
Mins. February 2023

Minutes Uploaded on February 10, 2023


 Minutes of Meeting held at Ipplepen Millennium Centre Tuesday 7th February, 2023

Coun.Palethorpe (Chairman)      Coun.Rattlidge

Coun.Smith                                         Coun.Farrow

Coun Burnham                                  Coun.Carnell (Vice Chair)



Miss Cat Freston – Parish Clerk

Coun.Dewhirst – District/County Councillor


Seven members of the public present


The following minutes will be considered for approval at the next Parish Council Meeting and may be subject to change until that time.

124) APOLOGIES, Coun.Jerwood, Coun.Ranjit (Apologies approved unanimously).

125) DECLARATION OF INTEREST –  No declaration of interest.


Amanda Pennington who is the Community Liaison Officer for Wildanet gave a talk about the works being carried out throughout Ipplepen. They are hoping the works will be finished by early Summer. If anyone has any queries or concerns they can email Wildanet at If anyone doesn’t wish to contact Wildanet directly they can contact Coun.Dewhirst at who will contact them on their behalf. The Parish Council website will be updated weekly with Wildanet’s schedule of works and any road closures. Please visit website or you can visit to find out any upcoming road closures.


Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 3rd January 2023 were approved and signed by the Chairman.


  1. Ipplepen Football Club are applying for grant money to spend on their kitchen, work will also be carried out to increase the carparking area. They will keep the Parish Council updated on progress.
  2. The Chairman of Ipplepen Carnival Club asked if the Parish Council were planning on celebrating the Coronation of the King. Coun.Mrs.Calland nominated herself and was approved unanimously to be the representative for the Parish Council. Coun.Mrs.Calland will contact the various community groups i.e.Twinners, W.I, Scouts, Ipplepen Carnival Club etc and invite them to a meeting to be held on Thursday 23rd February 2023 at 7pm at the Millennium Centre. The Parish Council approved unanimously to allocate £3,000 towards the Coronation celebrations.


a) An email has been received from Coun.Dewhirst, who has received a request for a new grit bin at the bottom of Cooke Drive. The Grit bins cost £350. Coun.Smith proposed, seconded by Coun.Burnham all unanimous for the Parish Council to purchase a new Grit bin Action – The Clerk to contact DCC.

b) An email has been received informing of Advanced Notice of Works:

The forthcoming vegetation clearance and drainage investigation work on the A381       Totnes to Littlehempston. This work will involve removing trees which have succumbed to Ash Die Back, crown lifting and removing vegetation which is a hazard to highway users and the highway infrastructure and clearing and surveying the drainage system. Due to nature of the work and for the safety of the workforce and the public, it will be necessary to close the A381 Totnes to Littlehempston to all vehicular traffic while the work is carried out. The works will commence on 6th February 2023 for 3 weeks between the hours of 7pm to 7am each night. The closure will be lifted outside of these hours and at the weekends. Access for Emergency Services will be maintained at all times. Access for residents to their properties within the site boundaries during these working hours will be accommodated by liaison in advance of the works and by speaking with the traffic management staff at the closure point. There may be a delay while we ensure the route through the site is safe before access is permitted and we ask for your patience while we carry out the necessary arrangements on site. Any change to the start date or duration of works will be indicated on the advisory signs located on site. This link to Devon County Council’s website provides up to date information on the exact location and dates for the work: Roadworks – Roads and transport ( If you require any further information prior to the works taking place or are a resident within the site boundary and need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Milestone Infrastructure, working on behalf of Devon County Council quoting the above

reference number and road name, by email at

or by phone on 0345 155 1015.

c) An email has been received from a resident asking for the litter around the bus shelter, opposite the petrol station to be cleared. They also suggested for a litter bin to be installed, however the Parish Council have no one to empty the bin. TDC empty the bins around the Village.

d) An email has been received asking if anyone in Ipplepen might be thinking about hosting Ukrainian guests already in the country, by renting to them as it is proving difficult for them to move onto the next stage and rent their own houses. If anyone is interested you can contact Liz Taylor Clowes on 07753 607676 or email

e) An email has been received for the nomination of the Buckingham Palace Garden Party on Tuesday 9th May 2023. No-one was nominated or wished to attend on this occasion.

OUTSIDE BODIES – Coun.Carnell and Coun.Rattlidge attended at Joint Town/Parish Council meeting at Christow Community Centre on Thursday 26th January 2023. The meeting was resolved that a letter of complaint was to be drafted and sent to the head of TDC Planning and it be accompanied by individual letters from all other parishes who supported the claims that were being made. It was concluded with agreement that another meeting was to be hosted by Bishopsteignton Parish Council on Thursday 25th May 2023. Action: A letter will be drafted and circulated to all Councillors before being sent to TDC Planning Department.


County Report

The beginning of a new year can be a great opportunity to create a new habit.   One Small Step, a free lifestyle service, funded by Devon, has many options for support to help people keep their resolution in 2023, or to inspire them to make the change.

Studies have found some of our New Year resolutions will struggle to make it past 12th January, but with the support of others, they can be made to last much longer.

They have friendly advisors who can help plan lifestyle changes and support to maintain a healthier weight, stop smoking, drink less or become more active.

They can be reached by calling 01392 908 139, or on the website at

They have a team of stop smoking practitioners so if one are thinking about stopping smoking you can also text them by messaging QUIT to 60777.   They can offer 12 weeks of behavioural support along with Nicotine Replacement Therapy.

Past users of the One Small Step service have said that their only regret is not getting in touch sooner.

You can also follow One Small Step on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter for motivational messages and healthy tips, including easy and affordable healthy meal ideas, or alcohol-free alternatives to your usual drink.   If you would like some advice on where to start – please do get in touch and they will be happy to help!

The Newton Abbot Work:Space is based in the Passmore Edwards building which is home to the library in the town.   Both the library and Work Hub are run by local charity Libraries Unlimited, which runs 54 libraries in Devon and Torbay and also operates a Work Hub at Teignmouth Library.

The work spaces at Newton Abbot and Teignmouth joined the Devon Work Hub network after they opened in 2021.

Award winning Devon businesswoman Joanne Manville firmly believes that Work Hubs can play an important role in building a successful business.   Joanne can run her virtual assistance business from anywhere in the world to provide back-office, personal assistant support to small business owners.

While the majority of her time is spent working from home, she says the Newton Abbot Work:Space is an ideal location for carrying out business development work on her own company, praising its excellent facilities and inspiring surroundings.

Devon have published three high-level draft proposals for how we plan to support older people, unpaid carers, and adults of working age in future, and are inviting Devon residents to tell the council what they think.   They publish a strategy every few years setting out what they believe the vision should be in meeting people’s social care needs.

The last strategy, ‘Promoting Independence in Devon’, was published five years ago, prior to the coronavirus pandemic and the current cost-of-living crisis.

Our three draft strategies include:  Living Well In Devon, focusing on social care for people aged 18 to 64 years old.   Ageing Well in Devon, focusing on people aged 65 and over.   Caring Well in Devon, focusing on the care and support available for unpaid carers – people who voluntarily care for family members and friends.

You can comment here and it closes on 19th March.

District Report

Teignbridge’s Executive agreed their Budget proposals this morning.   The proposed budget includes:  An increase in council tax of £5.54 or 2.99% to £190.71. Providing a one-off cost of living payment of £5.54 to households liable to pay council tax on their main home on 1 April 2023.   Maintaining 100% council tax support.   Continuing to react to the climate change emergency by maintaining ongoing revenue budgets for a climate change officer and associated spending, temporary staffing resources in revenue and provision in the capital programme, including ongoing provisions for corporate decarbonization schemes.   A £2 million provision for employment sites funded by borrowing.   Provision for an Emergency Planning officer.   Temporary funds for a Scrutiny Officer to assist Members with the Scrutiny function and working groups; appointment of a Digital transformation Manager and other temporary resources including for facilitating the Modern 25 work.   Support for housing including the Teignbridge 100. Councillors community fund set at £1,000.    Provision of £20,000 for year 2 of the ‘Tidy Teignbridge’ initiative to improve cleanliness for town and parish councils.   Paying £500,000 off our pension deficit in 2023/24 to reduce ongoing contributions.

I am sure that these proposals will be ratified at full Council on Tuesday 21st February.

There will be an Extraordinary Council meeting on Tuesday 14th February at 10.00 am at Buckland Athletic Football Club.   This meeting will consider the Ombudsman’s report published last week in respect of a complaint by Cllr Richard Daws.   The Ombudsman’s report should not be construed as being an indication that any other determinations made by the Standards Committee were irregular.

Council Leader Cllr Alan Connett has written to Cllr Daws apologising without reservation for the way the council handled the Standards complaints process and for the distress and upset caused. “We must continue to ensure that officers are respected and supported to offer a professional, impartial and valuable service and that all members conduct themselves in accordance with the Nolan Principles enshrined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.

The Houshold Support Fund has opened, it supports residents most in need this winter.   It will run until 31st March and provide short-term financial support to meet immediate needs and help those struggling to afford food, energy and water bills and other essentials.   Having been awarded £336,291 from the Department of Work and Pensions and Devon County Council, we have allocated £219,370 for direct payments to residents already identified as in need of help and targeted support for carers who did not receive other cost of living payments

A further £60,000 will be distributed by CVS and Exeter Community Energy.   The remaining £56,000 will now be distributed to people applying for help via our website and the scheme will close when all the funding has been spent.


Alistair Dewhirst –


131) PLANNING – Coun.Farrow

To consider the following applications:

22/02371/HOU – Single storey rear and two storey side extensions at 35, Crokers Way.

Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed no objection, seconded by Coun.Smith (all unanimous)

23/00020/HOU – Replacement windows and doors at 33 Tremlett Grove.

Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed no objection, seconded by Coun.Rattlidge (all unanimous).

APPEAL 22/00069/FAST – Appeal against the refusal of 22/00506/HOU: Retrospective application for garden room at Sunningdale, Totnes Road.

Comment: No further comments (all unanimous).

 132) AMENITIES – Coun.Carnell

The Minutes of the Amenities meeting held on 10th January 2023, were approved and taken as read.

  1. A quote has been received for renewing the railings and steps at Clampitt Rd toilets to avoid anyone exiting into the path of a car.
  2. The Allotment water supply will be carried out in Spring Time.
  3. The repairs to the allotment fence and kissing gate have been carried out.
  4. Quotations are being sourced for the Earthing mat for the park electric supply.
  5. There was no report from the Snow Warden as Coun.Ranjit was not present at the Meeting, however it is believed there have been no problems.
  6. Palethorpe attended the IpplePlanet tree distribution event held on 8th January 2023 and advised it was successful..Thanks have been received by email from IpplePlanet
  7. A new door is required on disabled toilet at the Recreation Ground. Coun.Carnell is sourcing quotes.


133) FINANCE & PERSONNEL – Coun.Smith

 Balance No.                                                                                       £  52,540.91

MCMC – Reimbursement for electricity                                             £          17.01

Mill Centre – Rent                                                                                  £         55.00

Bowling Club – Rent                                                                              £       250.00

ICC – Rent                                                                                               £       112.50

DCC – Urban Grass Cutting 22/23                                                     £    1,360.00

Football Club – Rent                                                                              £       150.00

Balance                                                                                              £   54,485.42

Invoices Received and Approved:                                           £     6,863.99

Balance                                                                                              £   47,621.43

 Reserve Account Balance                                                          £ 137,240.54

                                                                                                             £  184,861.97

Items to discuss: Nothing to discuss


134) HIGHWAYS & RIGHTS OF WAY – Coun.Smith

  1. a) All the Public rights of way have been checked. The P3 forms are ready to be sent back.
  2. b) Coun.Smith will contact the Devon County Highways Officer and arrange to meet to discuss the junction on Conniford Lane and Edginswell Lane and also the damage caused in Tremlett Grove by HGV’s delivering materials to the new development.
  3. c) Coun.Smith has been reporting any street lights which are staying on during the day to DCC.
  4. d) Urban Speed Limiters will be discussed at the Highways meeting on Wednesday 22nd February 2023.

135) NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – Coun.Rattlidge

Coun.Rattlidge reported that the examiner has been appointed by TDC. They have emailed some amendments which Coun.Rattlidge will get back this week. The referendum will hopefully happen in May 2023.



It was suggested to invite Wildanet and the Rights of Way Officer at DCC. It was suggested that the meeting be held at the Hub with cheese and wine for members of the public who attend. Action – Clerk to contact.

137) PUBLIC QUESTION TIME – No comments.

138) To note the date of the next PC meeting: Tuesday 7th March 2023 at 7.15pm

Meeting Closed at 21.11pm