
Amenities Mins. July 2024

AmenitiesMinutes Uploaded on July 29, 2024



The Chairman will open the Meeting and receive apologies.

Apologies received from Cllrs Burnham, Latter and Jerwood

To declare any interests arising at this meeting and to consider any dispensation requests relating to this meeting.

There were no declarations of interest.

The Council will convene to conduct the following business:

  1. Overflow carpark hay making and grass cutting for Flower Show.

Action, In Hand. The Grounds Maintenance contractor

  1. Park inspection (Typhoon repair update)

The typhoon chains and seats will be reinstalled once completed. The Zip wire will be taken out of action for the duration of the Village Show. Action Cllr Palethorpe

  1. Park toilet, planking and seats

Replacement toilet seats have been replaced. The Recreation Toilet Block outer planking will be repaired/replaced during the autumn. Action Cllr Carnell

  1. Electric sockets on toilet block

External electrical sockets will be installed as agreed on behalf of the Carnival and Village Show committee. Action Cllr Palethorpe

  1. Park signage.

Replacement signage for the Recreation Ground (No Dogs) are required to replace existing ones. Action Cllr Carnell

  1. Goal posts and net.

In hand, nets will be fitted after the Village Show. Action Cllr Carnell Cllr Palethorpe

  1. Clampitt Rd toilet update.

Contractor will start work on the refurbishment in August Action Cllr Carnell

  1. Allotments – rubbish, plot numbers and grass clearance.

Rubbish has been cleared; further clearance will take place in the coming weeks. The area around the tree nursery and fruit trees is currently being cleared. Action Cllr Palethorpe

  1. Solar panels

The installation of solar panels on the Millenium Centre is under investigation. An electrical energy survey will be carried out to support a grant bid. Action Cllr Burnham, Cllr Carnell

  1. Maypole marshalling 20th July

Cllrs have volunteered to Marshall the Maypole Parade from the War Memorial to the Recreation Ground on Saturday 20th July starting from the War Memorial at 1345. A rolling roadblock will be implemented which will be for approximately 20 minutes. Action Cllr Palethorpe

  1. Village weed spraying.

Ground maintenance contractor has been informed that he may now use a spray which is environmentally friendly. The Council agreed the extra cost is justified on environmental grounds and supports the Council policy of protecting the environment

  1. AOB.
  2. To note the date of the next meeting: Tuesday 13th August 2024.