear of crime, which is a major issue for a lot of people especially the more vulnerable members of our communities.
There are a lot of benefits to being a member of a pro-active scheme. These include stopping or reducing opportunities for the criminals, making our families and our homes and the community in which we live that bit safer. Also helping to improve the social atmosphere and community spirit by bringing everyone together in a shared goal. NHW is not only about reducing crime it can also help to combat loneliness and improve people’s health and wellbeing.
For further information contact –
Roy Stephenson or Dave Leggett at Teignbridge Community Watch Hub – email – NHW.Teignbridge@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk
phone – 01626 326610
Visit ‘Our Watch’ (National) Website – www.ourwatch.org.uk