Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held at Ipplepen Millennium Centre
On Tuesday 2nd July 2024 at 7.15pm
The following minutes will be considered for approval at the next Parish Council Meeting and may be subject to change until that time
In attendance:
Coun.Palethorpe (Chairman) Coun.Rattlidge
Coun.Carnell (Vice Chair) Coun.Mrs.Calland
Coun.Farrow Coun.Latter
Miss Cat Freston – Parish Clerk
Coun.Palethorpe District Councillor
Coun.Dewhirst – County Councillor
Five Members of the public present
36) APOLOGIES – Coun.Smith, Coun.Burnham, Coun.Ranjit (Apologies approved unanimously).
37) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – No declarations of Interest.
Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 4th June 2024, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
Four members of the public spoke about Planning application 23/00703/FUL, Land North of Tremlett Grove.
Coun.Carnell asked the developer of Tremlett Grove to confirm if a maintenance agreement for the stream and surrounding area was included on the Deeds of sale for the development. The developer confirmed that it was.
Coun.Mrs.Calland and Coun.Jerwood asked about the Management Agreement where the response was effectively the agreement would not come into effect until 50% of the houses had been sold and therefore no grounds or stream maintenance would take place under the management agreement until the threshold had been achieved.
The replacement of the fencing taken away and the shortfall in the fencing around the culvert was something he was asked to go away and rectify.
Erica is part of a huge range of networks and gave a talk about affordable compact homes, which look like a small scale bungalow. TDC started advertising for compact homes a few years ago. Erica met with TDC a few weeks ago to discuss designs to create a pilot scheme. TLC are looking to create opportunities to local people.
Coun.Palethorpe proposed to move agenda item 9 before agenda item 6 as there were members of the public present, seconded by Coun.Carnell (Agreed unanimously).
44) PLANNING – Coun.Farrow
The Minutes of the Plans Meeting held on 19th June 2024 were approved and taken as read.
To consider the following planning applications:
To consider the following planning applications:
23/00703/FUL – Retention of earthworks at Land North of Tremlett Grove.
Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed that Ipplepen Parish Council object to this application and ask for it to be called in to decide by TDC Planning Committee due to ecological issues, drainage issues and TPO issues. Coun.Mrs.Calland Seconded, all unanimous.
Coun.Palethorpe will declare an interest and will speak as the District Councillor but will not vote at the TDC Planning Committee as he voted at the Parish Council meeting this evening.
24/01004/AGR – Agricultural building at Bulleigh Barton Farm.
Comment: Ipplepen Parish Council are not asked to provide any comments at the present time on this application. If TDC decide they require full details, the Parish Council will be asked to comment.
- An enquiry has been received from an allotment tenant about the old gate that has been replaced by the Scout hut. They have asked if it can be removed and taken away by someone they know Action – All Councillors are happy for it to be removed.
- A resident from Caunters Close has approached the Parish Council’s grounds Contractor asking if they can attend to the weed/hedge growth next to the bus stop Action – Carnell to ask the Grounds Maintenance Contractor to attend to cut it back.
Outside Bodies: –
Coun.Farrow and Coun.Rattlidge attended the Planning Forum at Teignbridge District Council on Tuesday 18th June 2024.
District Report – Coun.Palethorpe
Ipplepen D-Day Event
I would like to thank the team and in particular Pam Thomas for the excellent display and organisation of the D-Day events and activities. Its reception also demonstrated once again why Ipplepen and those who live here are so special and as someone who served in the RN it was great to see that all nations from across the globe involved in the landings were recognised by the organisers at the War Memorial in the introduction of the event by the Minister.
Thank you everyone who supported the events and for the fantastic contribution to the Charity Combat Stress who work with Ex- service personnel suffering from PTSD.
General Election – 4th July 2024
Polling Stations will be open from 7am – 10pm on Thursday, please remember you will need to show photo ID or a Voter Authority Certificate when voting in person.
If you haven’t posted off your postal vote you can hand deliver it to a polling station but you will need to complete a short form and sign a declaration.
Democracy relies on people voting so please whatever your political persuasion vote on Thursday.
The votes will be verified and counted overnight on Thursday/Friday and the result declared for the Newton Abbot Constituency when known.
Garden Waste Collection
If you would like to renew your Garden Waste Collection the subscription is now open for 2024-25 which will run from September this year to the end of August next year.
The cost remains at £55 for the year (for each green bin registered) for the fortnightly service with the standard 2-week break in collections over the Christmas period.
All Garden Waste collected is processed locally where it is shredded and processed to produce a high-quality product for farmers to use on the land as part of the Council commitment to the environment.
Queen Street Enhancements Newton Abbot
The work on the Queen Street enhancements including widening pavements is ahead of schedule with the first phase at the Western End well underway and enabling works for the new crossing adjacent to The Avenue nearing completion. It is expected that this phase of the work be completed this month.
Green Business Grants – Do You Have a Project to Improve the Environment, Increase Energy Efficiency and Reduce Energy Costs?
Businesses, community organisations and charities across Teignbridge can now apply for grants between £3,000 and £20,000 to help reduce their carbon footprint.
Types of projects that can be given grants include replacing existing lighting with LED lights, low energy heat systems, heat pumps and solar panels.
Grants cover 80% of the cost for businesses and 100% of costs for community organisations with Grants being agreed and paid in arrears. It is advised that organisations making an application obtain a decarbonisation plan or energy assessment which will increase the assessment score on their bid.
The closing date for Applications is Monday 12 August.
For more information and guidance visit the Teignbridge District Council website –
Information and guidance on applying for a Green Business grant
David Palethorpe
Cllr for Ipplepen – Teignbridge District Council
County Report – Coun.Dewhirst
Increasing resource base provision in Devon is part of Devon’s strategy to meet growing demand for special educational needs provision and capacity in mainstream schools.
Pupils who go to resource bases benefit from there being a more individually-tailored level of support. That might include small group work, access to specialist resources, while still being part of their mainstream school community alongside their friends.
It’s part of the strategy to help schools support local children whose needs can’t be met entirely in mainstream school environments, but who with additional support, will thrive with their peers.
There are currently too few resource places, but we are planning additional places in areas with greatest need, to be operational this coming academic year. Improving the quality and availability of provision for pupils with high level needs is a local and national priority.
It’s predicted that within five years there will be an additional 200 places provided across Devon through a combination of expansion and new provision.
It will ensure a better offer for children and young people that is local and suitable to their needs, that facilitates better access to the curriculum and avoids the need for children to travel to an appropriate school further away from their local community.
Most of England was under a yellow heat health alert last week.
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has issued the yellow alert, indicating that weather conditions could pose a risk to those who are particularly vulnerable.
Reports suggested that Wednesday was likely to be the hottest day of the week in England and Wales. Night times were also predicted to be warmer and more humid than usual.
Tina Henry, Devon’s Deputy Director of Public Health, said: “The Yellow Alert issued by the UKHSA is a reminder to us of the risk that higher temperatures can have on certain, more vulnerable groups in our community. Older people, as well as the very young, can find it more difficult to regulate their own temperatures when the weather outside is hot, leading in some cases to them becoming unwell. Other factors can also make people vulnerable, but there are simple steps that we can all take to keep ourselves, and friends and family, safe during these hotter spells, and I encourage people to re-familiarise themselves with the advice.”
Who is vulnerable? Older people aged over 65 years; babies and young children under the age of 5 years; people with underlying health conditions, particularly heart problems, breathing problems, dementia, diabetes, kidney disease, Parkinson’s disease or mobility problems; pregnant women; people who are already ill and dehydrated (for example from diarrhoea and vomiting); people with alcohol or drug dependence; people who are physically active and spend a lot of time outside such as runners, cyclists and walkers; people who work in jobs that require manual labour and people experiencing homelessness, including rough sleepers.
There are a few very simple things we can all to do stay safe when we experience very high temperatures: look out for those who may struggle to keep themselves cool and hydrated – older people, those with underlying conditions and those who live alone are particularly at risk; stay cool indoors by closing curtains on rooms that face the sun – and remember that it may be cooler outdoors than indoors; drink plenty of fluids and avoid excess alcohol; try to keep out of the sun between 11am to 3pm, when the UV rays are strongest; walk in the shade, apply sunscreen and wear a wide-brimmed hat, if you have to go out in the heat.
The NHS website has more information on heat exhaustion and heat stroke
Alistair Dewhirst – alistair.dewhirst@devon.gov.uk
No updates to report.
44) AMENITIES – Coun.Carnell
The Minutes of the Amenities meeting held on 11th June 2024, were approved and taken as read.
- Overflow carpark hay making for Flower Show.
The Grounds Maintenance Contractor has been advised that he is permitted to cut area for haymaking prior to the Village Show
- Park inspection (Typhoon repair)
Original inspection received was positive. The second inspection highlighted issues with the Typhoon. Outdoor Play will be carrying out the necessary repairs and it will be installed after the Village Show
- Goal posts and net.
All complete. Plug sockets past to Tom Hooker to cover goal post sockets during flower show.
- Clampitt Rd toilet update.
Refurb works estimated to start late July.
- Toilets not flushing – This has been resolved.
- Toilet block needs to be available/remain open during period of Village Show
- Allotments – rubbish and plot numbers.
Some plot numbers still to be fitted to wooden markers- Approx 3 remaining.
The clerk has provided Coun.Jerwood with a map of the plots and numbers to enable plot number installation to be completed. All original rubbish removed.
- Allotments have been inspected by Coun.Palethorpe and Coun.Carnell and The Parish Clerk. Areas of concern were recorded and letters have been sent to some allotment holders requesting that their respective plots are tidied and brought up to the expected standards specified under the allotment terms and conditions of rental. Communal/public open space areas to be cut by Grounds Maintenance Contractor –Coun.Palethorpe to liaise with Contractor.
- HUB entrance – Resurfacing required. With Coun.Smith and Coun.Dewhirst.
- Park toilet, loose planking – Contractor to carry out refurb of cladding planks
- Solar panels – Coun.Burnham is obtaining quotations.
- The weed killer for the spraying around the village will be glyphosate free.
- Coun.Farrow, Coun.Rattlidge, Coun.Carnell and Coun.Palethorpe will attend the marshalling for the maypole dancers.
Coun.Rattlidge has been through the proposed tender document and has made some amendments Action – Clerk to amend and send to both companies. Coun.Palethrope Seconded. All unanimous.
46) FINANCE & PERSONNEL – Parish Clerk
Balance No. £ 45,989.08
MCMC – Reimbursement for electricity £ 36.96
Mill Centre – Rent £ 55.00
Allotment tenant – Rent £ 40.00
Western Power – Wayleave £ 2.90
Football Club – Rent £ 150.00
Scouts – Rent £ 125.00
Balance £ 46,398.94
Invoices Received and Approved: £ 4,459.35
Balance £ 41,939.59
Reserve Account Balance £ 195,767.54
£ 237,707.13
Items to discuss:
Kerswella will be holding an Evergreen Ideas Get Together on Wednesday 10th July 2024 and Wednesday 31st July 2024 from 1.30pm at the Hub.
- Totnes Road Footpath:There has been no response from the highways officer who met with Cllrs. Rattlidge and Smith. The highways officer to speak to DCC highways safety advisor regarding our suggestions Action: Coun.Smith to contact DCC Highways after the election.
- Urban Speed Limiters: Councillor Rattlidge has spoken to Cllr Mike Joyce at Newton Abbot Town Council, but he was unable to assist with the loan of a vehicle activated speed sign. Action: Coun.Smith to contact the potential suppliers who have quoted to see if they were able to supply a portable unit that we could trial.
- Public Rights of Way Inspections: The survey of the paths was completed and the reports and requests for funding sent to DCC PROW but as yet there has been no response.
- Flood Reduction: More research needed regarding position of buddle holes.
Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 17th July at 6.45 pm Ipplepen Mill. Centre
49) PUBLIC QUESTION TIME – No comments
50) To note the date of the next PC meeting: Tuesday 6th August 2024 at 7.15pm
Meeting Closed at 21.26pm