TUESDAY 11th JUNE 2024
Cllr Roger Carnell (RC)-Chair
Cllr Dave Burnham (DB)
Cllr David Palethorpe (DP)
Cllr Bill Jerwood (BJ)
Cllr Jon Ranjit (JR)
The meeting opened at 19:05 hours
- The Chairman opened the Meeting and received apologies.
Apologies received from:
Cllr Stephen Latter (SL)
- To declare any interests arising at this meeting and to consider any dispensation requests relating to this meeting.
No interests were declared
- The Council will adjourn for the following items:
Public Question Time: A period of 10 minutes will be allowed for members of the public to ask questions or make comment regarding the work of the Council or other items that affect Ipplepen
- The Council convened to conduct the following business on the Agenda:
- Overflow carpark hay making for Flower Show.
- Simon Birbeck has been advised that he is permitted to cut area for haymaking prior to the Village Show
- Park inspection (Typhoon repair)
- Original inspection received was positive. The second inspection highlighted issues with thenTyphoon. RC has met with Chris from Outdoor Play. Some repairs agreed . Chains to be removed, refurbished and replaced after the Village Show
- Goal posts and net.
- All complete. Plug sockets past to Tom Hooker to cover goal post sockets during flower show.
- Clampitt Rd toilet update.
- Refurb works estimated to start late July.
- Toilets not flushing. Tony Brimble has provided info/advice on best solution to fix issue
- Toilet block needs to be available/remain open during period of Village Show
- Allotments – rubbish and plot numbers.
- Some plot numbers still to be fitted to wooden markers- Approx 3 remaining.
- DP to provide BJ with map of plots and numbers to enable plot number installation to be completed
- All original rubbish removed.
Allotment area was visited this evening and inspected by Councillors Palethorpe and Carnell and The Parish Clerk. Areas of concern were recorded and letters will be sent to some allotment holders requesting that their respective plots are tidied and brought up to the expected standards specified under the allotment terms and conditions of rental. Communal/public open space areas to be cut by Simon Birbeck-DP to liaise with Simon
- HUB entrance
- Resurfacing required. With Dennis Smith and Alistair Dewhirst
- Park toilet, loose planking.
- George Tribble to carryout refurb of cladding planks
- Solar panels
- DB obtaining quotations.
- AOB.
- Nothing raised/discussed
To note the date of the next meeting: Tuesday 09th July 2024 19:00 hours
Meeting closed – 19:25 hours