Cllr R Carnell (RC)-Chair
Cllr D Palethorpe (DP)
Cllr D Burnham (DB)
The meeting opened at 19:00 hours
Election of Annual appointments
The three attendees at the meeting agreed to continue in the existing posts-
Chairman of the Committee- Cllr Roger Carnell
Assistant Chairman of the Committee- Cllr Dave Palethorpe
Secretary- Cllr Dave Burnham
Amenities Terms of Reference were signed by RC as adopted
- The Chairman will open the Meeting and receive apologies.
Apologies received from-
Cllr Ranjit (JR)
Cllr B Jerwood (BJ)
- To declare any interests arising at this meeting and to consider any dispensation requests relating to this meeting.
No interests were declared.
- The Council will adjourn for the following items:
Public Question Time: A period of 10 minutes will be allowed for members of the public to ask questions or make comment regarding the work of the Council or other items that affect Ipplepen
- The Council will convene to conduct the following business:
- Park signage some in need of refreshing
Some of the park signage is looking tired. Various signage requires replacing. Photo`s to be taken to determine requirements-DP to provide photos
- Proposal that the Park be closed to the public while grass cutting in in process.
Proposal for warning signs to be provided to advise of park closure while grass cutting is in place. Access gates to be padlocked while works in progress. Three signs to be obtained so they can be positioned at all points of entry RC to obtain quotation for signage
- Skate Park removal
Removal of part of the skate park required for health and safety risk. JR has previously liaised with scrap merchant, Date tbc
- Toddlers’ area roundabout
RC has liaised with Outdoor Play to provide quotation to determine if repairable.Potential replacement required
- Park toilet decoration and electrics update.
Decorating and electrical installation works all completed. Thanks to be conveyed to the associated contractors who carried out the works:
Lee Fewings Painting & Decorating
Mr Matt Bone-MJE Electrical Services Ltd
- Park access road yellow lines need repainting
Needs to be carried out prior to village show. RC
- Defib cabinet replacement quotes
Quote received, Contractor appointed. Thanks and appreciation to be conveyed to Mr Matt Bone-MJE Electrical Services Ltd for carrying out the works at cost price.
- Clampitt road toilet survey.
RC has distributed building dilapidation survey/report to the PC members for review, Committee need to determine extent of works to be carried out and associated costs. Initial works would involve replacement roof to ensure building is kept dry internally. DP suggested re-allocation of monies to enable initial works to be carried out, Suggesting to be discussed at next full council meeting. RC to speak with potential contractors to obtain competitive quotations
- Tremlett Grove play area – bench
RC advised works in hand
- Disabled toilet door at Rec Ground toilets
RC advised temporarily fixed. Door potentially requires replacing along with Plant Room doors to rear.
- Mill Centre and carpark survey.
RC advised that Mill Centre car park surfacing requires treatment as potentially reached it`s life span.DB to obtain quotations for resurfacing works
- PC property valuations for Insurance.
RC to approach Keith Mucklow of House Surveys Devon Limited for valuation surveys
- WI decorating War Memorial.
Agreed at main PC meeting
- Football Goal at Recreation Ground
RC advised that we are happy to review and obtain quotations. Installation preferably later in year due to flower show and carnival. DB to obtain quotations for the supply and installation of new goal post
- No Ipplepen Planet report received to discuss.
- Football Club have been advised that unfortunately their application for grant/funding for new storage facility has been rejected by the FA.
- Grass contract-complaint from local resident about condition of some areas of grass along with an offer to carryout grass cutting works. Parish Clerk has responded to advise that tender process will be due Feb/March next year.
- Gate posts to be installed at main entrance to the allotment site
- Letter of complaint received from allotment holder. Complaints and requests contained therein are being reviewed and addressed. Parish Clerk to respond to complainant.
- DP requested that thanks to be conveyed to the villager who has been maintaining the flower planters within the war memorial and on bank of Blackstone Road
- RC to ask Simon if he can reduce vegetation located near bus shelter opposite Parkhill Cross
- To note the date of the next meeting: Tuesday 13th June 2023.
There being no further business the meeting closed at: 19:59 hrs