TUESDAY 14th MAY 2024
- The Chairman will open the Meeting and receive apologies.
The Chairman opened the meeting at 7pm.
Attendance Cllr’s, Carnell, Ranjit,Latter,Jerwood, Palethorpe
Apologies received from Cllr Burnham
- To declare any interests arising at this meeting and to consider any dispensation requests relating to this meeting.
There were no declarations of interest
- The Council will adjourn for the following items:
Public Question Time: A period of 10 minutes will be allowed for members of the public to ask questions or make comment regarding the work of the Council or other items that affect Ipplepen
- The Council will convene to conduct the following business:
- IpplePlanet Memorandum
The committee approved the Memorandum of Understanding
- Goal Posts in the Park
Goal posts have been installed. Protective caps and net pins were missing from the delivery.
Action – Parish Clerk to order protective caps,
Cllr Palethorpe to order plastic tent pegs to utilise as net pins.
- Clampitt Road Toilets
There is an issue with the mens urinal not flushing. Action Cllr Carnell In hand.
The work on refurbishing the toilets will start in June. Action Cllr Carnell
- Allotment Numbering
In hand. Action. Cllr’s Jerwood, Cllr Latter
- The Hub Gateway Surface
It was agreed to wait for the HUB survey to be carried out and refer this to Full Council for consideration.
- Electric Vehicle Charging Points
Committee agreed this was for discussion at a later date
Allotment rubbish to be removed.
Action. Cllr Palethorpe to contact contractor and arrange for rubbish to be removed.
Electric Points.
Cottage Garden/IppleTipple have applied for a grant fro the Councillor Community Fund to pay for the installation of waterproof sterna’s power sockets and a meter to the Recreation Block to provide for entrance lighting and card readers Action. Cllr Palethorpe
Play Area Report
The Play Report for the Toddler and Tremlett Road Play Areas has been received. There were no serious areas of concern however both play areas require investment to refresh the facilities.
A further report on the Recreation Ground Play Area is expected to be available later in the month. Action. Cllr Palethorpe, Cllr Carnell
Recreation Ground Toilet Block
There are a number of loose planks that need re-fixing.
Village Show
It was agreed to ask the Village Chair for pitches for the Parish Council to hold consultations on the Wheeled Sports Facility, Blackstone Cross Development and Environment Issues (the last to be run by IpplePlanet) Action. Cllr Palethorpe, Cllr Rattlidge
Variable Speed Signs
Cllr Smith has in hand.
Solar Panels – Millennium Centre
It was agreed to investigate installing solar panels on the centre. Action. Cllr Burnham
Allotment – Top Gate
The new gate has been fitted to the top entrance to the allotments.
Maintenance Contract
The grounds maintenance contract for the period 2024-207 has now been awarded.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.55pm
To note the date of the next meeting: Tuesday 11th June 2024.