
Mins. May 2023

Minutes Uploaded on May 19, 2023



Minutes of Annual Parish Council Meeting held at Ipplepen Millennium Centre


On Thursday 18th May 2023 at 7.15pm


The following minutes will be considered for approval at the next Parish Council Meeting and may be subject to change until that time.


In attendance:

Coun.Palethorpe (Chairman)             Coun.Rattlidge

Coun.Carnell   (Vice Chair)                 Coun.Burnham

Coun.Farrow                                       Coun.Jerwood


Miss Cat Freston – Parish Clerk


Coun.Palethorpe District Councillor


Coun.Dewhirst – County Councillor


Seven Member of the public present





Nominations were requested by the outgoing Chairman for the position of Chairman of the Council. Coun.Palethorpe was nominated by Coun.Carnell and seconded by Coun.Rattlidge and duly elected unanimously.




Coun.Farrow nominated Coun.Carnell as Vice-Chairman, which was seconded by Coun.Rattlidge and therefore was duly elected unanimously as Vice Chairman.


2) APOLOGIES – Coun.Mrs.Calland, Coun.Smith, Coun.Ranjit (Apologies approved unanimously).




All Acceptance of Office forms were completed and signed and handed back to the clerk. The Register of Interest forms were given to the Councillors to return to the Clerk ASAP Action – clerk to return Register of Interest forms to TDC.

RESOLVE : to approve for Coun.Ranjit to sign the Acceptance of Office form before or at the Full Parish Council meeting on 1st August 2023.

There is one casual vacancy; this has been advertised on the noticeboard and Social Media. The deadline to apply is Friday 2nd June 2023.


4) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – No declarations of Interest.




Finance                                   Highways                              Amenities

Coun.Smith                             Coun.Smith                             Coun.Palethorpe

Coun.Palethorpe                     Coun.Palethorpe                     Coun.Carnell

Coun.Mrs.Calland                   Coun.Rattlidge                        Coun.Ranjit

Coun.Farrow                           Coun.Mrs.Calland                   Coun.Burnham

VACANCY                             VACANCY                             Coun.Jerwood





Plans Committee

All Councillors are members of this Committee with the following as named Advisors:









Millennium Centre Management Committee                     Community Fund

Coun.Farrow                                                                           Coun.Farrow

Parish Clerk                                                                            Coun.Carnell



Emergency Team                                                                  Skate Park

Cat Freston – Co-Ordinator                                                    Coun.Calland

Coun.Carnell                                                                           Coun.Rattlidge

Coun.Palethorpe                                                                     Coun.Carnell




Village Hall                                          Coun.Mrs.Calland

Stoneycombe Liaison Group              Coun.Smith

Parish Magazine Articles                    Parish Clerk

Councillor Advocate Scheme             Coun.Rattlidge




The Code of Conduct was reviewed and the Standing Orders were adopted, agreed (unanimously).



All Councillors gave consent to receive agenda’s via email. (All unanimous)




Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 4th April 2023, were approved and signed by the Chairman.




A member of the public raised concerns about the tree felling application which has been withdrawn on the land North of Tremlett Grove.


Coun.Palethorpe proposed to move agenda item 12 before agenda item 10 as there were a few members of the public present (Agreed Unanimously)


10) PLANNING – Coun.Farrow


To approve Minutes of Plans Meeting held on 19th April 2023.


To consider the following planning applications:

23/00063/TPO – T1, Ash:Fell at Tremlett Grove.

Comment: This application has been withdrawn.

23/00648/HOU – Proposed single storey rear extension and car port at 5 Clampitt Road.

Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed no objection, seconded by Coun.Burnham (All unanimous).

23/00653/OUT – Outline- agricultural dwelling (approval sought for access and landscaping) at Bulleigh Oaks Farm.

Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed no objection subject to the temporary dwelling being removed on the completion of the proposed permanent dwelling. Seconded by Coun.Palethorpe (All unanimous).

23/00703/FUL – Retention of earthworks at Land North of Tremlett Grove.

Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed Ipplepen Parish Council object to this application and ask for it to be called in to decide by TDC Committee, due to ecological issues, drainage issues and TPO issues. Seconded by Coun.Jerwood. (All unanimous).

23/00730/HOU – Fence at 6 North End Close.

Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed no objection but requested that the gate is inward opening. Seconded by Coun.Burnham (All unanimous)

23/00777/HOU – Demolish existing garage and shed and construct double garage with solar panels at 5 Court Gate Close.

Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed no objection to the construction of the double garage but has reservations on the positioning of the solar panels on the roof. Seconded by Coun.Rattlidge. (All unanimous).

APPEAL 23/00021/CERT – Appeal against the refusal of: Certificate of lawfulness for proposed alteration to part of caravan site to alter the existing use of caravan site with 110 touring and 40 static caravans, amenity area and ancillary facilities to a caravan site with 110 touring and 55 static caravans, amenity areas and ancillary facilities at Park Hill Caravan Park, Moor Road.

Comment:  The appeal is to be undertaken as a Public Enquiry; when the date and venue are known IPC will decide whether they wish to make further representations.

To note: E2/15/29 The District of Teignbridge (Ross Park Caravan Park No. 4) Tree Preservation Order 2022

On 8 June 2022 we made the above tree preservation order on a provisional basis.

On 9 May 2023 the Council decided not to confirm the order at

Ross Park Caravan Park, The Old Barn, Moor Road




  1. a) An email has been received from the Secretary of Ipplepen W.I, who would like to decorate the War Memorial with knitted poppies this year for the Festival of Remembrance.

They looked so good last year and we have asked that the poppies are removed by the end of November 2023 before the Lantern Parade.

  1. b) The redecoration works have been undertaken at the Recreation Ground toilets, however there are a couple of issues to clarify before the invoice is paid. Action Burnham to clarify with contractor.
  2. c) An inspection to assess the condition of the toilet block in Clampitt Road has been carried out along with an asbestos report. The invoice for £518.00 was agreed to be paid. (All unanimous).
  3. d) Coun.Carnell has received a quote to install three new Defibrillator cabinets. The cost is £180.00 per cabinet, agreed unanimously. Action – Clerk to order three new locked defibrillator cabinets.





Outside Bodies:


Coun.Rattlidge attended the Councillor Advocate Scheme on Tuesday 16th May at Exeter Racecourse.


IpplePlanet Monthly report for April/May:

Ippleplanet are continuing to draft a short simple management plan taking into account the current physical and financial constraints.

IpplePlanet April activities (since 3rd April):

  1. 14th April tree planting at Coombe Fishacre with ParkLife SW. Good attendance despite poor weather, great achievement and a fun day out for all.
  2. 23rd April birdsong walk at Bulleigh Barton, 14 participants including leaders and hosts. Saw 18 bird species which is a good variety, including swallows and buzzard, but sadly no yellowhammers or cirl buntings.
  3. Sat 13th May IpplePlanet Birdsong Walk (2) to see Bluebells at Orley. Six attendees, 17 plus bird species, spotted several wildflowers in bloom, orange tip butterfly, bloody-nose beetle, thick-legged flower beetle, purple orchids.

Forthcoming events:

  1. Thu 18th May Tree care and maintenance of recently planted trees, such as adding mulch, at Coombefishacre with ParkLifeSW. More details online via ParkLifeSW.
  2. Fri 26th May Moth event at Orley with Teignbridge Rangers, weather permitting! Booking essential as limited numbers. Email
  3. Thu 1st June: Tree Mulching with ParkLifeSW at Combe Fishacre 10-3pm.
  4. Sunday 4th June: Birdsong Walk (3) Recreation Ground and Allotments 9.30-11am.
  5. Saturday 24th June: Birdsong walk (4) walk along the lanes past Animals in Distress and Ambrook direction 9.30-11am.




District Report – Coun.Palethorpe

The Teignbridge District Council election was held on 4 May 2023. My sincere thanks to everyone in Ipplepen who voted. The turnout was 45% which was the third highest in the District.

I would like to thank Dennis Smith (Conservative) and Nicky Rayner (SDA) for standing in what was a close election.

Teignbridge District Council results were,

Liberal Democrats 26 seats

Conservatives. 9

South Devon Alliance 9

Independents. 2

Independents. 1

Subsequently one Independent has elected to now ‘sit with’ the South Devon Alliance.

The roles and responsibilities to which the 2023 elected Councillors have been assigned will be confirmed at the Annual District Council meeting on 23 May after which time I will promulgate those to which I have been assigned.

Once again my thanks to everyone who voted and helped in any way during the election and I can assure everyone, whoever you voted for, that Ipplepen is and will remain my priority.


David Palethorpe

Cllr for Ipplepen – Teignbridge District Council




County Report – Coun.Dewhirst


Devon County Council agreed to an in-depth review to address “serious” failures in its governance.   A report presented to the council’s Procedures committee says the authority “finds itself in a very different operating context and the need for a review of priorities is required.”

Describing the council’s internal position as “very challenging,” it cites failing children’s services and budget sustainability as two major factors, whilst accepting there is “concern from stakeholders regarding confidence in the council to address these challenges.”

Westminster has already issued the council with an improvement notice, adding in December that it was “extremely concerned” about its children’s services. A commissioner has been appointed to oversee improvement.

The report also warns there is a “material threat of a s114 notice” – an effective declaration of bankruptcy – due to a growing overspend on caring for children with special educational needs and disabilities.

Since 2020, Devon’s total running overspend on the SEND service – effectively debt – has risen to around £127 million, a figure projected to increase to £153 million by March 2024.   The amount is more than the county has in reserves.

The report goes on to state, in light of recent management changes and the pandemic: “This is an opportune time to consider … future governance arrangements, making the necessary improvements as expected by the minister, the DFE, the commissioner and the SEND improvement board.”

The “root and branch” review will be split into two phases, each lasting six months. It will be led by a cross-party working group of the procedures committee, which exists to review the council’s constitution and how it functions.

Devon are inviting schools, youth clubs, families and carers of children and young people to visit us at our stand at the Devon County Show this year.

The Council is making ‘children and families’ the theme of the stand as part of the commitment for Devon to be the best place to grow for children and young people; a safe and green county that provides young people with the best possible start in life; that educates its children well, equipping them for employment or training and successful futures that enable them to live and thrive in Devon.

For the first time Sound Communities will be bringing their ‘Boom Bus’ to the stand, and will be using music, radio and creative media production to demonstrate and teach visitors new skills that can help build self-confidence and improve young people’s mental wellbeing.

If you enjoy music, then don’t forget to visit The Music Hub stage on Avenue K and listen to live musical performances from Devon schools and youth groups across the three show days.

For parents and carers of younger children through to late teens, the Public Health Nursing team will be on the stand.   They’ll be offering health advice to help your family, children and young people to grow and flourish, including information on mental health and wellbeing as well as a comfortable baby-friendly feeding area.

Tiny Travels, also on the stand this year, will be offering families a fun, interactive educational opportunity to learn about different world cultures, featuring instruments, crafts and play food from around the world. There will also be a colouring table, reading corner, puzzles and music.

The Fostering service will be there to talk to people who are interested in the vital, positive role that foster carers play in the lives of the children in care in Devon.   They’ll be offering advice on how you can plan your fostering journey, and the difference you could make to the life of a child or young person.

This year, Fostering in Devon will be proudly supported by the Exeter Chiefs Community, and they’ll be joining the team on the stand on Friday with fun games and the chance to win a signed Exeter Chiefs rugby ball.


Recycle Devon will be also there, helping families to learn recycling skills to input into everyday life.   They’ll be encouraging young people to take part in gaining their Recycle Devon Guides and Scouts badges.   They’ll also have guidance on what people should and shouldn’t be putting in their bins.

And by way of refreshment, there will be The Coffee Stop – a local converted mobile coffee van serving freshly ground barista-made coffee alongside a variety of delicious locally made cakes and savouries.

You’ll find our Devon County Council at Stand 325, Road 8.

Devon is asking people to give their views on a regional strategy that will help ensure that that the South West can make the changes needed to cope with the worst effects of climate change.

To effectively respond to the climate crises, it is vital that strategies are put in place to deal with both the cause of rising greenhouse gases and their effect on our communities, also called Mitigation and Adaptation.

Mitigation focuses on tackling the causes of climate change by reducing the emission of greenhouse gases to net-zero.   Whereas Adaptation is the process of adjusting to the impacts of climate change that we are already seeing and can be expected in the future.

The Strategy accepts that significant climate ‘shocks’ are inevitable, and as the world grows warmer, different places, depending on factors like geography and population, will be affected in different ways.

Our region has approximately 1500km of coastline, and rising sea levels of up to 78cm by the 2080s will put the region’s low lying and coastal communities at increased risk while extreme weather events such as storms could lead to increased flooding for communities near rivers and watercourses.   As global temperatures rise, the seas will become more acidic, putting fishing stocks at risk.

The second part is the Adaptation Plan which sets out the conditions to enable regional partners to act on adapting to climate change together; and finally, an Action Plan, highlighting where we should focus our efforts over the next five years.

You can view the Strategy, a series of ‘short-reads’ and respond to the consultation here


Please do not forget the Mobile Library consultation can be accessed here –

Remember is finishes on the 26th May.


Social tarriffs on broadband


Alistair Dewhirst –


13) AMENITIES –  Coun.Carnell


The Minutes of the Amenities meeting held on 12th April 2023, were approved and taken as read.

  1. The next Amenities meeting will be held on Tuesday 23rd May 2023.


14) FINANCE & PERSONNEL – Parish Clerk


Balance No.                                                                                       £  20,178.62

MCMC – Reimbursement for electricity                                             £          24.36

Mill Centre – Rent                                                                               £         55.00

TDC – Precept Payment for first half of 2023/2024                           £  35,575.13

TDC – CIL Payment                                                                           £    6,553.56

Football Club – Rent                                                                           £       150.00

Western Power – Wayleave                                                               £           2.90

National Lottery Grant – Kings Coronation                                         £    2,042.00


Balance                                                                                              £   64,581.57


Invoices Received and Approved:                                                  £   5,070.15


Balance                                                                                              £  59,511.42


Reserve Account Balance                                               £ 165,700.47


                                                                                                            £ 225,211.89

Items to discuss: Nothing to discuss





  1. The next Highways meeting – TBC




  1. a) To agree that the Parish Council meets the criteria of eligibility (two thirds elected members and a Cilca-qualified clerk) .

It was agreed that the Parish Council meets the criteria of eligibility.

  1. b) To agree to adopt the General Power of Competence.


RESOLUTION: It was resolved to adopt the General Power of Competence.




Coun.Rattlidge is delighted to inform that the Ipplepen Neighbourhood Plan 714 voted in favour of ‘Yes’, 180 voted in favour of ‘No’.

Coun.Palethorpe thanked Coun.Rattlidge for all his hard work on the Neighbourhood Plan and to all Councillors who attended the drop-in sessions.

Teignbridge District Council will adopt the Ipplepen Neighbourhood Plan in due course.

Coun.Farrow proposed a vote of thanks to Coun.Rattlidge for all his hard work and time.




The Coronation celebrations were a great success. A vote of thanks to Coun.Mrs.Calland for all her hard work and to the Carnival Club for such a fantastic day. Action – Clerk to write a ‘thank you’ letter to the Carnival Club.

Coun.Farrow received a thank you from some school parents for the Wildflower Seeds which all the school children received.

A big thank you to Ipplepen Community Fund and also the National Lottery Grant for their financial support towards the event.


19) PUBLIC QUESTION TIME –  A parishioner asked if there was an update on the yellow lines along Bridge Street. Coun.Dewhirst has assured the double yellow lines will be coming.


20) To note the date of the next PC meeting: Tuesday 6th June at 7.15pm



Meeting Closed at 21.45pm