
Amenities Mins November 2024

AmenitiesMinutes Uploaded on November 14, 2024








Cllr Roger Carnell (RC)-Chair

Cllr Dave Burnham (DB)

Cllr David Palethorpe (DP)

Cllr Stephen Latter (SL)


The meeting opened at 19:12 hours

  1. The Chairman opened the Meeting and received apologies.

Apologies received from:

Cllr Jon Ranjit (JR)


  1. To declare any interests arising at this meeting and to consider any dispensation requests relating to this meeting.

No interests were declared

  1. The Council will adjourn for the following items:

Public Question Time: A period of 10 minutes will be allowed for members of the public to ask questions or make comment regarding the work of the Council or other items that affect Ipplepen


No members of the public in attendance


  1. The Council convened to conduct the following business on the Agenda:


  1. Clampitt Road toilets update

Builder has advised that completion is immanent.

  1. Snow Warden checks

JR to collect gritter from RC by end of the week.

JR scheduled to order grit. Gritter requires mechanical checkover to ensure serviceable for use.

RC to liaise with JR re the above


  1. Cladding of Park toilet block

Original contractor now unable to carryout works. RC seeking quotations from other potential contractors

  1. Park and Tremlett play equipment inspection

Parish Council intention is to review existing equipment to determine maintenance or replacement options

Cllr Steve Rattlidge has provided some images of potential equipment that could be used to replace existing

RC recommended that we approach local supplier Outdoor Play to discuss potential changes/repairs etc

Potential that Russ at Maverick could supply a smaller set-up with Skate Park refurbishment as the interest expressed from the public via the original public consultation process needs to be followed through

  1. Christmas Tree

RC advised tree is scheduled for delivery 29 November. JR to assist with installation using Telehandler. Potential availability of use of Mobile Elevated Working Platform to assist with installing lights

  1. Mill Centre maintenance – re report from the School?

A query has been raised by the primary school in respect of the liability for grounds maintenance to the Millenium Centre/ Saplings Pre-school. DP/RC to liaise with  Simon Birbeck to determine grounds maintenance requirements for MC as not included within current grounds maintenance contract for the primary school

  1. AOB

No other business


  1. To note the date of the next meeting: Tuesday 10th December 2024

Advanced apologies received from Cllr Dave Burnham (DB) as unable to attend due to family birthday commitments




Meeting closed – 19:45 hours