
Mins. April 2023

Minutes Uploaded on April 5, 2023



Minutes of Meeting held at Ipplepen Millennium Centre


Tuesday 4th April, 2023


Coun.Palethorpe (Chairman)             Coun.Rattlidge

Coun.Smith                                         Coun.Farrow

Coun.Carnell (Vice Chair)                  Coun.Mrs.Calland


Miss Cat Freston – Parish Clerk

Coun.Dewhirst – District/County Councillor


Four members of the public present


The following minutes will be considered for approval at the next Parish Council Meeting and may be subject to change until that time.


154) APOLOGIES – Coun Burnham, Coun.Ranjit  (Apologies approved unanimously).


155) DECLARATION OF INTEREST –  No declaration of interest.




Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 7th March 2023 were approved and signed by the Chairman.


157) PUBLIC QUESTION TIME – No comments






IpplePlanet summary for Parish Council meeting 4th April 2023:


  1. 15 Ipplepen residents/members of IpplePlanet have participated in three treeplanting sessions at a County Farm, in Coombe Fishacre. The planting of 3000 native trees is managed by Parklife SW and funded by Devon County Council/Woodland Trust Emergency Tree Fund. The inclement weather made the last session challenging, but the rain was welcomed to give the trees a good start.  The next event will be on 14th April, all welcome, book via ParkLife SW.
  1. We have organised four birdsong walks from April to June around the village to encourage local people to get outdoors, enjoy wildlife and improve wellbeing. We are organising moth evening on Orley Common with Teignbridge District Council planned for May or June.
  2. On the 1st April IpplePlanet were kindly invited to visit Ogwild’s wildlife improvements around Ogwell Parish. They have created a wonderful picnic site and orchard at Rectory Field; manage the Common as a wildflower meadow; manage a “free wildflower seed bank” and manage several verges by planting flowers and small trees. This has been a successful community group thanks to a partnership with their Parish Council and local residents, and won the Devon Local Partnership Community Wildlife Group of the Year in December 2022.
  3. We are still gathering information to draft a management plan for the Recreation Ground and apologise that it is taking longer than anticipated. There maybe an offer of expertise and possible funding from ParkLife SW.


Coun.Smith attended the Stoneycombe Quarry meeting. There have been issue on the Highway regarding spillages at Maddicombe Bridge.

The next meeting is on 27th September 2023.


Coun.Rattlidge attended the Councillor Advocate Scheme on Zoom. They talked about anti-social behaviour in the Torquay area.


Coun.Mrs.Calland reported that Ippleprickle have received the Highway Hedgehog Surrounds and will be awarded to people at the Village Show in July by proving they have cut out holes.




a) The AED cabinets are rusting and letting in rain and damp air which is causing the AED cases to get mouldy. There are three AED cabinets in Ipplepen and they are all in the same condition. It was proposed to purchase 3 x Polycarbonate locked cabinets with heating at the price of £495.00 + VAT each. Coun.Mrs. Calland proposed we purchase 3 cabinets with locks and heating, Seconded by Coun.Rattlidge. All unanimous. Action –Carnell to contact the electrician to get a price for fitting the three cabinets.

b) Dewhirst has sent an email regarding the project team who are working on the A381 drainage and have reported the village sign looking rather ‘tired’. They have suggested they can install a new one. A like for like replacement would cost about £200.00. Action – Coun.Smith will obtain some quotes for three signs along the A381 and report back at the next meeting.

c) The National Lottery Community Fund has awarded the Parish Council £2,042 towards the Coronation ‘Party in the Park’. Well done and ‘thank you’ to Coun.Mrs.Calland for dealing and submitting the application form.

d) Ipplepen Community Fund has agreed in principle to award the Parish Council £1,500 towards the Coronation ‘Party in the Park’. The amount with be set against the submitted invoices.

e) Teignbridge District Council has sent the National Non-Domestic Rate Demand Notice for 2023/2024 for the Clampitt Road toilets and the toilet block at the Recreation Ground. The amount payable for both toilet blocks is £0.00.

f) Ipplepen Football Club would like a letter from the Parish Council providing permission for the Club to undertake the works on the Club House Kitchen and building of the store. They will also need a copy of the current buildings insurance certificate. Coun.Palethorpe proposed we provide a letter of support seconded by Coun.Farrow, (unanimous). Action – Clerk to write letter of support.

g) Coun.Carnell proposed we accept a quote of £750 to remove the three ash trees at the Football Club and the Parish Council will pay for the works to be done. Seconded Coun.Mrs.Calland (unanimous)


County Report

A landmark devolution deal for the greater Devon region, which transfers new money and powers into the hands of local Leaders across Devon, Plymouth and Torbay, has moved a step closer today with the backing of the Government’s Levelling Up Minister, Dehenna Davison.

Outline approval has been given for a Devon-wide devolution deal which could bring greater local control and allow partners to tap into additional resources to help tackle key local priorities such as affordable housing, better public transport and connectivity, and providing for the skills that the local economy needs.

Importantly, the deal would not require a change to the established democratic structures across the area or the need for an elected Mayor as in other devolution deals across the country.

Instead, the new powers would be devolved to a partnership of existing local Councils who would deliver on a joint programme working alongside a wide range of other local stakeholders.   Any final deal would require local consent with the full agreement of all the constituent Councils as well as Parliamentary approval.

Welcoming the opportunity and Government’s backing for a local deal without the need for an elected Mayor, Councillor John Hart, Leader of Devon County Council and Chair of the local Devolution Partnership said:  “This could be an important first step towards getting more local control to deliver on the big issues affecting local people and help us get access to much needed new investment.   We have been talking with the Government about this for some time and now it’s time to deliver.”

Every penny’ of the extra £9.4 million we received from the Chancellor’s budget will be spent on improving the highway network and making sure Devon’s roads are more resilient.

Earlier this month we learned that the county’s share of the additional £200 million capital funding from the Government was the largest among County and County Council Network unitary authorities.

And at the Corporate Infrastructure and Regulatory Services Scrutiny Committee on Thursday it was confirmed that all the extra cash would go towards improving the condition of the network, including the prevention of defects, surface dressing and skid resistance on key routes.

The lion’s share of the money, £5.5million, would go towards the Local Area Capital Programmes, which will reflect local priorities identified through our elected members and Neighbourhood Highway Officers.

Using inspections and survey data, the remaining funding will be directed to preventative works to stop potholes forming in the first place.

Councillor Stuart Hughes, the Cabinet Member responsible for highway maintenance, said that this winter’s weather, particularly a freezing December, had had a significant impact on the condition of Devon’s 8,000-mile road network.

Libraries Unlimited, the Charity that runs Devon and Torbay’s Libraries are proposing to stop delivering a mobile library service, because it’s become very expensive to run and the number of people using it has fallen considerably over the last few years.

Currently there are four mobile libraries, three of which are 15 years old and at the end of their serviceable lives, and the fourth is nine years old.   All of them have become increasingly expensive to maintain.   They are unreliable and have spent a combined 670 hours off the road in the last year, mostly because of mechanical issues.

They are also very expensive to replace – to replace all four with new vehicles would cost between £0.5m and £0.8m – and given our financial situation, this is not something we can afford to do.

As the costs of the service continue to rise, the use of the mobile service has fallen significantly.

Since 2013 the number of loans from the service has fallen by 68 per cent while the number of visits has fallen by 73 per cent.

The County Council are seeking the views of users on the proposals, and are asking for suggestions and ideas on how to deliver the service in a different way to ensure that everyone continues to have access to the library service.

The options being explored include improving the current Home Library Service.   Dedicated volunteers choose and deliver books, including large print and audiobooks, free of charge and often have time to chat.

They are looking at extending the Good Neighbours service.   This scheme involves friends, neighbours and family choosing and delivering books to people unable to get to the library.

Libraries Unlimited also provide an extensive digital service, and want to make better use of the thousands of eBooks, audiobooks, digital magazines and digital newspapers which are available.

The consultation can be accessed here –

District Report

A reminder to owners that from last Saturday (1st April) dogs are not allowed on some beaches in Teignbridge.

The restrictions run until 30th September and you can see which beaches permit dogs and which do not by going to the website.   When walking on beaches, dogs owners are reminded to pick up after their dog and deposit the waste in the bins provided.

The Notice of Referendum for our Ipplepen Neighbourhood Plan referendum was published on 27th March.

The referendum will be held on the same day as the local elections (4th May) and people living in the parish will be asked to vote on:  “Do you want Teignbridge District Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Ipplepen to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

The referendum follows the consultation held in late autumn last year and a subsequent independent examination of the Plan to ensure it conforms with national polices and guidance.   Development of the Plan started in 2015 and has been coordinated by the Ipplepen Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.

Anyone living in the Parish who is not on the electoral register can still vote providing they register before 17th April at 5:00 pm.

Alistair Dewhirst –


160) PLANNING – Coun.Farrow

The Minutes of the Plans Meeting held on 22nd March 2023 were approved and taken as read.

Coun.farrow reported that a response has been received from Teignbridge District Council regarding the Group Planning Forum letter. There will be a meeting in May at Bishopsteignton.

Certificate of lawfulness for proposed alteration to part of caravan site to alter the existing use of caravan site with 110 touring and 40 static caravans, amenity areas and ancillary facilities to a caravan site with 110 touring and 55 static caravans, amenity areas and ancillary facilities at Park Hill Caravan Park , Moor Road has been refused.

 161) AMENITIES – Coun.Carnell

The Minutes of the Amenities meeting held on 14th March 2023, were approved and taken as read.


a) Clampitt Rd various work updates and need for survey of the condition of the building. Coun.Carnell advised that a building survey has taken place and is awaiting the report.

b) New allotment water supply

c) The water pipe has been installed and will be connected on Friday 7th April 2023.

d) Park electric supply.- Two quotes have been received and are waiting to hear from National Grid. It was suggested that the Cottage Garden Show could apply for a National Lottery Grant and the Community Fund.

e) Memorial bench – The new Memorial bench has been installed in the centre of the Village.

f) Park container placement agreement – Coun.Carnell will speak to TDC to see if Planning Permission is needed to put a container in the field.

g) The Bowling Club fence has been repaired.

h) The new heaters will be installed in the Recreation Ground toilets on Tuesday 18th April 2023.

i) The zip wire and typhoon in the Park will need to be put out of use during the Coronation celebrations

j) The Play park reports have been received and the Skatepark report is high risk. Coun.Carnell proposed the worst of the skatepark is removed, seconded by Coun.Farrow all unanimous. Coun.Smith will contact Sport England regarding grants towards a new skatepark.

k) Coun.Carnell advised that the DCC Urban Grass Cutting Contract had been signed and returned to DCC Highways.

162) FINANCE & PERSONNEL – Coun.Smith

Balance No.                                                                                       £  44,666.20

MCMC – Reimbursement for electricity                                             £         17.40

Mill Centre – Rent                                                                               £         55.00

DCC – P3 work on Footpath 2                                                           £    1,000.00

DCC – Contribution to Jubilee Bench                                                            £       469.50

Balance                                                                                              £   46,208.10


Invoices Received and Approved:                                                  £   31,048.25


Balance                                                                                              £   15,159.85


Outstanding VAT Refund                                                                 £   5,018.77 


Year End Balance incl. o.s.VAT      for 2022/2023                         £  20,178.62


Reserve Account Balance at 31.03.2023                                          £ 165,331.54

Interest                                                                                                 £        368.93

                                                                                                              £ 165,700.47


Overall Year End Balance incl. o.s. VAT                                         £ 185,879.09


 Items to discuss: Nothing to discuss

 163) HIGHWAYS & RIGHTS OF WAY – Coun.Smith

a) Potential permissive footpath on land adjacent to Foredown Road – Smith advised that he had been in contact with Dan Salt representing the landowner, Hembury Homes, who had requested that we delay for two months from 6th February. Coun.Smith has emailed this week and is awaiting a response.

b) Flooding & Potholes in Edgelands Lane – Coun.Smith met with Sam Wiiliams from DCC Highways and DCC Councillor Dewhirst at the Bilver Junction at 3.30pm 9th The issues of concern were raised and following discussion Mr Williams agreed to get a hand clearing team to site to deal with the buddle holes and hope cleared the pipe under the road within 10 days. He also stated that he would try to get a maintenance crew to deal with the damage to the road surface. Mr Williams was also made aware of flooding on the A381 that was forcing traffic onto the opposite carriageway.

c) Footpath east of A381 – It was reported that the section of footpath that had been completed between Rowdens and Tozers barn was being well used.

d) Finger posts in village – A quotation from Prosigns and Graphics Southwest was reviewed and changes made. It was noted that signage was already in place adjacent the village hall indicating ‘Village Centre’ so that is to be removed from the project specification.

e) Urban speed limiters – We are still waiting for advice – Coun.Smith will discuss with DCC highways at earliest opportunity after the local elections.

f) New sleeper on Footpath 2 has been carried out and has done a very good job.

164) NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – Coun.Rattlidge

Coun.Rattlidge has arranged two open sessions for Wednesday 26th April between 10am -12pm and Thursday 27th April 2pm-4pm. Coun.Palethorpe will be at the sessions as Coun.Rattlidge is away.


The Agenda for the Parish Assembly was approved unanimously.


The Grant money will cover nearly everything the Parish Council offered to underwrite. The event will be free entry. It will run between 2pm and 12am. There will be bands and lots of fun for all the family.

167) PUBLIC QUESTION TIME – No Comments.

168) To note the date of the next PC meeting: Thursday 18th May 2023 at 7.15pm

Meeting Closed at 20.45pm