
Ash Dieback – 2-Way Signals – A381 Abbotskerswell

Abbotskerswell A381: 

The A381 will have 2-way signals in place for 300m adjacent to Conitor House, south of Denbury road and north of Firestone Lane.

The lane closure will be enforced 08:00 – 17:30 from Mon 29th Nov – Fri 03rd Dec 2021.

We will have manual control of the traffic signals and Our work site will be in sections each day moving on as the project goes forward to avoid any big build ups of traffic. We will be directional felling trees into the neighbouring field with agreement from the landowner. However, we will likely have to hold traffic at red/red signals at times for up to 15 mins when removing particularly large trees or those nearer the roadside edge.

Devon County Council commissioned an inspection of the trees in a falling distance of the A381 highway in September 2021. This inspection identified 66 mature and semi-mature trees along the highway that were either dead or in poor condition and require removal.

As you may be aware, many Ash trees across Devon have been infected with Ash Dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus). This infection is an invasive species and slowly kills Ash trees from crown to root. This is a highly destructive fungal disease with a devastating effect on the native ash trees across the United Kingdom, which causes the structural integrity of trees to be significantly reduced, posing a hazard to public safety.

We understand the frustration and inconvenience to the public in this case and are doing all we can to ensure this work can be done with the least disruption. The priority here must be the continued safety of the highway, which we are working tirelessly to maintain.