
Mins. October 2023

Minutes Uploaded on October 9, 2023



Minutes of Meeting held at Ipplepen Millennium Centre


On Tuesday 3rd October 2023 at 7.15pm


The following minutes will be considered for approval at the next Parish Council Meeting and may be subject to change until that time.


In attendance:

Coun.Palethorpe (Chairman)             Coun.Carnell (Vice Chair)

Coun.Rattlidge                                    Coun.Mrs.Calland

Coun.Burnham                                   Coun.Smith



Miss Cat Freston – Parish Clerk


Coun.Palethorpe District Councillor


Coun.Dewhirst – County Councillor


Two Members of the public present


70) APOLOGIES – Coun.Latter, Coun.Jerwood, Coun.Ranjit (Apologies approved unanimously).


71) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST –  Coun.Smith declared an interest in planning application 2301651/FUL change of use and conversion of an agricultural barn to a dwelling at Waye Barton, Littlehempston. Coun.Smith took no part in the discussion and did not vote.




Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 5th September 2023, were approved and signed by the Chairman.




Two members of the public wished to speak about the land at Tremlett Grove. Work has started on the site this week without Planning Permission. Teignbridge Council have been informed of the works being carried out and have not received a response yet.

District Councillor Dave Palethorpe has spoken to TDC and the Tree Officer has put a TPO on the trees. Councillor Palethorpe has also spoken to the Enforcement Officer and there is no planning policy under the enforcement side to stop them carrying on with the works, however the developers are carrying this out at their own risks.




  1. a) An email has been received from a parishioner asking if they can hold a party in the playing field next year for a host of people who are going to reach the big 60 Action – Clerk to reply that the Parish Council are happy to give permission providing they have insurance, and a Risk Assessment and the field is left in the same manor.
  2. b) An email has been received from Animals in Distress Rescue Centre who will be celebrating 30 years of being at the rescue centre. They are looking for ideas/events to help them celebrate. – The Parish Council do not have any land suitable to host a dog show/fun day, however the suggestions were to contact the Village Hall/Hub to hold a coffee morning. The Parish Council also suggested they contact the Football Club/Cricket Club.
  3. c) An email has been received from Knights regarding possible overage payment at Tremlett Grove. They have asked if the Parish Council would like them to try and recover any further overage payments from the developer at this stage Action – Farrow to put a response together and email all Councillors.
  4. d) An email has been received from the founder of Dainton Copse Forest School. It is a small forest school run by two teachers with a passion for bringing people together to enjoy the benefits that building a connection with nature brings. They are running some ‘Stay and Play’ sessions for toddlers at their woodland site and are hoping to run some events that bring the local community together. They have asked if any Parish Councillors would like to go and have a look around Action – Three Councillors were interested in going to have a look around.
  5. e) An email has been received from a horse rider who often crosses the main road between Totnes and Newton Abbot at Parkhill Cross. They have asked if a Pegasus crossing would be considered to make crossing the road safer for horse rider and for pedestrians Action – Dewhirst has informed the horse rider that he would speak to the DCC engineer.
  6. f) An email has been received regarding the possibility of installing a dog poo bin on the footpath that meets Fermoys to discourage people from leaving piles of discarded dog poo bags Action – Smith has walked along the footpath and could see no evidence of the bags. The Clerk will pass the details onto the dog warden to investigate. PLEASE COULD ALL DOG OWNERS/WALKERS TAKE THERE BAGS HOME OR PUT THEM IN THE NEAREST BIN…THANK YOU.
  7. g) An email has been received from a parishioner asking whether seating could be provided at the bus stop on Foredown Road – Action – Clerk to look at prices of seating options for the bus shelter.
  8. h) An email has been received from TDC about Teignmouth’s Neighbourhood Development Plan 2023 Submission Consultation. The consultation runs from 12noon on Wednesday 4th October until 12noon on Wednesday 15th November 2023. You can see the plan and background information and complete the online survey or and download the response form at You can email your completed form to


Outside Bodies:


Coun.Rattlidge attended the Police Advocate Scheme at Exeter Racecourse last week.

TALC will be holding a meeting on Thursday 12th October 2023 at Forde House. Coun.Carnell has sent his apologies. Coun.Rattlidge and Coun.Palethorpe will attend.


Coun.Smith attended the Stoneycombe Liaison meeting on 20th September. The Quarry has a new manager. It was reported that a wall had been knocked down in Gropers Lane and has been repaired.

They also supported IppleTipple financially this year.


Coun.Carnell met with the Devon Air Ambulance engineer who needed to update the software at the Recreation Ground. The engineer reported that one of the lamps was not working. The Clerk has contacted MAT Electrics who installed the pole and lighting and is waiting for a reply for a firm quote.




District Report – Coun.Palethorpe

Planning Enforcement issues have been raised by residents who continue to be concerned, frustrated and angry about the Tremlett Grove Development and in particular about the lack of progress in the Retrospective Planning Application being brought before the Teignbridge Planning Committee. As the District Councillor I have raised the issue with the Planning Department and will continue to support the residents and have asked that the Retrospective Planning Application be taken to the Committee at which residents will be given the opportunity to speak as soon as possible. I will be asking the Chair of the other Overview and Scrutiny Committee to prioritise scrutinising planning and planning enforcement.

In common with Councils across the United Kingdom Teignbridge is facing a budget deficit as a result of Government Policy to reduce funding. The Council on the 28th September agreed to a one of mid year increase in fees and charges as part of its strategy to reduce the forecast budget gap. Membership Fees for the Teignbridge Leisure Centres and Swimming Pools have not been increased as part of a drive to increase membership, however car parking charges in Teignbridge owned car parks have been increased.

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee that I chair has agreed to prioritise the Budget and the subsidy policy that impacts on the Community Interest Organisations who carry out great work with and in supporting the most vulnerable residents.


David Palethorpe

Teignbridge District Councillor for Ipplepen

County Report – Coun.Dewhirst


More than 140 properties are thought to have been flooded across Devon during the recent flash floods.

Officers have been on the ground visiting the worst affected areas to investigate the extent of the damage caused by the torrential rainfall. City and district authority “street scene” teams have also been clearing debris from affected areas.

Residents are being advised to check if their property is at risk of flood at: Check the long term flood risk for an area in England – GOV.UK ( and find out if they are eligible to sign up for a FREE flood warning: Sign up for flood warnings – GOV.UK ( Follow @EnvAgencySW on X (formerly Twitter) for the latest flood updates or visit: Check for flooding – GOV.UK (

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has produced an information leaflet in partnership with the Environment Agency on what to do before, during and after flooding.   The UKHSA website also has health advice and guidance for anyone cleaning up after a flood.

As part of the ongoing flood recovery effort, Devon are working with Teignbridge District Council and the Environment Agency to organise community engagement events.   The drop-in sessions will be held at the Victory Hall, Kenton and Matthews Hall, Topsham

Devon County Council have agreed to give care leavers – young people who have been in the care of the local authority – protected characteristic status.   It’s recognition that young people’s experience of being in the care system can be a potential source of discrimination similar to other protected characteristics such as race or disability.

A Notice of Motion put to members of our Councillor, made the case.   It said that a study has shown that 70 per cent of care experienced people die early; that more than half of the people who are in custody up to the age of 21 years old have been in care; and that a quarter of the homeless population is care experienced.

County Councillors unanimously supported the Motion, which means that we will do more to ensure that care experienced young people are not discriminated against.

It means, for example, that Devon will make sure that the experiences of young people in care and care leavers will be considered in all of its decisions.   But it is also a foundation on which to develop better support across Devon as whole, not just in the services that we are responsible for.

Officers will therefore work with partners to improve support for care experienced people in all aspects of their lives including housing and accommodation, health, employment, as well as education.

Young people with care experience attended the meeting and spoke passionately to councillors about the importance of the Notion of Motion to all children in care and people who have been in care.

At the same meeting it was agreed that the Council would support Parish Councils who wished to pay for a 20 mph speed limit, or extension to one, if they so wished in their community.

This is a significant move by the Council, and I have written to the Chief Highway Officer asking for details as to how this will be effected and I can report to you that the Chief Officer has promised to bring proposals to the November Scrutiny meeting.

There have been numerous calls for 20 mph speed limits in the villages I represent and due to the restrictions currently in place I have not been able to progress this important safety measure.

Devon County Council’s Cabinet has been asked to re-consider its previous decision to decommission the council’s mobile library service.

The Cabinet took the decision in July to decommission the mobile library service.  But I “called in” that decision to allow for further scrutiny in the committee I chair.

Last Thursday (28th September), in a majority vote, members of the council’s cross-party Corporate Infrastructure and Regulatory Services Scrutiny Committee agreed new recommendations that Cabinet will now consider when it meets on Wednesday 11th October.

Those recommendations are that the Cabinet:


  • Reconsiders the decision to decommission the mobile library vehicles and looks again at continuing to provide the mobile library service
  • Gets precise figures on leasing vehicles to review opportunities to continue to provide a cost effective service
  • Looks into opportunities to reduce cost of delivery including commercial sponsorship opportunities on vehicles, crowdfunding and or support from Parish Councils and community groups
  • Develops alternative library provision before taking the decision to remove services

Alistair Dewhirst –


76) PLANNING – Coun.Farrow


The Minutes of the Plans Meeting held on 20th September 2023 were approved and taken as read.

District Councillor, Coun.Palethorpe is on the Planning Committee for TDC, so will not comment or vote on any Planning Applications discussed below.

To consider the following planning applications:

23/01651/FUL – Change of use and conversion of an agricultural barn to a dwelling at Waye Barton, Littlehempston.

Comment: Coun.Carnell proposed no objection, seconded by Coun.Mrs.Calland. Coun.Farrow amended the proposition and proposed no objection in principle but the property is ancillary to the main building and is not sold, let, or leased as a separate dwelling, seconded by Coun.Rattlidge (all unanimous).

23/01729/TPO – T49 – Fell oak tree on boundary between 66 and 64 Dornafield Drive East.

Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed no objection in principle and will take the advice of the arboriculturalist, seconded by Coun.Mrs.Calland. (six for, one abstention).


77) AMENITIES –  Coun.Carnell

The Minutes of the Amenities meeting held on 12th September 2023, were approved and taken as read.


Skate Park – Coun.Rattlidge has agreed to Chair the SkatePark Committee.

The removal of the section of the skatepark deemed beyond repair is in hand.

Recreation Ground – Coun.Jerwood has the sourcing of repair materials for the safety surface around the swings in hand.

Allotments –  It was agreed that the top gate adjacent to the Scout Hut is now beyond repair and needs to be replaced. It is recommended that the 12 foot gate be replaced with 2 x 6 foot metal gates to ensure longevity – Action Coun.Palethorpe

Replacement allotment numbers have been sourced. Coun.Jerwood.

Coun.Carnell has contacted the Grounds Maintenance Contractor who will replace the damaged gate post on the lower gate to the allotments.

Recreation/Village Hall Fence is damaged and has now to be replaced. Parish Council to organise a meeting with the Village Hall Committee to discuss options.

Goal Posts – Replacement goal posts are currently being investigated.

Recreation Ground Toilet Block – Unfortunately we have experienced a level of anti-social behaviour and vandalism in the toilet block. Two toilet seats, two toilet roll holders and a soap dispenser have to be replaced. There has also been cases of all the soap dispensers at the Recreation Ground and Clampitt Road being emptied.

Bowden Road Memorial Bench – Coun.Carnell has kindly donated a bench to be installed in Bowden Road. The bench will be installed once a concrete base has been fitted.

Coun.Palethorpe proposed, Seconded by Coun.Mrs.Calland to get a new concrete slab to put the bench on the Roundabout at Bowden Road.

Clampitt Road Toilets – The work to replace the roof is anticipated to take place late October.

Christmas Tree – Coun.Carnell informed the committee that the Christmas Tree has been ordered and will be installed in time for the Lantern Parade

Wreath – Thanks to Judy Dewhirst who has ordered the PC Wreath for the Remembrance Day service at the War Memorial.

IpplePlanet – Carried out work on the Millennium Wood removing the tree protectors and cutting back the undergrowth to allow new growth to come through. A further session will be held in November to which everyone is invited. It is great to have such an active environment group in Ipplepen and I’m sure that any offers to volunteer to join them will be met with a warm welcome.

Dog bin – A request for a dog bin on the footpath to Fermoys has been received and will be discussed at the Parish Council meeting.


  • To consider the quotes received for a new football goal at the Recreation Ground.

The two quotations were deferred until the October meeting to clarify that the goals meet all the Health and Safety compliance’s.

RESOLUTION: Coun.Smith asked Coun.Burnham to send the quotes to him as he may be able to source a free goal post through Devon County FA.


78) FINANCE & PERSONNEL – Coun.Smith


Balance No.                                                                                       £  25,814.04


MCMC – Reimbursement for electricity                                             £          4.08

Mill Centre – Rent                                                                               £         55.00

TDC – Precept Payment for second half of 2023/2024                     £  36,171.00

Football Club – Rent                                                                           £       150.00

Balance                                                                                              £   62,194.12   


Invoices Received and Approved:                                                  £  3,369.71    


Balance                                                                                              £  58,824.41


Reserve Account Balance                                               £ 165,700.47


                                                                                                            £ 224,524.88

Items to discuss:


  1. RESOLUTION: It was proposed, seconded and agreed unanimously to approve the Insurance Renewal at a premium of £4,063.72 as quoted by Hiscox Insurance Company Limited.



  1. a) Maintenance work has commenced on Conniford Lane and Biltor Road.
  2. b) A sink hole in Moor Road outside the access to the football and cricket clubs is in the process of being remedied. It appears that the cause may have been a leak in the water pipe.
  3. c) There is a road closure in place for Townsend Hill from 2ndto 6th Bowden Road will also be closed from 4thto 6th October. Both involve works being carried out for Wildanet.
  4. d) The next Highways meeting will be on Wednesday 18th October 2023 at 6.45pm.


80) PUBLIC QUESTION TIME – No comments.


81) To note the date of the next PC meeting: Tuesday 7th November at 7.15pm


Meeting Closed at 21.20pm