
Mins. January 2023

Minutes Uploaded on January 4, 2023



Minutes of Meeting held at Ipplepen Millennium Centre


Tuesday 3rd January, 2023


Coun.Palethorpe (Chairman)             Coun.Rattlidge

Coun.Smith                                         Coun.Farrow

Coun Burnham                                  Coun.Ranjit


Miss Cat Freston – Parish Clerk


Coun.Dewhirst – District/County Councillor


4 members of the public present


The following minutes will be considered for approval at the next Parish Council Meeting and may be subject to change until that time.


The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everyone to the first meeting of 2023 and wished everyone a Happy New Year.


110) APOLOGIES Coun.Carnell, Coun.Mrs.Calland (Apologies approved unanimously).


111) DECLARATION OF INTEREST –  Coun.Ranjit on Planning Application 22/02318/OUT Outline – agricultural dwelling (all matters reserved for future consideration) at Bulleigh Oaks Farm, Ipplepen Road. Coun.Ranjit took no part in the discussion and did not vote.




Coun.palethorpe proposed Coun.Carnell to be the Vice-Chairman, it was agreed unanimously.


The advisory groups were reviewed and it was agreed the Finance, Highways & Rights of Way and Plans vacancies would not be filled as there are enough Councillors until the Elections in May 2023. Coun.Smith will be the Chairman of the Finance Committee. Coun.Palethorpe will fill the vacancy on the MCMC. Coun.Farrow will remain on the Community Fund as a representative for the Parish Council. The Parish Magazine article will be done by the Clerk, but the full draft minutes will be sent to the editor of the Parish Magazine and Coun.Dewhirst will send the County and District Councillor’s report.




Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 6th December 2022 were approved and signed by the Chairman.




  1. A member from IpplePlanet was present and asked a few questions about various matters including Fruit trees for the Orchard, solar panels, electric charging points and cycle ways.





  1. An email has been received from a resident about flooding between Newhouse Barton and Hardup Railway Bridge. Action – The Clerk to report to DCC.
  2. An email has been received from Wildnanet, building full fibre internet network in Ipplepen. They would like to come and give a short talk to the Councillors at the next Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 7th February 2023. Action – The Clerk to contact and invite them to the next meeting.


OUTSIDE BODIES – Nothing to report.




County Report


Devon would like people to think about and plan for the possibility of power cuts this winter.

Nationally, there’s no suggestion that it’s likely, but the unpredictable winter weather, and experience here and in other countries following severe storms, suggests now’s a good time for people to think about the electricity they rely on should for any reason an emergency situation leads to a power cut.

Loss of power used to be a more frequent occurrences but these days, as technology has moved on, the impact of a power cut can be even greater on our daily lives, disrupting our ability to keep warm; stay connected with others should we need help; and to power essential medical equipment that helps many people live independently at home.

We recommend that people take steps to prepare for a power cut and know how to deal with it if it happens.


  • Follow your energy provider on social media so you can find local updates
  • Have a list of phone numbers you might need written down
  • Keep a mobile phone fully charged so you can call or go online for updates
  • Keep a torch handy and leave a light on so you know when power is restored
  • Switch off electrical appliances that shouldn’t be left unattended


  • Join your provider’s free Priority Services Register if you have additional needs
  • Check to see if your neighbours are safe and if they have a power cut too
  • Make sure you have warm clothes and blankets, especially at night
  • Ensure you have food and drink that doesn’t need power to prepare

A six-week “Countryside Skills” course will be held for unemployed people interested in working in the environment and countryside management sectors.

The course, which starts on 10th January, has been developed by community interest company Running Deer and is funded through Devon’s Natural Capital Challenge Fund (NCCF), which was created to stimulate the county’s post-Covid recovery.   It is one of six projects funded through the NCCF to support job and skills creation in the natural capital sector, while improving and safeguarding the county’s environment.

The course will be delivered from locations near Moretonhampstead, with some practical sessions on Dartmoor.

It will cover a number of subject areas including practical training in environmental conservation, woodland management, hand tool use and maintenance, establishing and protecting habitats, woodland and field surveys and tree planting.   For more information email




District Report

Local people are given the chance to have their say in the annual budget survey on our different priorities and give their views on the way the council is run and the services it delivers.

The online survey runs until 25th January.   Feedback from the survey will be shared with members early in the year and will also include feedback on the consultation pages of our website, in our newsletters and social media.

We are planning to give back to householders the Teignbridge share of the Council Tax increase!   Only a small part of the Council Tax everyone pays comes to Teignbridge Council, in fact, it’s less than 10 pence in every pound.   The rest goes to the County Council, the Police and Fire services and local Town and Parish councils.   The proposed increase for Teignbridge Council for a Band D home is £5.54 for the whole year… that’s about 11 pence a week.

We all know these are hard times, with prices rising, inflation now over 10% and so many people struggling, so we hope that by giving back this £5.54 to every eligible household in a single payment.   We are doing our small bit to help the many people who are finding things particularly tough.   This way, we will be supporting residents but still, importantly, helping to maintain key council services into the future.

Our plans also include:

Building more council homes for families in need

Investing in new employment sites helping to protect and create jobs

Freezing our Leisure membership fees

Supporting our indoor and outdoor markets at Newton Abbot by freezing charges

Keeping free car parking after 6pm (4pm on Sundays).

Please help us and fill in the online survey. Every response really does matter. Thank you.


The survey can be accessed at

As temperatures dropped, our Severe Weather Emergency Protocol was triggered on 1st December.   Updates are sent to local GP surgeries, the police, mental health, drug and alcohol services, internal departments within TDC, foodbanks etc

Emergency accommodation has been offered to all verified rough sleepers and we continue to check on the welfare of those who are declining these offers.

Outreach provision has also been increased over the last few weeks to ensure we are following up all reports received.

If you believe anyone is rough sleeping contact the Housing Options team on 01626 361101 (out of hours on 0330 678 2382) or report them via Streetlink

From 4th May 2023 onwards, the Elections Act 2022 will require voters to show photographic identification at polling stations before they are given a ballot paper.   This will be effective for the District and Parish elections, but the requirement for voter ID to be provided at UK Parliamentary General elections will only take effect for polls held after 5th October 2023.

Any registered elector who doesn’t already have any of the accepted forms of photographic identification, will be able to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate (VAC) – a free photographic identification document specific for the purposes of voting.

Secondary legislation is still going through parliament so applications for Voter Authority Certificates are not yet open; a public communications campaign will run once the application service is live.  This is expected to happen from 16th January 2023.

If someone’s photographic identification document has expired it will still be accepted as long as the photograph is still a good likeness of them.

Anyone who needs to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate will be encouraged to do so online, but there will be a paper version of the form available to those who do not have online access.


Alistair Dewhirst –




117) PLANNING – Coun.Farrow


The Minutes of the Plans Meeting held on 20th December 2022 were approved and taken as read

To consider the following applications:

22/02318/OUT  – Outline – agricultural dwelling (all matters reserved for future consideration) at Bulleigh Oaks Farm, Ipplepen Road.

Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed no objection subject to the temporary dwelling being removed on the completion of the proposed permanent dwelling. Seconded by Coun.Smith (All unanimous)

Refusal of Certificate of Lawful Use or Development: Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed alteration of use of caravan site with 110 touring and 40 static caravans, amenity areas and ancillary facilities to a caravan site with 110 touring and 66 static caravans, amenity areas and ancillary facilities at Park Hill Caravan Park, Moor Road, Ipplepen.

To Note: A new Tree Preservation order took effect provisionally on 22nd December 2022 at Ross Park Caravan Park, The Old Barn, Moor Road.




The Minutes of the Amenities meeting held on 13th December 2022, were approved and taken as read.

Clampitt Road toilets are still closed due to a burst pipe. Coun.Carnell is dealing with this.

Coun.Palethorpe wanted to say a big ‘Thank you’ the emergency services for looking after anyone who has been ill over the Christmas period.


119) FINANCE & PERSONNEL – Coun.Smith


Balance No.                                                                                       £  55,198.17

MCMC – Reimbursement for electricity                                             £        27.80


Balance                                                                                              £   55,225.97


Invoices Received and Approved:                                                  £   2,685.06


Balance                                                                                              £   52,540.91


Reserve Account Balance                                                               £ 137,240.54


                                                                                                            £  189,781.45


Items to discuss: Nothing to discuss



120) HIGHWAYS & RIGHTS OF WAY – Coun.Smith

  1. a) Coun.Smith has spoken to a representative at Hembury Homes regarding the Foredown Road footpath, and the land where the footpath could go is land locked. Coun.Smith is waiting for a response, this is still ongoing.
  2. b) P3 surveys need to be in by 13th February 2023.


121) NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – Coun.Rattlidge


Coun.Rattlidge has received a reply from Teignbridge.  The consultation period closed at midday on 12th December 2022 and they have received 13 representations on the plan.  These have now been passed to the examiner together with all relevant documents, so the examination has now officially begun.


122) PUBLIC QUESTION TIME – No comments.


123) To note the date of the next PC meeting: Tuesday 7th February 2023 at 7.15pm


Meeting Closed at 20.34pm.