
Mins. December 2022

Minutes Uploaded on December 12, 2022



Minutes of Meeting held at Ipplepen Millennium Centre


Tuesday 6th December, 2022


Coun.Palethorpe (Chairman)             Coun.Rattlidge

Coun.Mrs.Olding (Vice Chair)           Coun.Smith

Coun.Carnell                                         Coun.Farrow


Miss Cat Freston – Parish Clerk – Absent


Coun.Dewhirst – District/County Councillor


0 members of the public present


The following minutes will be considered for approval at the next Parish Council Meeting and may be subject to change until that time.


96) APOLOGIES Coun.Ranjit, Coun Burnham, Coun. Jerwood, Cat Freston. (Apologies approved unanimously).


97) DECLARATION OF INTEREST –  No declaration of interest.


Before proceeding with the meeting the Chairman advised the Council, this meeting would be the last meeting for Coun.Mrs.Fay Olding as due to family commitments she would no longer have the time. Coun.Palethorpe thanked Fay for the 33yrs she has been involved with the Council and wished her all the best for the future.


98) MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING  were approved and signed by the Chairman.


99) PUBLIC QUESTION TIME – No comments.




  1. Lisa Clubb has been our PCSO for ten years and will be returning to Australia to be with her family, she will be replaced by PCSO Abbie O’Hara

Her email address is

  1. An email had been received from TDC regarding a replacement forum for TALC. Ipplepen Parish Council would support a new non-political forum similar to TALC but would like it to concentrate on training and assistance for Parish and Town Councillors




MCMC met on the 2nd November, unfortunately they were unable to review the rent as there were not enough members to be quoret on this particular item.


Emergency Committee met on 8th November. The Grit bins have been topped up and thanks were given to Roger Carnell who has stepped down from being the Snow Warden,John Ranjit will now be the new Snow Warden and DCC have been informed accordingly.




County Report


District Report


102) PLANNING – Coun.Farrow


The Minutes of the Plans Meeting held on 16th November 2022 were approved and taken as read

To consider the following applications:

22/002183/CAN – – T1, Common Beech: Crown reduce by up to 2m. G1, Western Red Cedar and Leyland Cypress; Crown reduce by up to 6m (to match height of other shaped hedges) at Applegrove, Clampitt Road.

Comment: Coun.Farrow proposed no objection. Seconded by Coun.Smith (All unanimous)




The Minutes of the Amenities meeting held on 8th November 2022, were approved and taken as read.


Recreation Ground Issues


Skate Park

There is an ongoing discussion regarding the issue of installing a new skatepark/wheeled park to replace the existing facility, which is rapidly becoming unfit for purpose due to corrosion of the equipment.

After discussion it was decided to contact a consultant (such as Maverick) to assist with the design. Coun.Rattlidge suggested that perhaps, the design could also incorporate a facility for the younger age range to make the wheeled park a more family friendly area. Also it was agreed that once a scheme had been decided to consult with the public before proceeding.

RESOLUTION: It was proposed by Coun.Palethorpe, seconded by Coun.Mrs.Olding and agreed unanimously to arrange for a consultant to be hired.


Christmas Tree

The village Christmas Tree has been installed at the War Memorial. Action: Coun.Carnell requested that the Clerk sends a thank you to Coun.Ranjit and Coun.Palethorpe for helping to erect the tree and Coun.Jerwood for putting up the lights. Everyone present felt the tree looked excellent this year.


Remembrance Sunday

Our thanks to the scouts and everyone who assisted and supported the Remembrance Sunday procession and service at the War Memorial. Action: The Clerk to send a thank you to the Scouts.

Carol Service

Marshalls will be required for the forthcoming Carol Service due to be held on the 21st December at 7pm. It was pointed out that some Councillors will be attending the Plans Meeting on that evening (Coun.Mrs.Olding sent her apologies for this meeting as she will be attending the Carol Service).

Football Club Inspection

Action: The Clerk to contact the Football Club to try to arrange an inspection 10am on the 17th December, 2022.


Ladies Entrance to the Clampitt Road Toilets

This entrance needs to be re-configured with either new steps or a ramp and handrail, as at present it is rather dangerous with the roadway being so close.

RESOLUTION: It was proposed by Coun.Smith, seconded by Coun.Carnell and agreed unanimously to bring this matter up at the next Amenities meeting and to arrange for tenders to be sent out.


104) FINANCE & PERSONNEL – Coun.Mrs.Olding


Balance No.                                                                                       £  80,709.47

MCMC – Reimbursement for electricity                                             £        17.64

Mill Centre – Rent                                                                               £      110.00

ICC – Rent                                                                                          £      112.50


Balance                                                                                              £   80,949.61


Invoices Received and Approved:                                                  £   25,751.44


Balance                                                                                              £   55,198.17


Reserve Account Balance                                                               £ 137,240.54


                                                                                                            £  192,438.71


Items to discuss:


  1. Permission was granted to the Clerk to change the A381 Footpath to Foredown Road footpath project in the reserve account (on the Financial Statement) and keep the £20,725.55 towards this project.




The Finance Committee had met to discuss the 2023/24 Precept Budget and Clerk’s Appraisal.


Salary Reviews

Clerk’s Appraisal –

  1. The Clerks salary will be increased to £17,222 (SCP 29) as from 1st April 2023. Any additional hours will be paid at the standard hourly rate. Once the National pay agreement has been received, the Clerks salary will be reviewed again.
  2. The Clerk had pointed out that at present there is not a procedure in place for covering the payment of bills and salaries if the Clerk is off, to cover sickness etc. It was agreed that a policy should be put in place as soon as possible. Action: The Clerk to put this item on the Agenda for the next full council meeting due on the 3rd January, 2023
  3. The Clerk would like to attend the Elections (refresher) training which DALC will be holding in the new year. This was unanimously agreed.


General Admin

The insurance has been increased from £3,500 to £4,000.

The Office hire has been increased from £900.00 to £1,200 and the telephone and internet has been increased from £1,000 to £1,200.

The Election expense has been allocated £500. Coun.Dewhirst confirmed that there would be election expenses to cover the Neighbourhood Plan referendum if it is held at the same time as the 2023 local election.



The Grass Cutting has been increased from £3,500 to £4,500. £9,000 has been allocated for 23/24 for the Skate Park Project, the £9,000 from 22/23 will be transferred into the Reserve Account bringing the total to £67,375.40.



The Grounds Maintenance Footpath has been increased from £500 to £750 and it was agreed that as £4,000 has now been allocated from the A381 project to the Foredown Road Footpath Project, it was not necessary to include the extra £4,000 on the precept for Highways.


Millennium Centre

£3,000 has been allocated for 23/24.



The Finance Chairman wishes to inform fellow councillors that the recommended Precept for 2023/24 stands at £72,342.00  WHICH INCLUDES THE AMENDMENT OF £4,000.00




The Chairman of Finance, Coun.Mrs.Olding proposed that the Precept Budget required from Teignbridge District Council for 2023/24 stands at £72,342.00, this was seconded by Coun.Smith and agreed unanimously.


106) HIGHWAYS & RIGHTS OF WAY – Coun.Smith


  1. Barnpark Close Footpath – This footpath has been adopted by DCC and a site meeting had been held with the Rights of Way Inspector who was not in favour of changing the surface as the footway is downhill and could therefore cause flooding at the Barn Park Close end.
  2. Foredown Road Footpath – Coun.Smith had obtained an estimate from White Rose including a stock fence at £12,580.08 including VAT. Before taking this project further forward he requested permission from the Councilllors present to proceed with the legalities side etc. This was agreed unanimously.
  3. A381 FootpathAction: This needs to be added to Simon’s footpath maintenance contract.


107) NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – Coun.Rattlidge


The consultation finishes on the 12th December, 2022. Councillors were encouraged to send in their comments and to mention parishioners to also do the same. (It only takes a couple of minutes to complete). It is hoped that Teignbridge will be in touch early in the New Year with the results of the consultation.


108) PUBLIC QUESTION TIME – No public present


109) To note the date of the next PC meeting: Tuesday 3rd January 2023 at 7.15pm


Meeting Closed at 9.30pm