
Mins. June 2024

Minutes Uploaded on June 7, 2024



Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held at Ipplepen Millennium Centre


On Tuesday 4th June 2024 at 7.15pm


The following minutes will be considered for approval at the next Parish Council Meeting and may be subject to change until that time


In attendance:

Coun.Palethorpe (Chairman)             Coun.Rattlidge

Coun.Carnell   (Vice Chair)                 Coun.Burnham

Coun.Farrow                                       Coun.Latter



Miss Cat Freston – Parish Clerk


Coun.Palethorpe District Councillor


Coun.Dewhirst – County Councillor


Three Member of the public present


21) APOLOGIES – Coun.Mrs.Calland, Coun.Jerwood, Coun.Ranjit (Apologies approved unanimously).


22) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – No declarations of Interest.




Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 7th May 2024, were approved and signed by the Chairman.




A Parish Councillor from Kingskerswell who is also a Director of DALC and works for the Youth Servicesand Age UK attended the meeting.




  1. a) TDC have invited two people from each Town/Parish Council to attend a Planning Town/Parish Forum on Tuesday 18th June from 6pm to 8pm or Wednesday 19th June from 2pm to 4pm Action – The clerk to respond.
  2. b) Belfield Developments have replied to an email regarding the fencing at Tremlett Grove/rear of St Marys Place. They have informed the Clerk that it was never their intention to install new fencing as per the approved landscaping plans. They have a Management Company in place for ongoing maintenance. They have asked them for their advice on whether a fence or possibly signage is required in the area from a H&S perspective and they action their advice accordingly. Action – The Clerk to reply that the Parish Council have no responsibility, no liability for the land, and no future maintenance for the watercourse.
  3. c) Ipplepen Carnival Club have emailed asking for permission to use the playing field from 4th August 2024 to 11th August 2024. Action – Clerk to reply that the Parish Council are happy for the Recreation Ground to be used.
  4. d) TDC have emailed regarding the Consultation on Planning Application Validation Guides. TDC are required by Government to review and consult on their Validation Guide every two years. They have completed the review and have produced a draft Validation Guide and a draft simplified householder validation guide. They are asking the Parish Council to submit comments on this which will be on their website until 30th June 2024. Action – Farrow will look into this.
  5. f) An email has been received regarding Suicide Prevention: Everybody’s Business – Thursday 11thJuly 3.30pm. Public Health Suicide Prevention leads at Devon County Council are offering professionals aFREE bitesize suicide prevention awareness session. The actions you can take to make a difference and contribute to suicide prevention in your local communities. This session is open to any professionals, elected members and the voluntary and community sector so please feel free to share amongst colleagues and fellow professionals.  To book on to the session please CLICK HERE.


Outside Bodies:


Coun.Rattlidge attende a Councillor Advocate seminar on Teams. There is a new National Policing website where you can find out what is happening in your area.


Coun.Rattlidge attended the Delivering Rural Affordable Homes on line session on 8th May 2024. Ipplepen’s Neighbourhood Plan was shown as an example to others. The Police and Crime Commissioner are offering grants of up to £5,000 for Youth Groups.




District Report – Coun.Palethorpe


I am very pleased to have been able to provide £300.00 from the Teignbridge Councillor Community Fund to Village Garden/IppleTipple which will allow them to install additional electrical facilities at the recreation ground to allow easier payment methods during events.

(The Councillor Community Fund of £1000/year is for each Teignbridge Councillors to use in support of local community organisations and is funded through your Council Tax).

D Day 80th Anniversary

There is something special about the way in which Ipplepen get behind events such as the D Day 80th anniversary. My thanks to all the committee and especially Pam Thomas for the excellent display in St Andrews Church and all of those who have contributed towards it. Thank you also to Andrew and the Church Wardens for allowing the exhibition to be in the church and for flying the flag.

The silhouettes were provided by Barry Quick

Village Show Reminder Rolling Road Closure

There will be a ‘Rolling Road Closure’ between the War Memorial and Recreation Ground for 20 minutes on Saturday 20th July as we follow the May Queen procession up to the Village Show. Vehicles will be stopped at Clampitt Road opposite the Welly and outside of the Village Hall. Thank you to the Parish Councillors who have volunteered to act as Marshalls.


District News

The work on Queen Street in Newton Abbot has now started and is progressing well on target to complete by the end of November in time for the Christmas period.

All the businesses along Queen Street are open and will remain open for business as usual throughout the enhancement works.


Adult Changing Facilities

Three new disabled facilities for Teignbridge sites

Published: 30 May 2024

New Teignbridge facilities for people with a range of physical disabilities and profound learning disabilities are all due to be completed by the end of June, in three locations across the district.

Changing places provide sanitary toilet stations for people with multiple and complex disabilities who have one or two assistants with them. Whilst standard accessible toilets meet the needs of some disabled people, over 250,000 people across the country need personal assistance to use the toilet or change continence pads, including people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, spinal injuries and people living with stroke.

Cllr David Palethorpe, our Lead Member for Property and Assets, said:

“These facilities are different from a standard disabled toilet as they are much larger and incorporate a greater level of equipment to support disabled children and adults with severe mobility conditions.

“Standard disabled toilets can mean that some disabled people are limited to what activities are available to them, or even prevented from going out altogether. Without appropriate facilities, carers are forced to change continence pads on public toilet floors or wait until they go home. This is unhygienic, undignified, and unacceptable. They may also find themselves compromising their health and dignity by using unsuitable facilities. Changing Places facilities can vastly improve people’s quality of life, allowing disabled people and their assistants to stay out for longer and participate in more activities across the district.”


The new facilities will be available at Decoy, Dawlish Lawn and Dawlish Warren, and are all due to be completed by the end of June.

All three sites will be fitted with:

  • height-adjustable adult-sized changing bench
  • Ceiling track hoist system
  • Peninsular toilet with space both sides for assistants
  • Privacy screens
  • Wide paper roll for the changing bed
  • Large waste disposal bin
  • Height adjustable washbasins
  • Automatic hand dyers
  • Paper towel dispenser
  • Soap dispensers
  • Emergency pull cords
  • Contrasting colours
  • Full length body mirror
  • Colostomy bag shelf
  • Anti-slip flooring


Making it easier for you to comment on planning applications


We’re changing the way you can comment on planning applications on our website, to make it easier for you to see your comments and view the applications you’re interested in.

From Wednesday 12 June you can log into your Teignbridge My Account (or register if you don’t yet have one) and you can then view and comment on planning applications whenever you’re logged into your My Account. You’ll receive an email confirming receipt of any comments you make, which will immediately upload to the website without having to wait for them to be manually added.

You can also report any inappropriate comments, and once this comment has been reported it will be hidden until we can review it. This review may result in the comment being removed totally, edited then republished or accepted as it is. Once we have made this decision no further reports can be made for that comment.

As well as submitting comments you will be able to save searches and request notifications of status changes on applications.


David Palethorpe

Cllr for Ipplepen – Teignbridge District Council


County Report – Coun.Dewhirst


Devon are leading a new organisation which will ensure that all children in Devon, Plymouth and Torbay will have the chance to play a musical  instrument, learn to sing and create music

Devon are already responsible for the existing Music Hubs for Devon and Torbay, and from September will work with Plymouth Youth Music Service to lead music education provision across the region.

It follows the recent announcement by Arts Council England and the Department for Education for a new generation of Music Hubs, covering every part of England – and following a competitive application process, Devon have now been confirmed as one of 43 new Hub Lead Organisations.

The new Devon Music Educational Hub will provide high-quality music education and teacher training and give children the opportunity to pursue their musical interests and develop their skills.   They will work with schools, music educators and a range of local, regional and national partner organisations.

The new Hubs will also help to deliver the Arts Council’s strategy, Let’s Create, which aims to improve access to creativity and culture for all children.

Last Month I reported that Devon County Council and Torbay Council have formally submitted a joint proposal for a Combined County Authority (CCA) to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

It was expected that Government would make the legislative regulations to create the CCA over the summer months, with a view to the Devon and Torbay CCA holding its first meeting in the Autumn.

But the General Election in July changes that timetable.   Speaking at Devon County Council’s Full Council, the new Leader, Cllr James McInnes, said: “We are seeking clarity from Government officials on how the legislative process for setting up the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority will be affected following the announcement of the General Election.

“We met with Torbay Council and both organisations remain committed to bringing forward our agreed devolution arrangement as soon as possible, and we collectively await clarity from Government officials.   We have already been in touch with Government colleagues within DLUHC (Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities) to secure the £16m capital investment agreed with Government.

“The Leader of Torbay Council, the nominated District Council Leader, and I unanimously approved 16 excellent projects this week which will be recommended to the County Council as the accountable body.

“These schemes span housing, skills, business support and green infrastructure and can have an immediate impact on our local economy.

“There would be schemes in each district area with the potential to bring forward affordable homes, decarbonise existing properties, support more than 1000 learners in green and net zero skills and creation of jobs and apprenticeships.

“Working with District Councils, Dartmoor National Park, Exmoor National Park and the Devon Association of Local Councils we are progressing the establishment of the Team Devon Joint Committee.   This will support joint working on a number of areas including economic development.”

A new series of the highly successful ‘Let’s Talk’ webinars has launched, and this time it is specifically for parents and carers of neurodivergent young people and those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

The free, open access online programme provides a space for parents and carers to discuss the challenges facing young people today and understand the tools and techniques that they can use to support them.

The sessions have been developed with parents and carers of neurodivergent young people and those with SEND, and will cover topics including mental health and emotional wellbeing, anger and challenging behaviour, healthy relationships and online safety.

The tickets are free, and you can sign up now using the links below:

Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing at 7pm on Tuesday 2 July 2024; Anger and Challenging Behaviour at 7pm on Thursday 4 July 2024; Healthy Relationships at 7pm on Tuesday 9 July 2024; Online Safety and Exploitation at 7pm on Thursday 11 July 2024.


Alistair Dewhirst –




No updates to report.


28) PLANNING – Coun.Farrow


District Councillor, Coun.Palethorpe is on the Planning Committee for TDC, so will not comment or vote on any Planning Applications discussed below.

To consider the following planning applications:

To consider the following planning applications:

24/00792/FUL – Erection of new dwelling and change of use of first floor building to storage at Lillisford Stud, Littlehampston.

Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed no objections, providing the proposed Change of Use from living accommodation to storage remains and does not revert back in the future. Coun.Carnell Seconded, all unanimous.

24/00803/FUL – Change of use of an agricultural field to a secure dog walking field, provision of car parking and security fence at Land South Of Moor Road, NGR 284321 66910.

Comment: Coun.Smith proposed to object to this application for the following reasons:

  • Loss of Agricultural land
  • Highway concerns
  • No indication of whether it is Commercial or not
  • Proposed hours are unsociable
  • Loss of ancient natural hedgerow

Coun.Carnell Seconded, 5 votes for, 1 abstention.


29) AMENITIES –  Coun.Carnell


The Minutes of the Amenities meeting held on 14th May 2024, were approved and taken as read.


  1. IpplePlanet Memorandum

There was a Slight concern over area of field, however it won’t affect the area. The committee approved the Memorandum of Understanding.


  1. Goal Posts in the Park

Goal posts have been installed. Protective caps have been received and the net will be put up after the Village Show.


  1. Clampitt Road Toilets

There issue with the mens urinal not flushing has been dealt with and is now working.

The work on refurbishing the toilets will start in July/August.


  1. Allotment Numbering – Coun.Jerwood has this in hand.


  1. The Hub Gateway Surface

Coun.Smith is awaiting quotes.


  1. Electric Vehicle Charging Points

Committee agreed this was for discussion at a later date


  1. AOB

Allotment rubbish has been removed by a Contractor.


Electric Points.

Cottage Garden/IppleTipple have applied for a grant from the Councillor Community Fund to pay for the installation of waterproof sterna’s power sockets and a meter to the Recreation Block to provide for entrance lighting and card readers.


Play Area Report

The Play Report for the Toddler and Tremlett Road Play Areas has been received. There were no serious areas of concern however both play areas require investment to refresh the facilities.

The Recreation Ground Play Area report has highlighted that the Typhoon needs repairs. It will be chained up ASAP for Health and Safety reasons until the repairs have been carried out. Action – Coun.Palethorpe/Coun.Carnell.


Recreation Ground Toilet Block

There are a number of loose planks that need re-fixing. The Parish Council discussed and Coun.Palethorpe proposed that Coun.Carnell contacts George Tribble to have a look and delegate authority to the Chairman of Amenities to go ahead and instruct for the works to go ahead. Coun.Smith Seconded All unanimous.


Village Show

It was agreed to ask the Village Chair for pitches for the Parish Council to hold consultations on the Wheeled Sports Facility, Blackstone Cross Development and Environment Issues (the last to be run by IpplePlanet) Action. Coun.Palethorpe, Coun.Rattlidge


Variable Speed Signs

Coun.Smith has this in hand.


Solar Panels – Millennium Centre

It was agreed to investigate installing solar panels on the centre. Action. Coun.Burnham


Allotment – Top Gate

The new gate has been fitted to the top entrance to the allotments.




Over 100 responses have been received for the survey.

Coun.Rattlidge proposed the Ipplepen Wheeled Sports Project Tenders are sent to two different companies. Coun.Palethrope Seconded. All unanimous.


31) FINANCE & PERSONNEL – Parish Clerk


Balance No.                                                                                       £  50,764.14

MCMC – Reimbursement for electricity                                             £         40.48

Mill Centre – Rent                                                                               £         55.00


Balance                                                                                              £   50,859.62


Invoices Received and Approved:                                                  £   4,870.54


Balance                                                                                              £  45,989.08


Reserve Account Balance                                               £ 195,767.54


                                                                                                            £ 241,756.62

Items to discuss:


  1. Approval of Annual Governance Statement 2023/2024


RESOLUTION: It was proposed by Coun.Farrow, seconded by Coun.Rattlidge and unanimously agreed to approve the Annual Governance Statement 2023/2024.


  1. Approval of Accounting Statements 2023/2024


RESOLUTION: It was proposed by Coun.Farrow, seconded by Coun.Smith unanimously agreed to approve the Accounting Statements 2023/2024.


The Internal Auditor noted that the FSCS protects 100% of the first £85,000.  In simple terms if the bank were to fail, the Financial services compensation services  would aim to get the first £85,000 back to the Parish Council.

They have suggested it may be worth transferring some of the funds into another bank account to protect this.

Coun.Smith proposed that £92,375.40 that is currently reserved for the Skate Park, is moved into a new separate account, called Projects. Seconded by Coun.Farrow, all unanimous.




Kerswella volunteer drivers (based in Ipplepen) completed 22 trips for Ipplepen residents in May. Currently they have a 23 transport requests from Ipplepen residents for June. Kerswella had a total of 66 transport requests for May, 6 of the 21 Kerswella volunteer drivers live in Ipplepen.

Starting in July Kerswella is looking to oversee various group meetings at the Hub on a Wednesday. There will be a good Grief Café on the first Wednesday of the month. In July, hopefully on 10th and 31st, they will be having two meets to see how much interest there is in rekindling an Evergreens type group. It includes trips out, speakers attending etc. Several people have already expressed an interest from seeing the information in the June Issue of the Parish Magazine. They are looking at other groups to run on a Wednesday at the Hub, possibly an Anxiety Café one week. There will be a free trip to Newton Abbot Museum which will take place in August. As always there is a need for more volunteer drivers in the Ipplepen area.




The next Highways meeting will be held on 19th June 2024.


34) PUBLIC QUESTION TIME –  The member of the Public enquired if the Parish Council had a composting scheme. Coun.Palethorpe said he would liaise with IpplePlanet.


35) To note the date of the next PC meeting: Tuesday 2nd July 2024 at 7.15pm



Meeting Closed at 21.12pm