
Planning Committee Meeting Agenda March 2023

AgendasPlanning Uploaded on March 17, 2023

You are duly summoned to the Planning Committee of the Parish Council that will take place on Wednesday 22nd March 2023 at The Millennium Centre, Ipplepen at 7.15pm.


Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting and speak for a maximum of three minutes about an item on the agenda for this meeting during the Public Session at the discretion of the Chair.


Signed: C.Freston

Parish Clerk    17th March 2023



  1. The Chairman will open the Meeting and receive apologies.


  1. To declare any interests arising at this meeting and to consider any dispensation requests relating to this meeting.


  1. To consider the following planning applications:

22/02370/HOU – Single storey extension to rear at Park Hill Lodge, Totnes Road..

23/00345/NPA – Application for Prior Approval under Part 3 Class Q (a) and (b) paragraph W of the GPDO – change of use of an agricultural building to a dwelling at Barn at Kittymore Bridge, Totnes Road.

23/00416/HOU – Replacement garage at 5 Court Gate Close, Ipplepen.

23/00418/CAN – G1, Mixed species; Through prune to provide 1m clearance from overhead telephone cable run, as indicated in the attached plan at Windmill Brake, Beech Trees Lane.


The Council will adjourn for the following items:


  1. Public Session (Members of the Public may speak for up to 3 minutes at the discretion of the Chair)


  1. To note the date of the next meeting: Wednesday 19th April 2023.





All members of the public are welcome to attend the above meeting.