
Mins. March 2023

Minutes Uploaded on March 10, 2023



Minutes of Meeting held at Ipplepen Millennium Centre  Tuesday 7th March, 2023


Coun.Palethorpe (Chairman)             Coun.Rattlidge

Coun.Smith                                         Coun.Farrow

Coun Burnham                                  Coun.Carnell (Vice Chair)

Coun.Mrs.Calland                               Coun.Jerwood


Miss Cat Freston – Parish Clerk

Coun.Dewhirst – District/County Councillor


One member of the public present


The following minutes will be considered for approval at the next Parish Council Meeting and may be subject to change until that time.


138) APOLOGIES – No apologies


139) DECLARATION OF INTEREST –  Coun.Carnell declared an interest on application 23/00217/FUL – Change of use of additional land to domestic curtilage with retention of domestic store and pool at Littlemead, Marldon Road.

Coun.Carnell took no part in the discussion and did not vote.




Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 7th February 2023 were approved and signed by the Chairman.






  1. An email has been received from Kerswella Care regarding the trial of an interactive ICT system for residents with impaired memory in Kingskerswell. It has continued to support the Ipplepen Memory Café by helping with co-ordination and funds for activities/resources. They have asked for feeback regarding their initative.

Coun.Smith reported that he had attended the Memory Café and said it was run really well and they are doing a very good job.

  1. An email has been received from Hedgehogs R Us asking Parish and Town Councils to use a small portion of their assisgned funds to purchase a box of hedgehog highway surrounds and make them available to residents. Coun.Mrs.Calland proposed, Coun.Rattlidge Seconded (All unanimous) that the Parish Council purchase 1x box of 50 hedgehog highway surrounds and 50 information leaflets for £150 and donate to IpplePrickle.


OUTSIDE BODIES – Coun.Rattlidge reported that the Councillor Advocate Scheme is back up and running and will take place once a month for 30 minutes via Zoom. If there is anything to report, let Coun.Rattlidge know who will report at the meetings.





County Report


Next year’s budget has been agreed by Devon County Council, with council tax going up by 4.99 per cent.   The increase will mean the yearly bill for an average Band D property will rise by £77.67 to £1,634.13 for the Devon County Council part of the Council Tax.   This does not include the huge 15% increase in the Police precept; the Fire Authority and Parish Council precepts and of course the Teignbridge District Council tax which has declined from an upper 9% to 8% of the Council Tax make up.

Council approved the ruling Conservative group’s budget plans on 16th February, which will see total spending increase from £629 million to £696 million next year – a rise of 10.5 per cent.

The Budget was rejected by the opposition Liberal Democrats who had their own amendment to pay for more pothole and road repairs and 20 mph zones.   Labour members supported the budget, despite the Group describing it as “far from being a good budget” and “a bad budget for Devon”.

Extra money in the budget will mostly go towards spending increases of 18.4 and 8.8 per cent on children’s and adult services respectively.   However, the council tax rise and central funding from government has not been enough for Devon to set a budget without making cuts elsewhere.

As a result, cuts, alternative funding and additional income of £47.5 million have been identified, including £26.4 million of savings in adult social care and £12 million taken from reserves.

Addressing councillors, cabinet member for finance Cllr Phil Twiss said it was an “extraordinary budget for extraordinary times.”

But Lib Dem opposition leader Julian Brazil took issue at Cllr Twiss being “proud” of the budget. “I’d be embarrassed about this budget,” he said, accusing Cllr Twiss of being from the “school of Trussonomics.”

In my speech, I expressed real concern over the deliverability of the nearly £50 million of cuts and savings, noting that proposed savings in the previous three budgets had not been achieved.

One Tory councillor, voted against his own party’s budget and slammed the government, calling on it to take back control of adult social care and children’s services.   “We’re really, really struggling. It needs to be given back,” he said.   “Financially we cannot cope.   Why should our residents suffer with such a huge burden on their taxes?   Central government need to pull their fingers out of their derrieres and get it sorted for us,” Cllr McGeough added. “It’s not right. It’s not fair.”

The Independent and Green groups also rejected the budget.   The Independent Leader addressing the big rise in spending on Devon’s underperforming children’s services said “a good news story you would think for children.   I’m not convinced there is a solid plan for the extra (money) to improve outcomes, and Ofsted are definitely not convinced.”   The government has threatened to intervene over the authority’s long-term failings in Children’s Services.

Councillors approved the budget by a margin of 40 votes to 13.

Devon County are teaming up with Devon & Plymouth Chamber of Commerce to host the New Ways to Recruit and Retain Staff in 2023 event.

With the region’s job market still facing a range of vacancies, this free event aims to help employers, organisations and charities to find out about alternative ways of recruiting and retaining staff.

The event will be held at Exeter Racecourse on Monday 24th April from 8:30am – 1pm, focuses on supporting employers to consider filling vacancies using a wider talent pool of people, how to support those already in employment, to better understand workplace culture and to review how traditional recruitment methods can be adjusted to attract a different audience.

Speakers on the day include Mike Adams OBE, Founder of Purple Tuesday, who will discuss what organisations must do to be disability inclusive, as well as Helen Hart, from Devon & Plymouth Chamber of Commerce’s Local Skills improvement Plan Project Executive, and Ruth Gripper, Research Impact Manager at the University of Exeter.

There will also be discussion groups on topics including:


  • Workplace Culture – exploring how a positive, inclusive culture can impact your ability to recruit and retain great candidates for your business.
  • Differences in our wiring: Flipping the narrative – encouraging a healthy and open dialogue around some of the common strengths and abilities to be found in people with neurodiverse differences such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia or dyspraxia and how we can best support some of the common needs that arise.
  • Reaching a wider jobs market: Inclusive recruitment – how to make your recruitment process more inclusive from writing the job description through to the interview.
  • Being a mindful manager – Andrea Adey from Mindful Employer will empower employers to take the lead on matters of workplace mental health and wellbeing.
  • Access to Work – Job Centre Plus Disability Advisors will discuss Access to Work, a Department for Work and Pension grant scheme which provides money to help people with a disability or long-term health condition stay in work to do their job.


District Report

Teignbridge will cut its share of the council tax next year.   The district council set a budget of £59 million for the next financial year, with a third of a million pounds left over from the council’s income this year.

Teignbridge will continue to waive council tax for those on the lowest income and while there is a council tax increase, it will not come into effect until 2024-25.   The £5.54 reduction in council tax for all households in 2023-24 will cost £330,000, but Conservative leader Cllr Bullivant felt that the money might be better spent on creating jobs than giving out £5.54 as council tax support.’

Cllr Richard Keeling explained that Teignbridge gets less than 10 pence in the pound of council tax, so it wants to use that to support residents.   “We have spent a lot of time on how can Teignbridge help our residents with the cost of living crisis with those who are struggling the most so we are planning to give back to householders the Teignbridge share of the council tax increase,” he said.

During the debate we heard that reserves were to increase by 13% or £2.3 million;  revenue contributions of £300,000 to support the capital budget;  voluntary grants are to be maintained at the current rate;  Tidy Teignbridge grants to be continued;  Councillors Community Fund continues at £1,000;  £500,000 goes to reduce the Pensions deficit;  Fees and Charges generally remain at below inflation levels;  continuing the Teignbridge 100 social housing programme;  continuing investment in climate change schemes and a climate change Officer and £2 million goes to industrial site development in the District.

Interestingly the Leader of the South Devon Alliance declined to vote on the Budget because he had been too busy with other issues!   The budget was carried by 22 votes for 1 against and 5 abstentions.


Alistair Dewhirst –


144) PLANNING – Coun.Farrow


The Minutes of the Plans Meeting held on 22nd February 2023 were approved and taken as read

To consider the following applications:

22/02370/HOU – Single storey extension to rear at Park Hill Lodge, Totnes Road.

Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed that Ipplepen Parish Council write to TDC to ask for the two missing drawings and will then comment at the next meeting, once the drawings have been received. Seconded by Coun.Mrs.Calland (All unanimous)

23/00201/CAN – TWT1.  1x Sycamore adjacent to driveway –  Reduce in height from 16m to 13m above ground level back to suitable growth points.  Reduce the canopy, growing in a south western direction, over the driveway by approximately 3-4m back to suitable pruning points.

G2.  3 x Sycamore situated in Laurel hedge –  Fell to a height of approximately 4m.

T3, Beech & T4, Sycamore – Reduce in height by 3m to suitable growth points and reduce north side canopy by approximately 2m to suitable growth points.  Retaining tree with a height of 15m at Windmill Brake, Beech Trees Lane.

Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed no objection providing it is in agreement with the TDC Tree Officer, seconded by Coun.Smith. (All unanimous).

23/00217/FUL – Change of use of additional land to domestic curtilage with retention of domestic store and pool at Littlemead, Marldon Road, Ipplepen.

Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed that Ipplepen Parish Council object to this application and it is called in to decide by TDC Committee  due to potential loss of agricultural land, seconded by Coun.Palethorpe. (All unanimous).

23/00281/FUL – Change of use from agricultural land to dog walking paddock at Land At Ngr 285404 66986 Holmans Hill, Ipplepen.

Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed Ipplepen Parish Council object to this application due to the loss of agricultural land to a non-agricultural Commercial business, seconded by Coun.Mrs.Calland. (All unaminous).


Coun.Farrow raised the point of what the actual content needs to be in the letter to TDC Planning regarding the Joint Town/Parish Council meeting at Christow Community Centre on Thursday 26th January 2023 attended by Coun.carnell and Coun.Rattlidge.

Action – A letter will be drafted and circulated to all Councillors before being sent to TDC Planning Department.


145) AMENITIES – Coun.Carnell


The Minutes of the Amenities meeting held on 14th February 2023, were approved and taken as read.


  1. New steps at Clampitt Road are in hand and are due to be done.
  2.  The water supply at the Allotment is in hand and will be completed by Easter.
  3. Electrical supply in Recreation Ground. We have received one quote and will arrange a meeting with the local community groups who will use the electricity supply to discuss further.
  4.  Salt bin has been placed at the bottom of Barn Park Close.
  5. Overhanging trees in Tremlett Grove. A Resident advised that they can remove any branches overhanging their property but resident responsible to get contractor that will ensure no damage to wall.
  6.  Memorial bench has arrived, installation is to be arranged.
  7.  The Cottage Garden Society have requested a 20 foot container be sited on Recreation Ground for storage of equipment. IPC required to retain land –Peppercorn rent of say £10 per year was suggested. Coun.Palethorpe to compile rental agreement incl care of ground and maintenance of container.
  8.  CCTV has been replaced and is now working.
  9. Vandalism has taken place in Clampitt Road toilets, there was lots of smashed glass. Coun.Palethorpe attended and cleared up the glass. Clampitt Road toilet block needs redecorating as it is very damp.
  10.  To consider and approve the tenders received for replacement heaters in the Recreation Ground toilet block. Two quotes were received.

RESOLUTION: Coun.Mrs.Calland proposed to accept Tender B, seconded by Coun.Farrow and agreed unanimously at £1,596.00.

The Contractor will be MJE Electrical Services.


146) FINANCE & PERSONNEL – Coun.Smith


Balance No.                                                                                       £  47,621.43

MCMC – Reimbursement for electricity                                             £         28.00

Mill Centre – Rent                                                                               £         55.00

Scouts – Rent                                                                                     £       125.00

Tennis Club – Rent                                                                             £       150.00


Balance                                                                                              £   47,979.43


Invoices Received and Approved:                                                  £     3,313.23


Balance                                                                                              £   44,666.20


Reserve Account Balance                                                               £ 137,240.54


                                                                                                            £  181,906.74

Items to discuss:


  1. a) Scheme of Delegation to the Parish Clerk – Elections 2023

In the event of the Council not being quorate after the Elections in May 2023, the Parish Council delegate the authorisation of payments to the Clerk. To be reviewed at the May 2023 Annual Meeting.

RESOULTION: Coun.Smith proposed, seconded by Coun.Palethorpe.  It was agreed unanimously.

  1. b) As we are coming up to the Year end, the Clerk would like approval to move £28,091.00 into the reserve account before the next Precept is due in April 2023.

Coun.Smith proposed, seconded by Coun.Palethorpe. (All unanimous).


147) HIGHWAYS & RIGHTS OF WAY – Coun.Smith


  1. Smith is meeting with the Highways Officer and Coun.Dewhirst on Thursday 9th March 2023 at Bilver Cross, Edginswell Lane and will also look at the curb damage in Tremlett Grove.
  2. Carnell reported that Coun.Dewhirst had reported the broken fencing by the dyke in Tremlett Grove. The Clerk has written to the developers who have replied informing that the work will be done when the developers have completed the work on site.
  3. The 20mph boards will be discussed at the Highways meeting on Wednesday 22nd March 2023.


148) NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – Coun.Rattlidge


The Neighbourhood Plan referendum will take place on Thursday 4th May 2023. Coun.Rattlidge would like an article publishing in the Parish Magazine for April and also on Social media.




All Councillors approved the Asset Register subject to the Football Club and Cricket Club leases being reviewed. (All unanimous)




The Annual Litter pick will take place on Saturday 11th March 2023 at 2pm , meeting at the Village Hall side room.




The Parish Council precepted £3,000 towards the Coronation celebrations. The Carival Club have put an list of expenditure which is around £4,000. Coun.Mrs.Calland proposed that the Parish Council allocate £4,000 towards the Coronation picnic in the park, seconded by Coun.Rattlidge (8 for, 1 against) Coun.Palethorpe proposed Coun.Mrs.Calland is the delegated Councillor to liaise with the Carnival Club.




Coun.Dewhirst reported that there is not a Wildlife Warden report. Coun.Carnell will liaise with the Wildlife Warden to see if a report can be given at Parish Council meetings in the future.


153) To note the date of the next PC meeting: Tuesday 4th April 2023 at 7.15pm


Meeting Closed at 21.39pm