Cllr R Carnell (RC)-Chair
Cllr D Palethorpe (DP)
Cllr D Burnham (DB)
Cllr Ranjit (JR)
The meeting opened at 19:00 hours
- The Chairman will open the Meeting and receive apologies.
Apologies received from-
Cllr B Jerwood (BJ)
- To declare any interests arising at this meeting and to consider any dispensation requests relating to this meeting.
No interests were declared.
- The Council will adjourn for the following items:
Public Question Time: A period of 10 minutes will be allowed for members of the public to ask questions or make comment regarding the work of the Council or other items that affect Ipplepen
- The Council will convene to conduct the following business:
- Report from Mrs Harris for PC Meetings.
Mrs Harris not present. RC that going forward he would ask her about providing monthly report for the main PC meetings
- Clampitt Rd various work updates and need for survey of the condition of the building.
RC advised that building survey required. Other works to be carried when weather improves.
DB advised that he would contact an RICS qualified surveyor that he knows to enquire if he is available to carryout building survey and provide report on condition etc.
- New allotment water supply-
DB & JR scheduled to carryout works on Saturday 1 April. JR kindly offered to collect materials from Mole Valley. DB to provide schedule of material requirements for collection
- Park electric supply.-
RC advised that discussions have taken place with Kevern Mortimore re costings, Kevern to attend next PC meeting scheduled for 4 April to discuss requirements
- Snow warden update.
JR advised no update. Sufficient grit available in bins at present, Future review of potential new grit spreader discussed.
- Memorial bench
RC advised has arrived. New concrete base required-RC to organise
- Park container placement agreement.
DP circulated proposed new draft agreement with Ipplepen Cottage Garden Committee for review. All present agreed with content. Agreement to be circulated at next PC meeting for review and approval by main PC
RC advised Bowling Club fence repaired
DP raised earthing issue in park that needs to be completed before Coronation weekend celebrations.
DP discussed removal of play equipment before coronation celebrations
RC advised that grass cutting contract requires signing with Simon
- To note the date of the next meeting: Tuesday 11th April 2023.
There being no further business the meeting closed at: 19:34 hrs